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"Youngjae hurry up, Jinyoung said they're waiting on us." Jaebeom called as the hybrid seemed to be taking his time in the shower.

It took the scientist planning a last-minute meet-up for the two to eventually drag themselves out of bed, and Jaebeom had to quite literally fight the hybrid off of him. It could've been the animalistic side of him, but Youngjae was quite possessive and seemed to hate being further than 5 feet from Jaebeom. Though he loved every bit of it, it was hard to deal with sometimes.

Jaebeom let out a sigh as the hybrid seemed to lack any sort of time awareness.

"Youngjae we're already late... we're going to the park you know? We can have more play time if you hurry out?"

"Coming!" The hybrid called as soon as the words 'park' and 'play' left Jaebeom mouth.

He rushed out of the bathroom, an eager smile on his face.

Jaebeom glanced down at the latter who had half a sock on and his shirt backwards. No wonder it took him time to get ready.

"Let me fix you up..." Jaebeom sighed, helping the latter adjust himself.

They eventually made it out of the hotel, catching a bus to their destination. Jaebeom had no idea where his car was at this point and using public transportation with Youngjae made him incredibly nervous, but the hybrid behaved himself and seemed more excited just to be on a bus than anything. It was honestly adorable.

They arrived at the park nearly 45 minutes later, the two spotting Jinyoung and Jackson sitting at some outdoor table. They greeted the pair from a distance, gesturing for them to approach. 

"You're hella late." Jinyoung sighed as Jaebeom and Youngjae sat across from him.

"I was planning on resting today but you always force me out to do something..." The elder grumbled.

"You two look much better rested though, I'm sure that bed was comfortable!" Jackson complimented.

Jaebeom chuckled dryly; he had no recollection of what the bed felt like since he'd passed out after his... activities the night before. "Yeah, sure, they were comfy..."

"Well listen." Jinyoung stated, getting down to the main reason why he called the elder out. "I kept an eye on your place and drove past it early this morning on the way to work, I think BamBam must've called off everything, they're clearing things out."

"So maybe tomorrow I can get back to my regular life?" Jaebeom asked eagerly.

"Yeah probably."

"So we can go home!?" Youngjae exclaimed loudly, startling the others. "To Jaebeommie's bed, right!?"

Jinyoung chuckled, nodding. "Yeah, to Jaebeommie's bed."

"That's good! I like going to different places and stuff, but I'm tired of hotels, they all look the same! And the bed we had last night kept creaking while Jaebeom and I-"

"Let's not go into details!" Jaebeom frantically interrupted before he could continue.

Jinyoung scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Do you really think I don't get what's going on between you and him?"

Jaebeom faltered, feeling himself flush as he glared at the younger. "F-Frankly it's not your business..."

"You're painfully single yet show up with random hickeys and stuff, come on I'm not slow..." Jinyoung mumbled, pausing as he grew cautious of Jackson who would probably rather not hear the details. He let out a sigh, leaning back in his chair. "...but you're right, I don't want to know about it."

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