Lost and Found

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Hi guys

Hope you all liked the last chapter.


So Simon is not giving up anytime soon.

What does this mean for Lucas?


Lucas was patiently waiting outside the classroom for Riley.

He didn't understand why Simon wanted to talk to Riley but he was not leaving her alone with a man he didn't trust. He couldn't hear the conversation going on inside but he knew Riley would most probably tell him later.

He didn't need to know about the conversation but standing outside made sure that he was in hearing range if something happened.

He could help Riley if needed.


Suddenly he heard his phone ringing and he took it out to see who was calling.

He was surprised to see Topanga calling him in the afternoon on a weekday. He assumed it must be something important for her to call when she was at work so he picked up the phone immediately.

Lucas says, "Hey Topanga. How are things going?"

Topanga replies, "Hi Lucas. All's well here. I hope I'm not disturbing you."

Lucas says, "No no. Our last class for the day just got over so I'm completely free. Is everything okay?"

Topanga replies, "I was calling regarding the papers you sent to your parents."

She hears a sharp intake breath on the other end but ignores it and continues, "I hate to say this but you were right about your parents signing them. I just finished all the paperwork."

Lucas finds himself speechless. He had expected this but it still hurt that his parents hadn't even called him to ask about the papers he had sent.

Topanga gets worried and asks, "Lucas, are you still there?"

Lucas takes a deep breath to compose himself and replies, "Yeah I'm still here. So I've officially been disowned by them, huh. When did they actually sign the papers? I seriously doubt it took them a month to decide whether or not they wanted a son like me."

Topanga says, "The papers came back in just a few days. I was actually working on something else as well which took most of the time. I didn't want to tell you and get your hopes up in case it didn't get through so I thought I'd tell you everything at once after I was absolutely sure."

Lucas replies, "I'm not surprised that my father didn't wait very long. It hurts that they didn't even ask me about the papers. Anyways, what other thing were you working on?"

Topanga says, "I was working on making Cory and I your legal guardians."

The line goes silent for a moment before Lucas replies, "You want to adopt me? I refuse to become Riley's brother again. It was bad enough the first time around. Please don't do this to m-"

Topanga cuts him off and says, "No no. Lucas, you misunderstood me. We are not adopting you, don't worry. Cory and I are just your legal guardians meaning we're only going to be responsible for you legally."

Lucas replies, "Oh. That's okay I guess. You really scared me there for a moment."

Topanga chuckles and says, "It's alright. I can understand because many people get confused. Now I think you'll have to get the school records changed. So whenever you have time, go to the office and ask them about the procedure. If you need any documents let me know and I'll arrange them for you."

Lucas smiles and replies, "I'll go to the office soon and let you know what happens. Thank you so much Topanga. I really appreciate everything you and Cory have done for me over the years."

Topanga says, "Lucas I've said this before and I'll say it again. Cory and I consider you as one of our own. I would do whatever I can to help and protect my children. Now I'll let you get back to whatever plans you might have for the evening. See you soon."

Lucas replies, "See ya"

Lucas places his phone back in his pocket and turns to see Riley exiting the classroom.

He pulls her close and kisses her cheek before leading them to their dorm rooms.

He sees a thoughtful expression on Riley's face and asks, "Whatcha thinkin' 'bout?"

Riley smiles and replies, "Nothing much. I had an interesting conversation with Simon."

Lucas looks at her confused and says, "Define interesting"

Riley replies, "Simon was under the impression that you either weren't interested in debate class or were not understanding things."

Lucas looks surprised and asks, "Where would he even get an idea like that? And why did he talk to you about it instead of me?"

Riley replies, "You don't participate in class discussions so that's where he got that idea from. That's actually why he was so surprised by your answer today. I also told him that you really like debates. As for why he talked to me about this, it's because he also thought you didn't like him so it would not end well."

Lucas says, "I don't like people talking about me behind my back but I know you always mean well so I'll let it slide. Just don't tell him any of the personal stuff because I'd like to keep that to myself."

He pauses for a moment before he asks, "Was he really that surprised by my answer?"

Riley giggles and replies, "Yeah he was. How you didn't notice is beyond me because it was quite obvious. And I just told him that you've got personal problems which is why you are so silent. I told him that you are a great student but you're just having a tough time so as an educator he shouldn't give up on you."

Lucas smiled and pulled Riley closer to him.

It was his way of saying 'Thank you for still believing in me' and Riley understood him.


Lucas was extremely grateful for having found Riley when he did.

Moving to New York had led to many good things for him.

Lucas may be losing his parents, his birth family but he has gained so much more.

He had found his friends who had become family.

He found what the unconditional love of parents felt like because of Cory and Topanga.

He now knew what it was like to have loving and supportive parents.

He had gained all of this because of Riley. Riley had entered his life during a dark time like a beacon of light, of hope.

She had given him a chance and brightened up his entire life. He wouldn't be the man he was today if it wasn't for Riley's belief in him.

Riley always believed in him which gave him the confidence he needed to be a better person. He would still be a lost little boy today if it wasn't for her.

He had an inkling that the road ahead was going to be difficult for both of them.

Lucas would be damned if he didn't do his best to protect his Ray of Sunshine.


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