Setting Things Straight

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Hi guys

Hope you all liked the last chapter.


How will Riley react when she hears about what her mother was helping Lucas with?


Things were pretty normal with the gang for the next few days.

Lucas took out the time to go to the office where he found out everything he needed to get his school records changed.

He gave Topanga a list of the documents he would need and she promised to get him those documents when he came home for the weekend.

Lucas remembered the day he finally told Riley everything about his last argument with his parents.


Lucas invited Riley in his dorm room to talk. Farkle was the only one in the dorm so they could have some privacy. Zay was out scouting locations for his next video. Riley made her way to Lucas' bedroom, greeting Farkle on her way in.

Lucas had requested Farkle to not disturb them and to keep Zay away if he came back early.

Farkle agreed knowing that Lucas preferred some privacy which unfortunately was a foreign concept for Zay.

Zay and Maya were quite alike on such matters because at times even Riley liked to have some privacy which Maya didn't seem to understand.

Farkle could see the expression on his friend's face and he knew it was something serious that he needed to discuss with Riley.

He had noticed how silent Lucas had been for the past few weeks and knew something was bothering him. He also knew that Riley would be the first person Lucas would prefer to talk to.

Lucas nodded to Farkle once more before entering his room.


Lucas was nervous about telling Riley everything but he had to do it now.

Riley deserved to know what was bothering him especially because she had been worried about him.

He found Riley sitting on his bed so he took a seat facing her.

He took both her hands in his, earning yet another worried look from Riley.

Lucas takes a deep breath and says, "You remember a few weeks back I told you about the argument I had with my parents. The one that was worse than the previous ones."

Riley nods remembering the conversation so Lucas continues, "That argument was actually a lot worse than I made it sound like. We argued a lot and then they sort of said something bad and I snapped. I promise I didn't do anything but I said something that you might not like to hear."

Riley interrupts, "What did they say Lucas? What was so bad that you snapped?"

Lucas looks at her feet and replies, "They started off with 'You're wasting your time by getting a teaching degree' so nothing new there. Then they kinda started talking trash about you and were blaming you for my decisions. I don't care if they call me an idiot and all but they had no right to drag you into the argument. Their problems were with me, not you."

Riley says, "Okay I understand why you snapped. You're way too protective of me Lucas. Now tell me what you said when you snapped."

Lucas replies, "Riley, I'm protective because I care. You're very important to me."

Lucas pauses for a moment before he continues, "When I snapped I told them to disown me if they had problems with my life choices."

Riley gasps. Never did she imagine Lucas saying something like this to his parents. For years he had tried to mend his relationship with his parents even when they were being unreasonable.

'Guess this is what happens when someone reaches their breaking point' Riley thought.

She turns to look at Lucas and asks, "What happened then?"

Lucas replies, "I left the apartment after that and talked to Pappy Joe who said he'd help me financially so that I wouldn't be dependent on them. Then I didn't want them to think that I just said that in the heat of the moment so I sent them the papers. I've been trying to mend my relationship with them for years but I'm tired of being the only one trying. Your mother handled it all and she did a little something more too. She called today to tell me everything. Please don't be mad at her for not telling you. I wanted to be the one to tell you so I asked her and your father to not mention anything to you."

Riley says, "I'm not mad at any of you Lucas. I understand why my parents didn't tell me. I'll be honest with you but I'm glad you didn't tell me about this before."

Lucas looks confused and asks, "Why is that?"

Riley replies, "Because even after hearing that you've handled things I kind of want to go and try to talk some sense into those fools. They don't know what they're missing out on if they disown you."

Lucas smiles and Riley asks, "What did my mother tell you today?"

Lucas replies, "They signed the papers so I'm no longer their son. The extra thing that Topanga did on her own accord was to become my legal guardian with Cory."

Riley looks confused and asks, "Wait, they adopted you?"

Lucas replies laughing, "No that's not what she did. I actually asked her the same thing but I was more freaked out because I never want to be your brother again."

Lucas pauses before he continues, "Not that it's a bad thing to be your brother or anything but it kinda brings bad memories. Anyways, being my legal guardian implies that she's responsible for me legally. Nothing else."

Riley smiles and says, "That's great news. You deserve people who love you and will respect your decisions. I'm so happy for you."

Lucas smiles and replies, "I'm happy about this too. I just have to get the school records changed and then I'm good to go."

Riley tackles Lucas into a hug and Lucas falls back, surprised. They both start laughing before Riley pulls her boyfriend in for a kiss.

Lucas happily obliges and before they know it they're making out on the floor.

They both then sit down and discuss how to tell their friends about everything.


Lucas had told all his friends the following day.

His friends were all shocked and angry but had accepted his decision and were glad to see him happy.

Lucas was grateful for having such wonderful friends.

He couldn't wait for the weekend so that he could get the documents from Topanga and be done with his parents once and for all.


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