The Aftermath

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Hope you liked the last chapter

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Will Riley confess about what happened with Simon?


Lucas stayed in his place and held Riley until she cried herself to sleep.

He then adjusted his grip so that she could sleep more comfortably.

He had seen the look in Riley's eyes and somehow just knew that Simon had hurt her.

He wasn't sure about the details but he knew that the love of his life had been hurt beyond his comprehension.

His worst fears had come true because no one had noticed that Simon wasn't what he made himself out to be.

And now because of their obliviousness, Riley had been hurt.

He remembered telling Pappy Joe that he would call him back once he got Riley from her room but that would not be happening for some time now.

He shot his grandfather a quick message saying that something had happened and apologised saying that he would have to call him back some other time.

Pappy Joe replied back saying that he didn't mind waiting and instructing him that he should concentrate on taking care of Riley.

Lucas smiled at how his Pappy Joe just knew what was going on without him having to tell his Pappy much.

Riley started whimpering again so Lucas tried to calm her down by stroking her back and whispering reassuring things in her ear.

Riley calmed down almost immediately at Lucas' touch.

Suddenly Lucas' phone went off which woke Riley up.

Lucas looked at her apologetically and pulled her in for another hug.

Riley silently accepted the hug and placed her ear over his heart.

Lucas accepted the call when he saw that it was Farkle.

Lucas softly says, "Hey Farkle"

Farkle almost screams, "Don't hey me. I've been knocking at the door for almost twenty minutes and no one is answering."

Lucas calmly replies, "Farkle, no one is in the room, that's why no one is answering."

Farkle cuts him off and says, "You said you'd be here until Zay came back. Where are you right now? I really wanna keep my stuff before Smackle and I go to hang out."

Lucas replies, "Farkle something came up so I'm really sorry that I'm not there. I'm in Riley's room right now but please do me a favour and calm down before you come in. If you upset her with your behaviour, you'll be answering to me."

Farkle seems to understand and says, "I'll be right there. You better tell me what is going on though. Give me a few minutes."

Lucas hangs up and turns his attention back to Riley.

She looks more relaxed than before but she still wasn't saying anything.

Lucas was worried about her but he was giving her some space.

He would wait for her to come to him when she was ready.


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