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expensive-looking and having a pleasant scent

"She was inevitably in love with him,
hurting herself since he didn't love her the same.
She wanted to disappear into thin air,
but she knew even if she did that,
he would forget her name.
And she didn't want to be forgotten."

—s y n o p s i s

—s y n o p s i s

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—h i m

Brick by brick Kaz Brekker will get his revenge.

Brick by a fucking brick he will stuff rocks down the stomach of a man that took away everything from Kaz. Everything that made the harsh seventeen-year-old seem like a human.

Everyone knew there was something wrong with the leader of the Dregs. Some called him a demon, a night-walker, others called him a bastard, a piece of crap, a boy who tried to be something he wasn't.

But he was. He was all those things and even more— he was a nightmare that will make you shake when you are alone and listen intensely if he is coming for you. Nevertheless, you will never know and you will end up with shattered bones or way better— dead.

Many people wanted to kill the Bastard of the Barrel, to take everything that he built. However, he always seemed to be a few steps further than everyone else. No one knew his past, how did he come here, his relatives— as if greed birthed him and evil raised him.

That pair made Kaz Brekker that once was Kaz Rietveld.

The Rietveld boy was a myth— non existent. A boy full of hopes of a better life, holding the hand of his brother who tried to protect him as best as he could. A boy who was surrounded by people that made him feel safe and loved.

LAVENDER AND VELVET | k. brekkerWhere stories live. Discover now