Part 20: Welcome To Hell

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The plane ride to Florida was simple.

Get in.

Sit down.

Shut up.


I had no problem sitting next to Cassian on the plane- though I wish we had something in common to talk about.

Something that wasn't Helen.

When we landed in Florida, it took us both a moment to figure out exactly where and which Marina we had to go to to find our boat.

But once we found it- we Ubered our way there- once more in silence.

Now maybe I should make the effort to connect with this pile of garbage...


Not even entertaining that idea.

Though I promised Helen I would try.

Standing on the floating dock, I watch Cassian talk to another Korean about something. I don entirely understand it, but based on minimal reactions and facial indicators- it was more or less just a friendly conversation.

"So, Santos is running behind. Ken though- he is his first mate and said that the course to Haiti should be smooth sailing. Looking at everything he said it should take us about two to three days depending on waves and tides." Cassian says as he picks his bag up off the dock beside me.

"So, when is the Captain coming?"

"Ah! You must be my Haiti trip." A tan man with a purple ball cap and black attire comes down the dock towards us and Ken passes Cassian and I go greet him. "Ken, boat ready?"

"Yes. Motor looks well and rudders have been readjusted from the last trip."

"Right. Good job. I am Santos Rodriguez and I will be your captain. Come with me so we can board and push off." Following the men down the dock, I bring up the rear and something inside me just

Have you ever had that pit in your stomach grow heavy and weigh you down before something bad happens?

Well that's what I'm feeling right now.

I don't know why.

I just do.

"You coming, Goodwin?" Pulling me from my aching stomach, I glance up at Cassian, who is already on a decent sized fishing boat- nothing large and fancy, but just big enough to give everyone space above and below deck.

"Yeah... yeah I'm coming." Climbing up the ramp, I step down onto the deck and Ken pulls the board back into the boat and waves his hand at someone on the dock just below us. They remove the ropes and Ken pulls them in as well.

"Okay- who's ready for launch?" Santos asks as he adjusts his cap and head to the cabin to start the boat up.

Cassian follows him and all I can do is walk to the stern of the ship and watch the dock and Florida slowly fade from view. The warm breeze blows across the water and hits my skin with the smell of sea salt. I've never been on a bot like this.

Only a ferry.

One time.

In a river.

Looking down at the ocean, the waves lap at the metal body of the blue and white vessel. The day only sound one can hear besides the roar of the motor and the brief chattering sod the other men- is the waves and wind.

Looking down at my phone, I look at the background photo of Helen and Luna I took before we left today. It feels like it's already been forever since I've seen them.

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