xxix - what do the dead miss the most?

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chapter twenty-nine,     what do the dead miss the most?

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chapter twenty-nine,     what do the dead miss the most?

     THE FAHEY SIBLINGS KNEW THEY WILL BE SCOLDED, but Colm did not even say a word when they appeared on the doorstep of his room in the hotel. If they wouldn't have looked like shit, maybe then they would've got a proper scolding and he would've put them both in his suitcase and brought them home.

     Their father was just sitting in one of the armchairs, looking the way the six of them were getting used to the luxury. They were going into the bathroom to wash up one by one and before Lavender could get into the bathroom, as she was the last one, the others barged into the room as well.

      They were right to assume that everything went to hell. At least all of them were alive. Inej was wounded, so Lavender guided Inej to the farthest corner of the room on a couch and began to clean her wounds as it seemed she had encountered someone.

      There were these certain feelings in the air—relief that all of them were alive and disappointment that they couldn't foresee the graveness of the situation. The whole city of Ketterdam was against them.

      Colm rang for some coffee and food, noticing that a whole bunch of teenagers in the room were malnourished and bloody. As soon as someone knocked on the door, everyone tensed up, but Colm took the matter into his own hands and got the tray with food in the room himself.

       "What happened?" Jesper finally asked.

       "Inej fell twenty stories," Nina replied, taking a waffle from the tray and sniffing it.

       "And I made a new acquaintance," Inej breathed out as Lavender was cleaning a clear knife wound on her side.

       "We fell through the ceiling," Wylan added.

       "Nina can raise the dead," Inej said out of the blue.

       It felt almost comical that everyone was saying what happened with such even tones. Seems like most of them were bruised from the falls, so Lavender told Aleksej to check Wylan for any bruises.

       "The theory was right," Kuwei nodded to himself. "A small dosage can change the powers."

       "I cannot raise the dead, they just get up. It's not like they are alive," Nina informed.

        That statement made the Shu boy get out his notebooks, and flip through the pages. It meant that he will be bombarding Nina with questions as soon as the possibility will be proper.

        "I think in this certain situation a zombie army would help us," Jesper shrugged. "More allies."

     "It's not a bad thing," Matthias agreed.

     "It is unnatural," Nina offered him a glare. "You said so yourself."

     "Or perhaps Djel extinguished one light and lit another," said Matthias.

LAVENDER AND VELVET | k. brekkerWhere stories live. Discover now