A Lucas Story

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Hope you liked the last chapter


What all will Zay reveal to Simon?


The next day Simon finds Zay when he was scouting locations for his next video.

Simon asks, "How's the channel going, Zay?

Zay says, "It's going great actually. Thank you so much for the idea."

Simon smiles and replies, "I'm happy to hear that. If you aren't busy right now, I want to talk to you about something."

Zay says, "I can take a break right now. What did you want to talk about?"

Simon replies, "Well it's about your friend Lucas."

Zay asks, "What about him?"

Simon replies, "I sort of overheard something about him yesterday and you could say I'm a bit curious. I understand if you can't tell me because it sounded personal."

Zay says, "You can ask me anything about him. I know almost everything about him."

Simon replies, "You said that you two have been best friends since you lived in Texas. Shouldn't you know everything about him?"

Zay says, "Lucas was not the person he is today before he moved to New York. He's actually changed for the better since he's met Riley. Farkle and I are his best friends but Riley is his confidant. He's closer to Riley than either of us but we don't mind. Also Riley may know everything about him but she would never tell anyone unless Lucas says it's okay. There are things that Farkle and I might not know even though we three sort of live together. I don't always like it because I'm nosy but I also know how he is."

Simon says, "I suppose I can understand that. The thing I wanted to ask about was about his parents actually. I overheard that they disowned him or something."

Zay replies, "They may have disowned him but it was actually in a way Lucas' idea. According to what he told us they crossed a line in their last argument and he snapped. Lucas actually asked to have those papers sent to his parents. He practically asked them to disown him and it wasn't much of a surprise to him because he was expecting them to sign the papers almost immediately."

Simon looks surprised and replies, "That sounds terrible. I can't imagine having such a relationship with my parents."

Zay says, "I know. You wanna hear a great Lucas story?"

Simon replies, "Yeah sure"

Zay says, "Well back in Texas, Lucas had a bit of a temper and he was also extremely protective of his friends. I realized what a terrible combination this was when I got in trouble and called him for help. He beat up the other guy and ended up getting expelled. His parents made him move to New York after that and he started changing for the better. I didn't know about these changes until I came to New York a year later. He'd met Riley on his first day in the Big Apple and they became friends who had feelings for each other. Then there was a series of unfortunate events that I unintentionally caused and I don't like talking about it. Lucas and Riley finally got together when we were in the ninth grade. That was the first time Lucas admitted to any of us that his relationship with his parents was not very great. Lucas' parents hadn't been very happy with Lucas for getting expelled regardless of the reason behind it. They never really noticed how much Lucas had changed with Riley's influence. If I'm not mistaken their last few fights were about Lucas getting a teaching degree. He's been miserable for years but now I'm glad he got rid of them. He deserves some happiness after everything he's been through."

Simon replies, "That's quite the story. I don't understand how Lucas and Riley work as a couple. I mean from what you told me it doesn't sound like a very healthy relationship."

Zay chuckles and says, "I've stopped trying to figure them out. But on a serious note, it's not as simple as what I told you. Sure Riley helped Lucas control his temper better but Lucas also helped Riley get over her insecurities. Those two have a weird relationship but it works well for them. They both are very protective of each other. Lucas will never hesitate to protect us in any way he can but if it's Riley in trouble it's a completely different story."

Simon asks, "What do you mean?"

Zay says, "Well he's overprotective of Riley. One time when Riley was being bullied by someone in school, he sort of went crazy. Farkle had figured out that Riley was being bullied and because he knew about Lucas' temper, he decided to take some protective measures before telling him. So, Farkle tied Lucas up to the towel racks in Riley's mother's bakery using some spare towels. After he told Lucas everything, Lucas looked quite calm which honestly was pretty terrifying. Suddenly, Lucas ripped off the towel racks and walked out of Topanga's to find Riley. His calm expression even when he was royally pissed gave me nightmares later."

Simon looks shocked and replies, "That sounds scary. Has he ever lost his temper like this again?"

Zay says, "Not really. One time he caught a girl hurting Riley so Lucas sort of exploded on her and since then everyone knew better than to piss him off. If he found anyone giving Riley a hard time, he would just scare them off with a warning. Riley then decided to start a campaign to stop bullying and Lucas constantly supported her through it. That's how they practically stopped the bullying in school."

Simon looks impressed and replies, "That's quite impressive. I'm glad I had this talk with you. I was worried about Lucas not being a good student so I had a talk with Riley about it last week. She promised that Lucas would never let me down as a student and told me that I shouldn't give up on him."

Zay smiles and says, "That sounds like Riley alright. She's always been his biggest cheerleader. He rode a bull once even though he was absolutely terrified only because Riley told him that she believed in him. It's Riley's belief in him that has helped Lucas learn how to control his temper. It takes a lot of effort now to just piss him off."

Simon talks to Zay some more before taking his leave.

Zay also goes back to scouting locations for his next video.


Simon was glad that Zay trusted him so much that he told him everything about his usually private friend.

He now had an idea about the kind of person Lucas actually was.

He figured that he could take advantage of Lucas' temper to get rid of him.

With Lucas out of his way, he could easily make Riley his.


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