‹ 11 › + ‹ 12 › + ‹ 13 ›

754 29 15

Triple chapter alert ⚠ >
' You can read in parts as well I mean Ofc no one is so free to read all 3 in one go '

Taehyung Pov‹

It's been 3 hours now and we are still awkward with each other. I mean who wouldn't after what we did... We just ate dinner and now I am in the room we are staying in. I lay down on one side of the pillows. I was trying to sleep but I just couldn't. After some time Jennie came too I opened my eyes a little and saw her looking at me. She then sighed and lay down as well. Her back was facing me so I opened my eyes. I was thinking about when I should tell her that I like her but suddenly I got interrupted by her mumbling something.
Jennie: no... No please no..
What's happening?? Is she having a nightmare??
I slowly shaked her but she didn't wake up.
Jennie: Don't g-go...
Taehyung: Jennie! Jennie! Wake up!
Jennie: NO..
She woke up and sat breathing heavily.
Taehyung: Yah are you ok!?
Jennie: H-huh? *breaths heavily*
Taehyung: Did you have a nightmare again??
She nodded and some tears appeared in her eyes.
Taehyung: y-yah why are you crying now??
Jennie: N-no one loves me *sobs*. Even j-jay left me.. W-was I not a g-good pers-son??
Taehyung: No you are a really nice and kind person Jen. He was not good enough for you. He didn't deserve a kind person like you anyway. I am sure he is regretting his decision right now. Please don't cry..
Jennie: R-really?? Th-then you w-won't leave me r-right??
Taehyung: No.. Ofc not... Why would I leave you..
She stopped sobbing and looked at me.
Jennie: Y-your not l-lying right??
I shook my head as a no.
Taehyung: Let's sleep now hmm? Here let me put these away.
I said and put the pillows on the ground.
Taehyung: Let's cuddle it's ok.
She looked at me and I know she is hesitating.
Taehyung: It's not like we didn't cuddle before?? Come on we are friends right? Trust me.
Jennie: O-ok.
I smiled as she lay down facing me. I lay down as well and hugged her by her waist pulling her closer. I placed her head on my chest with my hand.
I could actually feel her heartbeat which was Racing. Is it because of me??..
Taehyung: Good night..
Jennie: mmm.. Good night..
I smiled and closed my eyes. It was pretty cold before but to be honest her embrace makes me warm...
I heard her soft snores indicating she is asleep. I slowly drifted off to my dreamland too.

?? Pov‹
??: I wonder what she is doing right now. Is she happy in her life without us??
??: Maybe or maybe not. She loved us a lot. We had our reasons to fake our *****.
??: Yes.. But I think it's time.. To go back. It's already too late. She is our ******** and we couldn't take care of her. It's time to go back now.
??: Ok.. I booked some tickets for tomorrow. Be ready till 9 am.

End of ?? Pov ‹

(A/n: Dayum who is that now?? LMAO too much suspense huh? Don't worry the first ?? Is going to be revealed soon)

Next Morning ‹

A/n Pov‹
Isabella wakes up early so as always she woke up at 7 am. She was cooking breakfast for Taehyung And Jennie because she already ate hers. She decided to wake them up so she went to their room. She opened the door..
Isabella: Wake u- oh.
She stopped as she saw Taehyung and Jennie cuddling. She smiled and chuckled.
Isabella: Kids wake up Breakfast is Ready!!
Taehyung started to move a little. He opened his eyes.
Taehyung: What happened..
Isabella: Wake up breakfast is ready. Also wake up that lovely friend of yours.
She said pointing at Jennie.
Taehyung: alright coming.. Is your husband here??
Isabella: He will be here in half an hour. I am going now wake up ok?
Taehyung nodded as Isabella closed the door. He sighed and looked at Jennie who was sleeping peacefully in his embrace. He smiled and kissed her forehead.
Taehyung: Jennie-aa.. wake up it's morning already..
He said whispering in her ear.
Jennie: mmm.. It twickles don't dwo that..
She said pouting making Taehyung laugh.
Taehyung: But you need to wake up miss.
Jennie opened her eyes and looked in Taehyungs eyes directly. Her face started to heat up because of how close they were.
Jennie: I-i am a-awake..
Taehyung: Ok I will go to the bathroom to freshen up first hmm? I will be right back.
He said and let her go. He got up and went to take his clothes before going to the bathroom.
He came back wearing a skin colored sweater and black jeans. Jennie was sitting on the bed with a pout on her lips. Taehyung chuckled gaining her attention.
Taehyung: Why are you pouting?
Jennie: hmm? Ah my head hurts a little bit.
Taehyung: oh. I will ask mom for pain killers go freshen up first.
Jennie: Ok.
She said and got up running to the bathroom almost tripping.
Taehyung: Yah! Be careful.
He chuckled and went out of the room.
He went to the table and saw Isabella talking to a man.
Taehyung: Mom? Umm is that your husband?
Isabella: Ah yes Kid. Dan this is Taehyung he came to ask for help as his car stopped in the forest.
Dan: Oh hello kid. Nice to see a young man here at home haha. Don't mind me I like to joke around. Anyways where is your car?
Taehyung: No no its totally fine. It's in the woods in that direction. I thought the petrol ended but it seems to be some other problem.
Dan: Don't worry. Give me the car keys I will fix it and bring it here.
Taehyung gave the keys to him.
Dan: Eat breakfast till I fix your car. Bye hun I will be back in 30 minutes.
Isabella: ok bye.
Dan left.
Isabella: Ah so Tae is Jennie awake? Taehyung: hmm yeah she is taking a shower.
Isabella: Oh ok. But can you explain why you were cuddling with her?
She said in a teasing tone.
Taehyung: Don't overthink she had a nightmare so she couldn't sleep again.A doctor actually said that she will have nightmares so I tried to make her feel comfortable.
Isabella: ah but why does she have nightmares??
Taehyung: She has anxiety. It's curing but she will have nightmares for some time.
Isabella: Well that's sad.. Take good care of her hmm? And a secret.. I know you like her.
She whispered the last part and chuckled.
Taehyung: Wh-who said that??
Isabella: I did. Come on don't lie.
Taehyung: W-well.. Yes.. But she doesn't know.
Isabella: I know that she doesn't know. Actuallyyyy she likes you too. Now don't ask me why I know because she literally told me that you both accidentally kissed and she said she likes you.
Taehyung was shocked at her words.
Taehyung: Sh-she told you that?? Wha- ..what should I do to confess mom!?
Isabella: It's simple. First take her out but she shouldn't know that it's a date. She will enjoy in everland a lot so take her there. After that when it's her birthday plan a surprise for her and confess there. If her birthday is passed Already then just make a surprise for her. Does that sound good?
Taehyung: Ofc!! Thank you so much mom!! I will make sure to visit you again. Also here is my number. You can call me whenever you want.
Isabella: Sure kid. Let's eat now... And here comes my princess.
She said as Jennie came out of the room..
So chapter 11 ends here. Well did you like the suspense?;) Don't worry it will get more interesting here. Anyways on to the next chapter!

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