Weekend at Home

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Hey guys

Hope you liked the previous chapter where I've introduced you all to the super friendly college professor.

Let me know what you guys think of the story.


The gang was extremely happy when the weekend arrived.

They all packed quickly and were in their cars to head back to their homes.

They were first heading to Matthews home to hang out together first and then going to head back to their own homes.

The gang couldn't wait to talk to Cory about their entire week in college.

They were most excited to talk about their debate class.


Before leaving, Lucas had sent Cory a message asking to meet him separately for a personal matter.

He figured that he should try to talk to Cory about the new debate teacher when they're not around the rest of the gang.

He also had some things to discuss with Cory after his last conversation with his parents which had once again ended in an argument.

He didn't tell Riley about it mainly because the argument was in a way about her.

He also knew Riley well enough to know that she would do something he would definitely not like if she knew about the last argument.


They arrived at the Matthews home and picked up their bags before walking up the stairs.

They arrive at the apartment door and are greeted by Topanga who gives each kid a hug before letting them in.

Lucas is the last one to enter holding both his and Riley's weekend bag.

Topanga takes the bags off his hands before pulling him into a hug.

She softly says, "Cory and I will talk with you in our room after you kids have dinner. Cory has some grading to do so the others won't interrupt us."

Lucas simply nods before he walks further into the apartment.

Cory comes out to greet the gang along with Auggie.

The gang sits with Cory while Lucas decides to spend some time with Auggie.

Auggie may not be his brother by blood but Lucas loved him all the same.

If Lucas had learnt anything from the mess with his parents it was that just sharing the same bloodline doesn't make you family. Family accepts you for the person you are and still loves you the same.

Auggie tells him about school and his now official girlfriend Ava.

Lucas laughs when he hears that Auggie had officially started dating Ava much to Topanga's annoyance.

Auggie makes Lucas promise that they would play baseball soon since he wanted to try out for the school team.

Topanga was keeping an eye on her two boys while making dinner and she couldn't help but smile.

She knew that Lucas didn't have many good memories with his parents and was glad that she could help fix that. Lucas' most treasured memories included the Matthews in one way or another.


Topanga announces that dinner is ready so everyone sits down and starts eating their food.

They all talk about how their week in college had passed.

Lucas remains silent for most of the conversation only giving his inputs when asked.

Riley looks at him concerned and quietly whispers in his ear, "Is everything okay?"

Lucas simply smiles in response before he whispers back, "I've just got a few things on my mind. Nothing major."

Riley seems content with his answer and goes back to the conversation her friends were having with her father.

Lucas sighed in relief.

He was worried Riley might not believe him and he was definitely not ready to talk to her about the things on his mind yet.

He was mostly worried about how Cory and Topanga might react after hearing about his last argument with his parents.

Suddenly, Zay announces, "I've decided to upload videos of me dancing online."

Farkle asks, "Just out of curiosity, when did you come up with that idea?"

Riley adds, "It sounds like a great idea Zay but how do you plan on selecting the location to shoot? I know some nice places you can use if you would like some help."

Zay replies, "I met Simon in the student union building the other day and we started talking about our passions. He actually suggested the idea because it would be good for my future. Having a channel to showcase my talents will be a plus."

Turning to Riley he continues, "As for my location selection I thought I would record a small clip of the location first and ask my followers if they like it. I'll obviously need a good place to start so that I make a good first impression so I would love some help."

Smackle says, "That actually sounds like a good idea. You'll be connected to your followers like this. I don't think many people do something like this so you'll stand out."

Lucas smiles and says, "I'm proud of you Zay. I'm sure you'll be a big hit in no time."

The others nod in agreement with Lucas.

Zay smiles proudly and replies, "Thanks for the support guys. I'll get started on this tomorrow. Any suggestions for the first location?"

Riley suggests, "How about the bakery? We'll just have to move some of the furniture and it'll be great for your first video. Topanga's is a pretty hot spot among students nowadays so that'll help you too."

Topanga also agrees and they start planning what to do.

Everyone starts giving suggestions while they continue their dinner.


After dinner, Cory gets up and announces that he had a few papers to grade so he would go to finish those off so that they could spend the rest of the weekend with the kids.

The kids all leave to go back to their own homes and plan to meet at the bakery the next day to help Zay.

Topanga and Lucas follow Cory into the room that Cory and Topanga shared.

Riley sits down to play with Auggie. She knew something was bothering Lucas and even though he didn't tell her about it she was glad he was at least talking to her parents about it.

She knew that Lucas didn't have the best of relationships with his parents so she was more than happy to see Lucas accept help from her parents.

She knew her parents loved Lucas as if he were their own son and Lucas had slowly learnt to accept their help.

Lucas was stubborn but he eventually learnt to accept the help he was offered.

She truly hoped her parents could help him especially because she couldn't.


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