The Confrontation

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Hop you liked the last chapter

I have added a clip from the episode 'Everybody Loves Stuart' from 'Boy Meets World' where Topanga confronts Stuart to try and help Cory when a hearing is called because he hit Stuart 


How will the confrontation go?


Lucas made his way to the student union and he knew that Zay was following him rather cautiously.

Lucas couldn't blame him especially since the two friends hadn't exactly talked to each other since he had snapped at Zay.

Lucas knew that Zay had a big mouth and he couldn't help but feel guilty about the fact that he had scared his best friend.

He made a note to himself to talk to Zay later and apologize.

Right now he had a confession to get from the man who had hurt his sweet and innocent girlfriend.


Lucas had just entered the student union when his eyes met his target.

He smiled to himself and walked over to Simon.

Lucas says, "Hey Simon"

Simon looks surprised and replies, "Hello Lucas"

Lucas says, "Listen, have you got a minute? I wanted to talk to you about something."

Simon nods and replies, "Yeah sure"

With that the two of them walk out to the area outside the student union building.


Zay was concerned t hat Lucas might do something he might regret so he quickly goes outside.

He stays out of sight and takes out his phone to start recording as per the plan.

Zay says, "Hey guys, Zay here and we are about to check out a place for the next video. So now you guys take a look and let me know if you guys think this is the perfect location for my next dance video."

Zay starts recording the area while trying to get closer to the place where Lucas and Simon were talking.

He finally manages to get in hearing range while also remaining out of sight when he starts hearing what the conversation was about.


Lucas says, "So I wanted to talk to you about something important. It's about Riley."

Simon perks up on hearing the brunette's name and asks, "What exactly do you want to talk about?"

Lucas says, "So it's about the other day when you were in Riley's dorm. Why exactly were you there?"

Simon replies, "I wanted to go over her essay. I went through it again and found some more things I felt like I needed to discuss."

Lucas says, "You couldn't discuss that in the classroom the next day? I'm sorry but I find it a bit weird especially considering you are our professor and she was alone in the dorm room at the time."

Simon replies, "I thought I would forget about it later. You know what they say, 'Strike the iron while it's hot.' I also asked her if it was okay first."

Lucas says, "Listen Riley likes to see the good in people. She trusts everyone until they give her a reason not to. I didn't know exactly what had happened but your visit left her feeling extremely uncomfortable."

Simon replies, "What do you mean? All we did was talk."

Lucas says, "She felt like you were hitting on her and I'm not trying to accuse you of anything but this sounds serious. I know Riley and she would never make something like this up."

Simon replies, "Well I was just showing her the truth."

Lucas looks confused and asks, "What?"

Simon calmly replies, "You said that Riley likes to see the best in people, right? Well I was just showing her that she could do better in the romance department. I mean why would a sweet innocent girl like her want to be with a thug like you."

Lucas looks offended and asks, "Excuse me? What makes you think I'm a thug?"

Simon replies, "I know about your 'temper issues' thanks to your buddy Zay. I even managed to take a look at your records and I must say getting expelled for fighting sounds very concerning."

Lucas says, "I know I don't deserve someone like Riley but she chooses to be with me. You need to learn your boundaries and respect that. You're our professor for God's sake."

Simon shrugs and replies, "Only for this semester. After that there's nothing stopping me from getting together with Riley. Except perhaps you."

Lucas asks, "Do you even hear yourself right now? Do you even know how deranged you sound?"

Simon smirks and replies, "At least I'm not delusional like you. We had a connection the other day and I'm sure Riley felt that too. I know Riley felt sparks when I was caressing her cheek that day."

Lucas narrows his eyes and says, "Riley felt violated because of your actions, you psychopath. You better stay away from MY girlfriend."

Simon smiles smugly and replies, "Or what? You'll hit me, a member of the faculty? You'll only manage to get yourself kicked out of college. I'm not gonna stop until I get Riley and there's nothing you can do about it."

With that Simon walks away while Lucas is taking deep breaths to calm himself.


Lucas knew that Simon would gloat about the incident but he hadn't expected this.

He thanked God for making him go to Riley's dorm at the right time.

Simon sounded like a complete psychopath and he was just glad that the plan had worked.

Simon would not hurt Riley again.


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