Secret Plans

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What will the gang do next?


Lucas and Riley sit on her bed unaware of the conversation taking place outside.

Riley turns to see Lucas and finds him thinking really hard about something.

Riley asks, "What's the matter Lucas?"

Lucas replies, "I'm thinking about what your dad said about there being no hard evidence."

Riley says, "He's right though. It'll be my word against his."

Lucas asks, "What if it wasn't? What if we got some proof?"

Riley looks confused and says, "What proof can we possibly get Lucas? There aren't any security cameras inside the dorm room. There are some in the corridor but that won't exactly help our case."

Lucas replies, "I was actually thinking about a confession from Simon."

Riley looks even more confused and says, "I'm lost now. How on earth will you get him to confess?"

Lucas smirks and replies, "If I try to confront him, he's bound to confess because he'll want to brag about the fact that he made a move on you to me. He's been looking at you weirdly since the first day and he also kinda glared at me once he came to know that we were dating. He won't miss out on an opportunity to brag."

Riley shakes her head and says, "No way Lucas. He'll make you mad with his bragging and I don't want you to end up doing something you'll regret. It's too risky and he'll probably also be expecting you to confront him."

Lucas looks thoughtful and asks, "Riley didn't you say that Simon said something about me being dependent on you?"

Riley nods so Lucas continues, "I'll admit that I am sort of dependent on you but how could he possibly know about that?"

Riley looks surprised and replies, "I never told him anything about our relationship. And if he knows this then what else does he know?"

Lucas and Riley try to think of how Simon could possibly know so much about their relationship.

On realising who the source is they both say, "Zay"


Lucas and Riley come out to the living room and give Zay a pointed look.

Zay looks uncomfortable under their stare.

Lucas sternly asks, "What did you tell him, Zay?"

Farkle looks confused and asks, "Tell who?"

Zay nervously replies, "Not much. Simon somehow had heard about your parents and wanted to know more. We ended up talking about your overprotectiveness as well."

Farkle asks, "How on earth did he hear about his parents?"

Riley replies, "When he talked to me about Lucas I mentioned that Lucas was closer to my parents. He sounded curious but I told him that Lucas was also a rather private person. He didn't say anything to me after that."

Smackle asks, "Wait, if Simon knows that Lucas is overprotective does he also know about Lucas having a bad temper?"

Lucas perks up and everyone looks at Zay.

Zay nervously says, "I might have mentioned the time when Lucas tore up the towel racks in the bakery when Riley was being bullied."

Lucas groans in response while the others look shocked.

Lucas turns to Zay angrily and says, "Why would you tell him that Zay? Why would you even talk to him about me? I don't like people talking about me behind my back. I don't care if he made you tell him about me. I like to keep things private and you know that. Damn it Zay why can't you ever just keep things to yourself?"

With that Lucas storms back into Riley's bedroom.

Zay looks apologetically at Riley.

Riley sighs and says, "I'm with Lucas on this one Zay. Simon is practically a stranger and you had no right to tell him anything about Lucas. For now just please leave him alone. You can apologise to him some other time. He's always overlooked your habit of blabbing things but I think he's finally reached his breaking point."

She takes a deep breath and continues, "Can we please talk about something else right now? I just want to forget about this for a moment."

Maya speaks up, "Zay has been looking for a new location for the next video. We both went to some places but nothing really stood out to us."

Riley looks thoughtfully and replies, "I think I might have a place in mind. Wait here."

With that Riley goes back into her room to talk to Lucas.


Lucas was sitting on Riley's bed trying to calm himself down.

He was trembling with rage all because Zay had to open his big mouth.

He heard the door open and close so he looked up to see who had come.

He was surprised to see Riley who came forward to sit next to him.

Riley asks, "About the confession, what exactly did you have in mind?"

Lucas looks surprised but replies, "I was planning to confront him around some public place. That way we could have some witnesses to help us later."

Riley says, "Knowing my parents they would have asked our friends to keep an eye on you. At least one of them is bound to be around you at all times especially if you happen to run into Simon."

Lucas nods and replies, "We just need to make sure that either Zay or Maya are the ones around when I do confront him. They will not interfere prematurely."

Riley says, "Zay is looking for a place to shoot so should I tell him about the area outside the student union? It looks beautiful in the evening when we take walks there."

Lucas replies, "That's actually a good idea. That also happens to be the place where I go to be alone but Farkle and Zay don't exactly know that."

Riley says, "So I'll tell Zay to check out that area for his next video and he'll hear your entire conversation. That way we have a witness for the confession."

Lucas smiles and replies, "I promise I'll keep my temper in check. I won't lose control."

Riley kisses him and says, "I know"

Riley goes back outside with Lucas and tells Zay about the area.

Zay seems happy about the suggestion and promises to go there once they go back to college.

Riley and Lucas share a secret smile knowing that their plan was now in motion.


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