The Evidence

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Hey guys

Hope you liked the last chapter


How will Lucas react when he hears about Farkle's plan?

Also how many of you want to punch Simon after his confession?


Zay had heard the entire confrontation and his jaw dropped when Simon confessed to making advances on Riley.

The man was definitely delusional if he thought that Riley would leave Lucas for him.


Zay stopped the recording after Simon left and walked towards Lucas.

He could clearly see that his best friend was trying to calm himself down.

Zay was still surprised that Lucas hadn't punched the smug smile on Simon's face.

Simon wasn't even targeting him and he had such a strong desire to punch the deranged psychopath.

Lucas was displaying an incredible amount of strength in the simple act of not punching someone who was practically asking for it.

Simon seemed to be trying to get a rise out of Lucas but Lucas never took the bait.

Now if this was Texas Lucas, Simon would have ended up with a black eye the moment he confessed to hitting on Riley.

However New York Lucas, the one who had been under Riley's influence, knew better than to give into the temptation.

Zay finally realised just how much Riley had helped his best friend.


Despite his inner turmoil, Zay cautiously called out, "Luke"

Lucas slowly turned around and acted like he was surprised to see Zay.

He says, "Umm... hi Zay. I didn't know you were here. What are you doing here?"

Zay replies, "Well I kinda saw you come out here with Simon so I decided to follow you. I was kinda worried you might deck him."

Lucas laughs nervously and says, "Yeah I don't blame ya. It was quite tempting but it wouldn't help Riley, so what's the point?"

Zay replies, "Yeah I know how tempting that was."

Lucas pretends to look confused so Zay continues, "I kinda heard the entire conversation right now. Honestly I was also tempted to punch him and he wasn't even attacking me. Kudos to you for not turning into Texas Lucas."

Lucas lets out a laugh and starts, "Listen Zay, about the other day-"

Zay shakes his head and says, "No dude. I'm sorry about telling Simon so much about you. I'll try to control myself next time. It's just that I'm so proud of the person you've transformed into since the move to New York that I can't help myself sometimes."

Lucas smiles and replies, "Thanks man. It means a lot to hear you say that."

The two friends stand in silence for a few moments.

Lucas says, "We should be heading back now. I don't want Riley to start worrying."

Zay smiles and they start walking towards their dorm rooms.


They enter their dorm to see Riley and Farkle working on some assignment together.

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