Storm is Brewing

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Hey guys

Happy New Year to all

Hope you liked the last chapter


What is Simon planning?


After class the four friends gather around the teacher's table.

Simon asks, "You guys don't have any classes after this, do you?"

The four students shook their heads saying 'No'

Simon then continues, "So first we'll start with Farkle and Isadora. You both sounded a bit too objective even in the conclusion. Your personal opinions were not very clear to me. You two are amazing debaters but I was disappointed because I asked for your opinions in the end which were missing."

Farkle and Smackle nod and make notes about their discussion.

Simon turns to Riley and says, "Now Riley, you sounded like you started favouring one side around the middle. You have to try to sound undecided until the conclusion. I understand that you will naturally favour one side but the ability to stay neutral till the end is what makes one a good debater."

Riley nods, understanding the point made by her teacher.

Simon then turns to Lucas and says, "Lastly Lucas, I was highly impressed with your paper. You managed to stay unbiased before wonderfully explaining your personal opinion. I just want you to work on making your explanations a bit more concise."

Lucas simply nods in acknowledgement.

Simon then dismisses them and starts packing up his papers.


Farkle and Smackle announced that they would be working on their Physics project.

They say bye to their friends and turn to go to the Library.

Lucas and Riley walk towards their dorm rooms together.

Once they reach in front of the girl's dorm Riley notices Lucas moving towards his dorm.

Riley looks confused and says, "Why are you going there? Maya and Zay have some class right now. We can spend some time together without any interruptions."

Lucas smiles and replies, "I know but I haven't talked to Pappy Joe for almost two weeks now. He doesn't know about my new legal guardians yet. I was planning to video call him but I'll join you after we're done talking."

Riley pouts and asks, "Can't I join you?"

Lucas replies, "I'd like to talk to him alone first but you can definitely join us later. He'll be asking for you anyways."

Riley laughs and says, "Okay then just send me a message when you want me to join."

Lucas nods agreeing with the plan.

He kisses her before they both enter their respective dorms.


Riley decided to read her course books to pass the time.

She had missed Pappy Joe and couldn't wait to talk to him.

She called him occasionally to simply catch up.

The last time she had seen the old man was during the summer before college.

She had convinced Lucas to plan a trip for them to visit Pappy Joe.

Her mother had helped her convince her ridiculously overprotective father to let them go.

The young couple had spent about two weeks at the Friar Ranch with Pappy Joe.

The old man taught her how to work on a ranch whenever Lucas was busy himself.

By the end of the first week Riley started enjoying the ranch life.

What she loved the most was watching the stars twinkle in the clear night sky.

She could see herself living on a ranch with Lucas in the future.

Sure Maya and her father might not like the idea but she knew Lucas and her mother would support her.


Riley was just daydreaming about her possible future in Texas when suddenly she heard someone knocking on her door.

She knew it wasn't Lucas because there were no messages on her phone.

She opened the door and was surprised to see Simon standing on the other side holding a paper in his hand.

Riley asks, "Hi Simon, what are you doing here?"

Simon replies, "I went through your paper again and found some more things I wanted to discuss with you. I didn't want to wait in case I forgot about it later. You aren't busy now, are you?"

Riley shakes her head and says, "Not at the moment, no. Come in so that we can talk about my essay."

She moves aside to let Simon enter and then they both sit down on the couch.

Simon says, "You're sure I'm not keeping you from something right? If you have any plans, please don't let me disrupt them."

Riley smiles and replies, "I don't have any major plans unless my friends come up with something. I was just gonna talk to Pappy Joe later."

Simon looks confused and asks, "Who is Pappy Joe?"

Riley replies, "Lucas' grandfather. He considers me like his own granddaughter so he insists that I also call him Pappy Joe. I haven't talked to him in sometime so I asked Lucas to call me when he's done talking to him. It'll take them some time so I've got some free time now."

Simon comments, "You both sound like you're quite close. Your parents consider him like their own son and his grandfather considers you like his own granddaughter."

Riley laughs and says, "Yeah, I guess. We're all so comfortable with each other that we don't even notice it now. My parents are his just like Pappy Joe is my grandfather."

Simon finds himself in a trance-like state watching Riley talk about her weird family relations which also include Lucas.

Once he realises that she has stopped talking he immediately snaps himself out of the trance.

Simon then asks, "Shall we begin discussing your essay?"

Riley nods and says, "Yeah sure"


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