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- A/N POV -


Jennie's phone rang while she was sleeping. She groaned and picked It up.

Jennie: Ah who is calling in this early morning?

Jennie OTP: Yeoboseo?

Lisa OTP: Yah! Are you still sleeping?

Jennie OTP: Yeah.. Why?

Lisa OTP: Did you seriously forget that we have a meeting today?

Jennie widened her eyes, remembering the meeting.

Jennie OTP: Ah shi- bye I will get ready now!

She got up and ran to her bathroom. She took a shower and got ready.

She wore this:

She didn't eat breakfast and left

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She didn't eat breakfast and left.
She arrived at her office just to be met by her angry boss.

Boss: Why are you late today miss Jennie?

Jennie: Sir.. I woke up late. Sorry.

Boss: I- just forget it now and let's go we have to go to the cafe nearby our client is waiting there.

They followed their boss and went to the cafe nearby. They entered and saw a man in all black sitting at the big table.

Boss: Good afternoon Mr Jung.

Hoseok : Oh good afternoon Mr Joon. What took you so long?

Boss: Nothing special, let's start shall we? This is Jennie and this is Jisoo. They both are our old and trusted workers. They also are the main editors of our company.

Jensoo: Hello.

Hoseok: Nice to meet you. I always wondered who edited all those novels to be that perfect other than the writer who wrote it. I guess I get to meet you now. Haha, hmm if I remember one of you writes as well right?

Jennie: Ah well that will be me I wrote a few novels only. I have stopped for now.

Hoseok: Why though? I guess you didn't see but your latest novel is trending in top 10 right now.

Jennie's jaw dropped.

Jennie: W-what?

Hoseok: Yeah sit down let me show you.

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