The Truth Comes Out

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Hey guys

Hope you liked the last chapter

PS: I have added the clip from the episode 'Everybody Loves Stuart' from 'Boy Meets World' where Cory hits Stuart after confronting him about making a move on Topanga.


Will Riley finally tell everyone the truth about what had happened with Simon?


The gang all sit around Riley and look at her waiting for her to say something.

Riley's eyes looked lifeless but she wasn't crying anymore.

Suddenly Maya says, "Riley please say something."

Surprisingly, Riley replies, "Simon is not a good person"

Zay asks, "What did he do Riley?"

Riley then starts narrating everything that happened since they left for their dorms.

How she was waiting for Lucas to text her when Simon unexpectedly showed up at the door. She believed him when he said he wanted to talk about her essay.

She then proceeded to tell them how he started making her uncomfortable with his words and the unwanted touching.

How he kept saying that Lucas didn't deserve her and that she should be with him instead.

She told them how scared she was that he might do something worse.


Lucas knew that Simon had hurt Riley but on hearing everything that had happened he could feel his rage building.

The only thing stopping him from going to beat up Simon was Riley's hand on his arm.

He knew he had to stay calm for Riley's sake because Riley needed him right now.


The rest of the gang couldn't believe what Simon had done.

He was their favourite professor and he went on to hurt Riley in the worst way imaginable.

They all apologised to Lucas for being oblivious and fighting with him before he left with Riley the night before.

They told them how Simon was behaving in class that day which had made most of them suspicious.

They could never imagine a professor doing something like this to any student let alone someone like Riley.


Cory and Topanga were worried about Riley and also understandably angry because her friends hadn't noticed any signs before it was too late.

They looked at each other and decided to tell the kids about the incident with Stuart.

Topanga says, "Okay kids, we're telling you about an incident that happened back when we were in college with one of our professors. His name was Stuart and he was quite like how Simon has been with you kids. One day he showed up at my room and made a move on me. He left me feeling really uncomfortable and violated. We didn't lodge a complaint then thinking we wouldn't be able to do anything but we were wrong."

Lucas comments, "That explains why you both wanted me to keep an eye on things. You were worried something like this might happen."

Cory nods and adds, "I know that this will not be an easy path but we don't want you kids to repeat the same mistakes we made. I know it seems hopeless because the board is more likely to believe a professor over a student especially because you have no hard evidence but you have to lodge a complaint. Riley, we will fight against this and your mother will take care of everything legally."

Riley hides her face in Lucas' chest not liking the suggestion very much. She knew that this kind of an incident will bring too much attention to her which was something she most certainly did NOT want.

Lucas says, "I think Riley is tired from telling us everything so we'll go get some rest. We'll talk more about this later."

With that the young couple goes into Riley's bedroom.


Once they're gone Farkle turns to Topanga and asks, "That's not the complete story, is it? What happened after this?"

Cory sighs and replies, "I confronted Stuart and he admitted that he did make a move on Topanga and that he wouldn't stop."

Zay asks, "Then what did you guys do?"

Topanga replies, "Cory hit Stuart"

Farkle looks surprised and asks, "Hambone actually hit somebody?"

Cory sighs and says, "Yes I hit my teacher. It was wrong but at that moment I saw red and it just happened."

Smackle says, "I'm guessing there was some action taken after this"

Topanga replies, "There was a hearing with the Dean. Mr. Feeny was a teacher as well and he tried to help us in any way he could. Cory was suspended for a day and put on academic probation for the rest of the semester."

Maya says, "Well knowing Lucas, he'll probably deck Simon real good."

Zay adds, "It might be worse"

Smackle asks, "But if Lucas does anything like this he'll end up in a lot of trouble, won't he?

Farkle replies, "If Lucas reacts on instinct, he'll end up getting kicked out of college."

Topanga nods and says, "That's exactly what I'm worried about. You kids will keep an eye on him at all times. If you see him anywhere near Simon stay close and try to stop him if you think he's about to react aggressively or something."

The gang nods in agreement.


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