The Storm Hits

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Hey guys

Hope you liked the last chapter

So I have taken inspiration from the Boy Meets World episode 'Everybody Loves Stuart' to write the entire harassment scene 

PS: I have uploaded the scene for you to see in case you don't remember it



Simon then asks, "Shall we begin discussing your essay?"

Riley nods and says, "Yeah sure"


Simon starts, "So we already discussed that you favour one side in the argument in class, right?"

Riley nods so Simon continues, "I noticed later that you tried to go back to being objective again. In this attempt you sounded so vague that I didn't even understand what exactly you were talking about. Like look here in your paper. The line says 'It is possible to cross the line morally and yet not cross the line ethically.' This line specifically doesn't make much sense."

Riley replies, "The paper was about morality and ethics and I felt like there are some grey areas there so I decided to point those out."

Simon says, "I agree with you on that but you need to be more clear with your thoughts. Like let me be the devil's advocate here and let's say I'm sitting next to you here."

Simon moves closer to Riley which makes her slightly uncomfortable but she ignores the feeling.

Simon continues, "So right now I'm your teacher and I say that I find you very attractive but we're talking about your intellect here. So according to you, have I crossed the line ethically?"

Riley shakes her head and says, "No, I don't think so."

Simon says, "So now what if I'm your teacher and I say that I find you very attractive but we're no longer talking about your intellect here. So according to you have I crossed the line now?"

Riley looks confused and asks, "What are you talking about?"

Simon takes Riley's hand in his and replies, "Now I'm saying that I can't stop thinking about you. I'd like to see you outside of class."

He pauses for a moment making Riley even more uncomfortable.

Simon starts caressing her thigh and adds, "We're adults here, right? I'm saying that I'd like to get to know you better. I'd like to get to know you on a more personal level. I'm just your professor for this semester but after..."

Simon trails off and Riley says, "Simon, you're making me uncomfortable here so please just go. I want you to leave this room right now."

Suddenly Riley heard her phone ping softly and felt slightly relieved.

She knew if she didn't show up in a few minutes Lucas would come knocking and save her from Simon.

Simon starts stroking her cheek and replies, "That's not what you truly want. You deserve someone better than a boyfriend who's completely dependent on you. You deserve a man, someone much better."

Riley scoffs and says, "You don't even know him. Lucas is ten times the man you will ever be."

Simon smiles slyly and a shiver runs down Riley's spine.

Simon replies coyly, "You know that's not true. You know you're attracted to me but right now you're just confused. You just need to ditch that stupid boy you're stuck with and then you and I can be together."

Riley tries to push Simons away but he's too strong for her.

Simon adds, "You know when I first saw you in my class, I was spellbound. I knew that I had to get to know you. Riley you're unlike any girl I've ever met. You and I belong together. Riley, even your friends like me and that's a sign."

Riley feels tears prick her eyes but she refuses to cry in front of this crazy man.


Suddenly they hear someone knock on the door.

Simon instantly turns to the door while Riley sighs in relief.

They hear Lucas through the door and Simon scowls annoyed at the interruption.

He doesn't see any point in staying with Lucas right outside the door, clearly looking for his beloved Riley.

He moves away from Riley and she immediately runs to the door.

Riley opens the door to find Lucas standing there looking extremely worried.

Lucas hugs her tightly and says, "Thank God you're okay. I was worried when you didn't show up and didn't even reply to my messages."

Riley hugs her boyfriend back just as tightly, feeling safe in his arms.

Lucas is slightly shocked by her actions but he doesn't say anything.

They pull away after a few moments when he notices that someone else was also present in the room.

Lucas turns to see Simon getting up from the couch with some paper in his hand.

Simon looks at Lucas and says, "I'll be going now. Riley, we'll finish our discussion some other time."

With that he leaves the dorm room.


Lucas notices how Riley almost flinches when Simon walks by her to leave the room.

He sees how uncomfortable Riley looked the whole time Simon was in the room.

Realization dawns on him and he just knows that something bad has happened.

Riley seems to be in some sort of trance so Lucas simply guides her towards her bedroom.

He makes his girlfriend sit on her bed before sitting down right next to her and taking her in his arms.

Riley was still stunned by what had happened that she didn't even realise that she was in her room.

It was when Lucas wraps his arms around her that she finally snaps out of her trance-like state and breaks down crying. Lucas just held her the entire time.

He was angry because his girlfriend was hurt but he knew that Riley needed him to hold her so that was exactly what he was going to do


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