Surviving College

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Hi guys

Hope you all liked the last chapter.


So Zay has finally started his own channel.


Zay Energy was an instant hit with all their friends and classmates. Everyone loved Zay's dance moves and would come up to talk to him between classes. Some of their teachers also complimented the channel.

Zay loved the attention and his followers also started increasing. People even loved the BTS video and the videos got many positive reviews.

Zay decided to shoot his next video in the quad. He went and shot a short video to ask what his followers thought of the location.

When he got some positive responses, Zay dragged Lucas with him to shoot his dance video.

Farkle then edited the video before Zay posted it online and it received more positive responses.

Zay was over the moon and started making plans for his next videos.


College life was proving to be more difficult than High School but the gang managed to persevere.

They had been in the semester for almost a month when they finally got the hang of things.

In their last debate class, Simon had told them that he wanted to discuss the assignment he had given them in the first lecture during their next class so the six friends prepared themselves for that.

They all shared their notes and discussed the assignment question among themselves.

What had surprised them the most was the fact that Maya had actually made her own notes for their debate class.

When questioned about it, Maya said, "I actually like the class okay."

Riley reached out and hugged her best friend and replied, "I'm proud of you Peaches."

Maya simply smiled and hugged her little plant back.


It was finally the day for their debate class discussion so the gang, except for Lucas, was quite excited.

Lucas had refrained from participating in the classroom discussions unless absolutely necessary.

He had been in touch with Topanga regarding the papers he had asked to send over to his parents.

Topanga told him that she was working on some legal matters related to his case and would call him when things would be finalized.


Riley had cornered Lucas one evening when they were alone and asked what was going on.

Lucas just told her that he had had yet another argument with his parents and that it was a bigger one than the ones he'd had in the past.

It was partially true and Lucas didn't want to tell her the complete truth yet.

Riley seemed to be content with the explanation and spent the rest of the evening comforting her boyfriend.

Lucas was grateful for having someone like Riley as his girlfriend.

Riley's actions and her constant concern simply affirmed Lucas about his decision.

He had no doubt in his mind about Riley being the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.


Lucas still had a bad feeling about their professor but since none of his friends had picked up on it, he kept those thoughts to himself.

He had been in touch with Cory and Topanga regarding his concerns on a weekly basis.

They both understood where Lucas was coming from which was a huge relief for him.

Even though he would rather have one of his friends be observant enough to understand things he was just glad to have someone in his corner.

He hoped that at least one of his friends would notice before it was too late.


It was finally time for their debate class and all the students, except for Lucas, couldn't wait for the class discussion.

The gang reached their classroom and took their seats. Lucas sat next to Riley making her smile.

The students waited for their professor to enter.

Simon enters the classroom a few minutes after the scheduled time and apologised for being late.

He then starts the discussion on the assignment he had given to the class.

Simon asks, "What according to you makes a good debater?"

Hands shoot up to answer the question and Simon adds, "I want you to talk to the person sitting next to you and give me a combined answer. I'll give you guys twenty minutes to discuss."

Riley excitedly turns to Lucas, making him chuckle.


Out of the corner of his eye Lucas sees Simon look at Riley with a strange expression.

Lucas could clearly see a mixture of lust and longing on the professor's face.

After admiring Riley for a few moments, Simon seemed to somewhat glare at Lucas.

The expressions on the professor's face confirmed all of Lucas' doubts.

He just knew that Simon Johnson was going to create trouble for his friends in the near future. Especially Riley.

Lucas set these thoughts aside and tried to actively participate in the discussion Riley was trying to have with him.

Thankfully Riley and Lucas had a similar idea of what the necessary qualities are for a good debater.


Simon was keeping time while also keeping an eye on his students.

He knew his unconventional methods had made him a favourite among the students.

He was happy to see that he had all the students wrapped around his finger. Well, all except for one: Lucas Friar

Since the first lecture he had taken, Simon had a feeling that Lucas didn't trust him.

The fact that Lucas was always around Riley didn't help matters because he found her extremely attractive.

Lucas Friar had slowly become the bane of his existence. He was determined to have his way with Riley but for that he would have to find a way to shake Lucas.

It was probably wrong of him as her teacher but he couldn't help it because after all 'The heart wants what the heart wants'

He would have to find a way to get Lucas to either trust him or at least leave Riley alone with him.


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