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"Youngjae I said sorry."

The hybrid huffed with arms folded over his chest while watching Jaebum wipe down the kitchen island. "You were laughing the entire time..."

"Cuz you looked so cute!" The other whined with a grin plastered on his face.

Youngjae had held an attitude ever since Jaebum nearly died of laughter after he accidentally got flour powdered all over his face. For some reason, the hybrid thought carelessly grabbing the bag of flour wouldn't end up in a huge mess, obviously having thought wrong.

"I didn't feel cute." Youngjae retorted.

Jaebum looked over at him, unable to stop smiling despite being apologetic. "I'm sorry."

The hybrid sighed, still pouting as he shrugged his shoulders. "It's okay."

Jaebum looked over at Youngjae who luckily wore a tiny smile too. "Did you like your pizza?"

The taller male nodded. "It was good. We did a good job."

"Yeah, we did." Jaebum agreed as he looked down at the now partially cleaned island table that he'd probably finish taking care of in the morning when he had more energy.

"Hey Jaebum." Youngjae called as he leaned against the nearby wall, now watching Jaebum put away the left out ingredients on the counter. "Will everyday be fun like this?"

Jaebum paused, glancing over at the hybrid. Hearing that he had fun made his heart swell a bit. He tried to hide how much his smile widened. "Oh well... I'm trying to make it fun."

Youngjae hummed, his fingers mindlessly tapping on the panelled wall. "Is it okay if I stay with you forever?"

"Oh... um..." The question took Jaebum by surprise. He was sure Youngjae liked being in his place, as long as no restrictive cage was involved. Though he never imagined the hybrid enjoying it so much that he'd want to stick around forever. Jaebum didn't even know what 'forever' meant to Youngjae. And though he thoroughly enjoyed the hybrid's company; making such a promise when it'd only been a little while of living together would be way too irresponsible. "...it's a bit too early to tell. We have to see how things work out."

"I see..." Youngjae's golden eyes dimmed just a bit, though they still glimmered with silent sparks of hope. "...if it were up to you though, would you keep me here forever?"

Jaebum paused again, taking only a second to think up his answer. "If it were up to me, I'd do whatever makes you happy."

Youngjae's eyes lit aflame one again, a toothy grin spreading across his lips. "I'm happy with you. Happier than in the cage."

Jaebum matched the ecstatic expression, nodding in response. He still was reluctant to make any assured promises, but he had already promised Youngjae that he'd do his best for him, and that he intended to stick to.

Taking care of an adorable hybrid wasn't what Jaebum expected his job to turn into but, he wasn't complaining about the odd outcome.

"Hey, you should go wash your face. Got sauce all over it." He pointed out to change the subject.

Youngjae hummed, walking off with a seemingly happy gait. "Okay."

Jaebum felt his heart beating against his chest as he thought about Youngjae for the rest of the night, giggling to himself about their pizza mishaps and other silly moments he had with the hybrid. It was really nice having another living being occupy his time, he'd never noticed how lonely it was in his apartment all by himself until Youngjae came and filled that void.

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