viii. - better days

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chapter eight,     better days

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chapter eight,     better days

FOUR DAYS HAS passed and Inej woke up from her slumber. It was way earlier than Lavender had expected.

That day, Lavender went belowdecks to check on Inej and instead she found the gorgeous Suli girl, laying awake, chatting with Nina that looked as if she cried in joy.

"Our sleeping beauty is awake, how are you feeling?" Lavender asked, placing her hand on Inej's forehead, noting that the fever has passed. Inej will get well.

"Sore, but better. Nina told me what you did," Inej started, turning her head to the red-haired woman and offering her a soft smile.

"I am a medik, Inej, I did what I could," Lavender replied and Inej grabbed her hand and softly squeezed it.

"Thank you," Inej whispered and Lavender smiled at her, squeezing her hand back.

"Finally you are awake, I am sure Nina told you that Jesper was completely different when you were healing," Lavender reminded and Inej softly smiled. "I can see how much he cares for you and I wanted to say thank you that you were there for him when he was in Ketterdam."

"Well, someone had to make sure that he won't do anything stupid— But Jesper being Jesper," Inej started.

"Exactly— Jesper being Jesper," Lavender agreed and turned around to dim the lanterns.

"Don't. I don't want to go to sleep right now," Inej exclaimed and Lavender just slightly dimmed the lanterns and sat beside Nina. "Just stay, both of you."

"Alright, since I am a horrible singer and I can't entertain you with my glorious voice— tell me about your Dregs tattoo?" Nina asked.

"There is a tattoo?" Lavender asked in surprise and Nina lifted the sleeve and showed her forearm and where the tattoo was. It was a detailed tattoo of a crow standing on the edge of a cup.

"What is with Kaz and crows?" Lavender asked as the melancholy overtook her. When they were children he knew nothing about crows, she was the one always annoying him with the information she knew about them.

"As if anyone could ask Kaz that," Nina pointed out and turned her attention to Inej.

"When I got out of the Menagerie, I got my peacock tattoo removed," Inej replied and Lavender's eyebrows raised. So that's why Inej was so afraid of the woman with peacock feathers— she belonged to the Menagerie. "Kaz said if I proved myself then I could join the Dregs. I did, but I didn't get the tattoo."

"Kaz could have told me that it's not mandatory," Nina mumbled, tracing the outer lines of her tattoo.

"Technically it isn't. But Kaz said it was my choice if I want to be marked again," Inej pointed out and Lavender nodded reassuringly.

LAVENDER AND VELVET | k. brekkerWhere stories live. Discover now