The Discussion

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Hi guys

Hope you all liked the last chapter.


Looks like Lucas is concerned for a good reason

How long will it take for the others to pick up one it?


As soon as the twenty minutes were up, Simon announces, "Time's up guys. Now let's hear what you guys have come up with together."

He starts by asking a few students from the first row. Simon then looks towards the students in the back but his eyes stop on reaching Riley.

He smiles to himself and says, "Now, how about umm... Riley."

Riley excitedly stands up and discreetly tries to pull Lucas up as well. Lucas can't help but smile to himself at Riley's excitement.

She then turns to face her classmates and says, "A good debater should be self-confident. He/She should be able to speak loudly and clearly. A good debater is also someone who can argue from both sides."

Lucas adds, "A good debater is also a good listener. He/She also should be able to respond well to the questions and counter questions. A good debater should also stay focused and control his/her emotions. A person can't really stay neutral because it's natural for people to favour one side over the other."

Simon looks impressed and replies, "Those are some really good points you've brought up, Lucas. You can't get emotional during a debate and you're right about people naturally favouring one side of the argument. Now Riley, you also made a very good point about being able to argue from both sides. Since people naturally favour one side because of their beliefs, arguing from the other side is actually quite difficult. I'm glad to hear you two bring up these excellent points. Well done Riley and Lucas."

Riley blushes at the compliment while Lucas keeps a neutral face. He only smiles when Riley looks at him looking extremely happy.


Lucas could see that the professor was now looking at Riley with admiration. He could clearly see that Simon was impressed by Riley's intellect which would not have been an issue under normal circumstances.

Lucas was now even more concerned about the trouble that Simon would inevitably cause for his friends and especially Riley.

His natural instinct was to try and protect his friends but he knew he couldn't possibly do that alone.

He knew he would need help but at the moment his friends were too oblivious to notice anything.


Simon continues the discussion getting different answers from all the students but none of them seem to stand out like Lucas and Riley.

He was genuinely surprised to hear Lucas' points because he didn't normally contribute to the class discussions which had led him to believe that the boy wasn't understanding things or he wasn't even interested.

He says, "It's clear that you guys are understanding things and that's a definite win in my book. Now unfortunately we've run out of time so we're gonna have to wrap this up. Now you guys go on to your next class. See you guys next time."

The students all start packing up their things.

He turns to look at Riley and asks, "Riley can you stay back after class?"

Riley looks surprised but she nods in response.

Lucas looks confused because he didn't understand what Simon would want to talk to Riley about.

Riley was a good student so she couldn't possibly be in trouble.

Lucas turns to Riley and says, "I'll be waiting for you outside okay."

Riley simply nods, knowing that Lucas had made up his mind and arguing with him would do no good.

Lucas kisses Riley's forehead before leaving the classroom.


Once everyone leaves Riley stands in front of Simon and asks, "Am I in trouble Simon?"

Simon shakes his head and replies, "No no nothing like that. I wanted to talk to you about your friend Lucas actually."

Riley looks confused and says, "No offense Simon but shouldn't you talk to him directly then? And Lucas is my boyfriend."

Simon replies, "I'm sorry I didn't know you two were dating. I thought you two were just really close friends or something. I would talk to Lucas but I don't really think either of us would be comfortable with that conversation."

He pauses for a moment before he continues, "I've noticed that he doesn't really participate in our discussions. I felt like he didn't understand the course at first or that he wasn't even interested."

Riley interrupts him and says, "That's not true. Lucas likes debates and trust me he is interested in the course. He was also on the debate team in school. Lucas may not look very smart to you but that's far from the truth. Lucas understands everything perfectly."

Simon replies, "You don't have to be defensive Riley. I know he understands everything after hearing the answer he gave today. It's just that he always seems so uninterested during the class discussions. Sometimes I just feel like he doesn't like me or something."

Riley shakes her head and says, "That's not the case Simon. I can't say much but Lucas is just going through some personal things right now. That's his thing. If something bothers him, he'll seem uninterested in things around him. Even when we're talking with our friends, Lucas stays silent. He is actually a very private person. He prefers to keep his problems to himself. He usually only opens up to me or my parents."

Simon looks curious and asks, "Why does he open up to your parents?"

Riley says, "You remember in your first lecture Lucas mentioned a history teacher? The one who influenced him deeply."

Simon nods remembering the introductory session so Riley continues, "That history teacher was my father. Lucas has the utmost respect for him and they've grown close over the years. Dad considers him like another son and Lucas loves him like a father. Mom even counts him when she's talking to anyone about her kids. I know about his problems and I love the fact that Lucas considers my parents like his own."

Riley takes a deep breath and adds, "Just don't give up on him. He may not be very vocal right now but trust me on the fact that he understands everything. He's quite perceptive as well. I promise that he won't let you down as a student."

Simon nods in response and says, "I suppose I should let you go now Riley."

Riley smiles and leaves the room to meet Lucas outside.


Simon could clearly see that Riley truly believed in Lucas.

He was taken back by the admiration she had for her boyfriend.

Whatever personal issues Lucas had, they were definitely pretty serious.

He had hoped to solve the Lucas issue by talking to Riley but that was clearly not happening.

He would have to be more patient in his attempt to get Riley alone in a room with him.


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