Happy Ending

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Hey guys

Hope you liked the last chapter

Extremely sorry for the late update but I was quite preoccupied with my college farewell, which was yesterday. 

I hope you guys like this chapter. Also, this is the last chapter of this book.

PS: The above clip is a hint for this chapter


So Simon finally got the punishment he deserves

What's next for the Lucas and Riley?


The gang spends the next day with Cory and Topanga at their house.

Everyone was sitting in the living room to give their friends some alone time with Auggie.

Auggie was sitting with Lucas and Riley at the bay window.

Auggie says, "I know that you guys will not tell me what exactly happened because you think I'm too young but I'm glad my sister had you Lucas."

Riley smiles while Lucas replies, "You know I'm always going to be there for Riley."

Lucas discreetly nods at Auggie so that Riley doesn't see.

Auggie says, "Well I'll give you guys some alone time. I'll be outside to make sure the others don't disturb you either."

Auggie salutes at his sister and her boyfriend before leaving the room.


Seeing her brother leave, Riley turns to Lucas and says, "That was really considerate of him"

Lucas replies, "He really is the best brother either of us could ask for."

He pauses for a moment before he continues, "I wanted to talk to you about something"

Riley turns around to face Lucas and asks, "What is it Lucas?"

Lucas replies, "I know I may have said this before but please don't interrupt me okay?"

Riley nods so Lucas continues, "You're very important to me Riley. If it wasn't for you, I don't think I could have survived the move to New York. Everything with my parents was stressful and you still stayed by my side the whole time and I couldn't be more grateful."

Lucas gets down on his knee making Riley gasp in surprise.

Lucas says, "I love you Riley Matthews with all my heart. You are the strongest and most selfless woman that I have ever met. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I'm hoping that you feel the same way."

Lucas takes a deep breath and opens the ring box and continues, "Riley Matthews?"

Riley interrupts, "Yes"

Lucas ignores the interruption and continues, "Would you..."

Riley interrupts again, "Absolutely"

Lucas continues, ".. do me the honour..."

Riley interrupts, "Any time at all"

Lucas continues, "...of becoming..."

Riley interrupts again, "Whatever you want"

Lucas continues, ".. Mrs..."

Riley interrupts the last time, "Do you not understand yes?"

Lucas concludes, "Lucas Friar?"

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