Farkle's Concerns

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Hey guys

Hope you liked the last part


So now the gang knows about what's been going on with Lucas and his parents

Wonder if anyone else was also worried about Lucas?


The long awaited weekend had finally arrived.

Everyone was excited for the long overdue celebration of the success of Zay's channel.

They were also happy to be out of the college after a long week of assignments and tests.

Everyone was exhausted and couldn't wait to start their weekend of relaxation.


They arrived at the Matthews home where they all had lunch and hung out together with Cory and Topanga.

Farkle asks Topanga to talk to him separately so they both go to her bedroom.

Topanga sits down on her bed and looks at Farkle while patting on the spot next to her.

Farkle takes a seat next to her and takes a deep breath.

Topanga looks at him concerned and asks, "What's wrong?"

Farkle replies, "Nothing's wrong per say"

On seeing Topanga's confused expressions he continuous, "I should probably explain"

Topanga says, "An explanation would be nice"

Farkle replies, "Well first I'll just say thank you for helping Lucas out. He's been troubled about this for almost a month now, I think."

Topanga looks confused and says, "How have you known for almost a month? Lucas said he didn't tell anyone before he talked to Riley a few days ago."

Farkle chuckles and replies, "Lucas told us the day after he told Riley. I just knew he was troubled because he was really silent during that time. Also he kinda talks in his sleep. I accidentally heard him one day when he fell asleep doing some assignment. It was quite late and all of us were tired but Lucas was determined to complete his work way before time. I woke up to get some water when I found him asleep on the desk. I was about to wake him up when he started mumbling something about his parents being wrong."

Topanga asks, "Did you tell him about this?"

Farkle shakes his head and replies, "No I didn't think I should bother him. I was waiting for him to tell me on his own accord. Also I seriously doubt he even knows that he talks in his sleep."

Topanga says, "We haven't ever heard him talk in his sleep. Riley also never mentioned anything so I doubt she knows which means that Lucas probably doesn't."

Farkle looks nervously at Topanga and asks, "Can I ask you about something else?"

Topanga replies, "Yeah sure. What else is on your mind?"

Farkle says, "Well the day Lucas told Riley about everything, I kinda heard him mumbling in his sleep again. He mentioned something about protecting Riley. You wouldn't happen to know something about this, would you?"

Topanga takes a deep breath and replies, "I do but I'm afraid I can't tell you right now. Lucas told me and Cory about it in confidence and I don't like to betray my children's trust. You'll have to talk to Lucas about it yourself but please ease him into it."

Farkle nods in agreement and says, "Yeah he probably won't appreciate learning about his sleep talking habit either. I think it usually only happens when he's extremely stressed about something. I'm glad that he talked to someone and I understand you not wanting to betray his trust. I'll try to be subtle when I do decide to bring it up. Hopefully this issue will be resolved before I need to confront him. I'll try to talk to Lucas about this so please don't say anything."

Topanga hums in agreement and asks, "Anything else Lucas might have said in his sleep that I should know about?"

Farkle thinks for a moment and replies, "Well there was one time that he mentioned something about proposing to Riley but I'm sure he's taken your permission because he was only worried about her saying 'No' to his proposal."

Topanga chuckles and says, "Yes he asked for permission from me and Cory. He looked a bit terrified to ask but he got to it eventually. Though I can't believe he's worried about Riley saying 'No' to him. Something is seriously wrong with that boy."

Farkle replies, "He's afraid of losing her. If I'm not wrong it's because of the way his parents have treated him. According to Zay, Lucas was a big Mama's boy back in Texas. They had some cheesy conversations as per Zay like, Mrs. Friar had promised to always love Lucas no matter what. Then the whole move to New York happened and suddenly that promise was forgotten. I think that's the root cause for his fear but I don't think there is much we can do about it."

Topanga looks impressed and says, "That was quite deep Farkle. How long have you been thinking about this?"

Farkle shrugs and replies, "Smackle and I have to take a Psychology class as per our curriculum. One of the assignments was to study someone close to us so I was studying Lucas while Smackle was studying Riley. I couldn't ask Lucas many questions without annoying him so I went to Zay instead. This is one of those rare times I'm grateful that Zay is such a blabbermouth. Especially on matters related to Lucas."

Topanga says, "Zay's mouth really does annoy Lucas to no end. He obviously won't admit it but if Zay hadn't learnt to control himself I think Lucas might have snapped."

Farkle chuckles and replies, "I have no problem believing that. Now I think we should get back to everyone."

Topanga nods in agreement and they both go out to join everyone.


Topanga had hoped that someone would notice something about the debate professor by now but Farkle being clueless dampened her spirits.

She hid her feelings so that Farkle wouldn't notice but she was getting more concerned about the children.

How long would it take for one of them to notice?

She really hoped the other kids would not realise too late.

For Riley's sake


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