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chapter five,     the ambush

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chapter five, the ambush

OVER THE NIGHT and the next morning, the plan was slowly coming together even if it seemed like it will be impossible to achieve it. Kaz made sure to talk with every person individually about the plan, about what he expected them to do. And now it was Lavender's turn.

Kaz told her that he has found them a ship, everything was going under control. Her main task was to keep them alive and well.

"The more Matthias talks about the Ice Court— the deadlier it sounds," Lavender started as soon as Kaz finished talking as they both were in that small office-like room.

"That's why Jan Van Eck sends us to do it," he replied, leaning back on the table to sit down, holding the cane in his lap as he looked at the woman.

"What about Nina? I am sure they will have amplifiers and they will sense her out and lock her away," she pointed out.

"I have a plan for that, too. I know Jesper is a Grisha," he announced and her eyebrows quickly shot up, before she looked down, nodding.

"It doesn't make any sense— clearly Jan Van Eck doesn't have thirty million kruge to spear. Something doesn't add up," Lavender expressed her doubts.

"The council will get us the money, Van Eck is a mere pawn in this," he answered, tugging his gloves up.

"As if the council would support a criminal heist," Lavender blabbered as she didn't believe all of this.

"You haven't been in Ketterdam, Miss Fahey. People can buy anything with money and council wants to get Bo Yul-Bayur," Kaz simply replied, his eyes focused on her as being with her just like this brought him some weird calmness.

"I know about Ketterdam enough, Brekker," she mumbled, his thoughts roaming around: don't say that again, don't say my last name... "It's a suicide mission and you know that well."

"If you wish to not participate— you are free to go. You are not essential in the plan," Kaz bitterly replied, catching her stare that was slightly confused, but a little smile crept on her face.

"Once your life will be in danger, we will see about that," Lavender shrugged her shoulders slightly as she straighten her back.

"Is that a threat, Miss Fahey?" Kaz implied, his face a little bit amused.

"You remind me of someone," Lavender started, bringing some sort of panic in Kaz's chest, "I knew a person in my life that was driven by greed, but not in a bad way— he just needed to survive. However, humans are driven to greed instantly, then we lack common sense and everything gets ruined," Kaz knew about who she was talking about. "He was a good person, a caring one, but greed swallowed him."

LAVENDER AND VELVET | k. brekkerWhere stories live. Discover now