Part 51: The Time and Truth of It

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Two Years Ago:

No one knew it was going to be this bad.

No one could have even guessed.

Where was the government?

Where was the weather stations?

Where was the Law and Order?

By the time the snow had begun falling, we were all screwed. It fell down horrendously fast. Broke records for how high it could fall. People were trapped in their homes, at their works, in super markets.

We literally thought it could have been the end of the world.

I was unfortunately at work when it happened. When it all started and didn't stop. Now six feet of snow bury the first floor windows and doors. There is no in or out any more.

Just a wall of snow, no heat, no water, nothing: and the doctors that are here are supposed to continue doing their jobs as their fingers begin to catch frost bite.

The cellphones have no service.

The electricity in the entire city is gone.

This could very well be the end to our planet.

An ice age that we should have seen coming.

One we should've prepared for.

But we didn't.

There was no preparing for the events that would follow this entire horror show that the universe set before us.

"Max, we're dying here. We have literally nothing left we can do." Greene and a few other ED nurses say quietly to me as I continue to pump air into a patient. At this point between carpal tunnel and frozen fingers- I can't continue this. The ambu-bag is too stiff at this point- the air slowly freezing it.

"Look at this patient. They are dead and your still pumping them with air. Max—you have to stop." A nurse- Kelly- says to me with sorrow filling her voice.

"If we just stop- then we are not doctors or nurses doing their jobs. We are not instilling hope or trust to these patients. If they start dying- that's on us." I say heavily.

"Max- look around. There are five dead patients here. All frozen in their beds. This one too. Dead. They came in dead at this rate. I got word from the upper floors that they're losing their patients as well. Without monitors, proper respirators, any kind of functions gear needed to sustain life- we are done and dead."

"No, Greene. I don't believe that. We had a similar night in New York and..."

"For fuck sakes! Look around! This isn't New York! This isn't your precious Dam! This is London! This is Hell on Earth at the moment and nothing you may have done over there is comparable to now! These people don't care how enthusiastic you are at pumping oxygen into a dead woman! They aren't looking to suffer any more." He booms and I look around and he is right. The patients in this ED- the fifteen of them- are dying. The one I'm working on now, is in fact dead. Yet I've been pumping my energy into her for days now. "We have been here for a week already. Supplies are depleted. Energy nonexistent and death is everywhere. I suggest, you pick your self up and start thinking of ways to get home."

"We can still try..." I say and he gets up in my face.

"I am in charge here! Not you. I'm telling you a direct order and you will do it!" He screams in my face and then pulls back. Swallowing hard, I drop the ambu-bag and stand up from the seat beside the bed.

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