The Hearing Part 1

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Hey guys

Hope you liked the last chapter

I have uploaded one clip from the episode 'Everybody Loves Stuart' which includes the start of the hearing. Who enjoyed Eric's entry in this scene?


How will the hearing go?


It was finally the day of the hearing.

Simon had not been informed to ensure that he doesn't try to weasel his way out.


Topanga was ready to fight for her daughter.

They had decided to bring up the recorded confession at the last moment because Topanga wanted to see the extent to which Simon would go to try to save himself.

Topanga had already worked out the restraining orders and after the hearing, she would ensure that Simon was punished appropriately.


Topanga was sitting with Riley and Lucas at the table in the room where the hearing was scheduled.

The Dean arrives in the room and takes her seat at the head of the table.

A few minutes later Simon saunters into the room looking a bit confused when he sees his students and the Dean sitting in the room.

He takes a seat opposite Riley and Lucas at the table.

Simon says, "Good morning Dean. What is going on here?"

Dean replies, "Simon. I was hoping you would be able to explain this. You are a professor at this university and I expect you to act accordingly."

Simon looks confused and says, "Dean I'm not sure I understand what you are saying."

Dean sternly replies, "Mr. Simon Johnson, you have been accused of sexually harassing a female student and that too in her dorm room. What do you have to say about that?"

Simon says, "I'm sorry but I think there's been some kind of a misunderstanding here."

Topanga asks, "Are you denying the accusation?"

Simon replies, "As the Dean has just mentioned, I am a professor here at this university."

Topanga interrupts, "I am not asking about your job Mr. Johnson. Were you or were you not in the dorm room of your student Riley Matthews."

Simon replies, "I admit that I was in her room but it was to discuss her essay."

Topanga says, "That discussion could have taken place in your classroom. There was no need for you to enter a female student's dorm room, especially when she was there alone."

Simon replies, "I wanted to have the discussion as soon as possible so that I wouldn't forget about it later. I had asked Riley for permission before entering as well."

Topanga says, "You could have easily asked her to meet you in your classroom. I'm sorry but going to a student's room sounds highly inappropriate for a professor."

Simon replies, "I'm a lot different than the other professors here in terms of teaching methods. My students connect well with me and in fact, they love me as a teacher. Maya, wasn't it you who said that I was the best teacher you had ever had?"

Maya swallows hard and says, "Yeah I said that"

Simon asks, "Why do you think that is?"

Maya takes a deep breath and replies, "You treat us like we're your friends. Not many teachers do that so I guess we liked you because you were different."

Topanga interrupts, "This is irrelevant to the issue we are discussing here. Mr. Johnson may be a wonderful teacher but it does not imply that he is a good person."

She then turns to Simon and asks, "Do you honestly think it was appropriate for you to be in a young female student's dorm room?"

Simon replies, "I was simply going over her essay. I don't think I did anything wrong in trying to help my student."

Lucas tightens his grip on Riley's hand sensing her discomfort on hearing Simon's lie.

Topanga says, "If that is what you wish to believe then alright. There is one more issue that needs to be dealt with first. It has come to my attention through some sources that you have been snooping around to try and find out more about your other student, Lucas Friar. What do you have to say about that?"

Simon replies, "Lucas tends to stay silent in my class. As a teacher, I wanted to know why he refused to participate in the classroom discussions."

Topanga says, "You talked to Riley about it and she told you that Lucas had something personal going on. I know for a fact that Lucas is a private person which is also something Riley told you. After knowing this why would you decide to pull out his records and even go to the extent of talking to his best friend? Don't you think you were violating a student's privacy?"

Simon replies, "I went to such extreme measures because I wanted to help my student. During one of the class discussions, Lucas showed some promise as a debater so I felt like I should find a way to help him. I don't see anything wrong with this."

Topanga says, "If you had just pulled out his files or tried to talk to him directly it probably wouldn't have been a problem. Unfortunately, though you chose to follow Lucas to the administrative office where you discovered something extremely personal about Lucas. Would you like to tell us the truth about that or should I call someone from the office to confirm?"


Lucas was shocked on hearing how Simon had actually heard about his parents.

He couldn't believe the man had gone to such lengths just to dig up some dirt on him.

His train of thought is cut short when he feels Riley squeeze his hand in reassurance.


Simon replies, "Okay I'll admit that I followed Lucas to the office but that was the only way to find out what was going on. His records didn't show me anything I could use to help him out so I decided to use unconventional methods."

Topanga asks, "So you violated his privacy to find out more about him instead of just asking him?"

Simon replies, "You're twisting my words here. I was trying to find a way to help him and since he's a private person, I doubted he would tell me."

Topanga says, "Violating someone's privacy no matter how noble your intentions is still a violation. Not only that but you also manipulated his best friend Zay into telling you more personal things about Lucas. I don't care if you claim to be helping Lucas but this is a violation of privacy which is a pretty serious crime."

Dean adds, "I can't believe you looked at a student's files without taking any permission. We have some protocols you need to follow before you are allowed to look at a student's file."

Simon replies, "I apologise for that Dean"

The Dean shoots him an unimpressed look and announces, "Now let's back to the sexual harassment issue."


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