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A/N Pov‹
Everyone was watching a horror movie in the lounge while eating popcorn. All the couples were cuddling in a separate blanket.
(Taehyung, jimin, jin are sharing blankets with their girlfriends while Ryujin and Hoseok are in their own separate blanket)

Taehyung Pov‹
I was focused on watching the movie when I heard some soft snores. I looked at Jennie and she was sleeping on my chest. I smiled and looked over to Jin. Jisoo was also sleeping. Hyung looked at me and chuckled silently. He mouthed "let's take them in their room." I nodded. I carefully held Jennie's head in my hand and got up.
I picked her up in my arms and went upstairs to her room. I placed her on the bed and lay beside her pulling her closer. She suddenly moved closer to my chest. I pecked her forehead..
Taehyung: Good night baby.
I closed my eyes and drifted off to my dreamland as well.

Time skip‹ Morning
A/N Pov‹

Jennie opened her eyes as she just woke up. She felt an arm around her waist so she looked up and saw Taehyung sleeping looking handsome as always. She smiled and pecked his lips. He suddenly whined and pouted opening his eyes looking at Jennie.
Taehyung: Morning baby..
He said still pouting making Jennie chuckle.
Jennie: Morning.. Did I wake you up??
Taehyung: Hmm.
Jennie: Sowwy.
She said in a cute voice and Taehyung smiled.
Taehyung: It's okie. Did you sleep well??
Jennie: Hmm. Where are all the others?? Did they stay??
Taehyung: Yeah. Mom will come home tomorrow. She stayed at my aunts place.
Jennie: Okay.. I will freshen up first. Don't sleep again okay?? Be right back.
She bopped his nose and got up walking to the bathroom. She freshened up and came out wearing›

 She freshened up and came out wearing›

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(no bag)

When she came out Taehyung was sleeping again. She sighed and placed her hands on her back.
Jennie: Aish this big bear.
She suddenly thought of something and walked near Tae. She jumped over him earning a groan from him.
Taehyung: Ah jinjaaaaa.. You come here.
He flipped Jennie on the bed in a second catching her off guard. He started tickling her..
He stopped and looked at her in her eyes while smiling.
Taehyung: Want more??
Jennie: Aniyo≈
She said in a baby voice.
Taehyung: More..??
Jennie: Aniyoo≈
Taehyung: Why did you jump on me you big baby..
Jennie: Becauseeee you fell asleep againnnn.
Taehyung: That doesn't mean you gotta jump on me. Aish let it go *chuckle*
He got up and held Jennie's hand pulling her up as well.
Jennie: Now gooo .
She said pushing him to the bathroom. He went to the bathroom as Jennie sat on her bed and sighed.

She suddenly remembered she had a diary in her drawer... She opened her side drawer and took it out.. An envelope fell from it.
Jennie: Oh?? What's this??
She picked it up and opened it. It was.. The letter..
(in the prologue)
Jennie: Ahhh.. I really forgot about this.. Did I.. Get my reward?? *Chuckle* who knows.. Maybe I did.. If I think about my life afterwards this letter.. It's.. The happiest I have ever been. Thank you.. To whoever sent this letter to me. Gumawo... (Thank you)

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