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A/n Pov‹
Jennie came downstairs wearing this›

She looked at Taehyung who was laying on the couch with his eyes closed

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She looked at Taehyung who was laying on the couch with his eyes closed. She sighed and head towards the kitchen.
Jennie: So what did you guys make? Ryujin: Pancakes and chocolate milk. We wanted to have a sweet breakfast.
Jennie: Nice!! I love both. So how much is done??
Rosé: The milk is in the fridge while we are frying the pancakes now.
Jennie: Ah ok. That stove is empty so I will cook the soup there.
Jisoo: Soup??
Jennie: Yeah. For Taehyung.
She looked at them and smiled. They all looked at her as if they were questioning something.
Jennie: What?? Why are you looking at me like that??
Lisa: Can I ask a question unnie??
Jennie: Yeah what is it??
Lisa: Do you.. Like Taehyung??
Jennie stopped what she was doing. She thought for a moment before answering.
Jennie: Maybe..
Rosé: I- What!? I thought you would say no even if you like him!!
Jennie: It's not a bad thing to like someone right?? Why would I say no then??
Jisoo: Yah is that really the Jennie we know!? Just look at her!!
Jennie chuckled.
Jennie: Why are you freaking out??
Ryujin: Well.. Does he like you??
Jennie: I can't say anything. Something is unusual in the way he treats me. He was always so cold in office, Who knew he has a friendly side of him. That's what made me fall for him.
She turned back to them again just to see their shocked faces. She chuckled.
Jennie: I seriously don't know how I am saying this. It felt like there was something incomplete in me.. But his presence.. His presence filled that emptiness inside my heart. After mom dad died.. Yesterday was the first time I felt happy like before. But... I don't know if I should get attached to him.. Is he really the one for me??
Rosé: He is.. Not only you but he is affected by your presence Jen. It was like he didn't smile for 1 time since his mom and dad left for L.A. But.. He smiled again.. Because of you.
Jennie smiled at her.
Jennie: I didn't knew that. But I am thankful to be on his side. I don't think there is a point of leaving when we both need each other. But we don't know what our fate is. So we have to be careful. Not to get heart broken again... *sigh* well the soup is almost done. You guys should bring the pancakes to the table I will come with the soup.
Jisoo: Ok. But wait.. You guys slept in one room before right?? I mean...
Jennie: Yah keep your imagination to yourself nothing happened. Accept... N-nevermind.
Jisoo: What?? Accept what??
Jennie: I uh weaccidentlykissed.
She said and walked away with the soup in her hands. Meanwhile the others were shocked.
Lisa: Did she just say they kissed!?
Rosé: Accidentally!?
Jisoo: I refuse to believe that Taehyung doesn't like Jennie. I mean just look at them!! He wasn't even uncomfortable with her after that.
Ryujin: I think I need to do something now. The only way to know if Taehyung liked Jennie is by your boyfriends and my brother.
Rosé: Exactly. Well then I will talk to Jimin you guys do your work. Anyways let's go now they must be waiting.
They all went to the table with the food.
Ryujin: So here is breakfast.
They all sat down while Jennie was sitting near Taehyung on the couch.
Jisoo: Tae Jen come sit at the table.
Taehyung: hmm ok.
They both came and sat with us as well.
Jennie: Eat the soup first then have some pancakes.
Taehyung: it's bitter.
Jennie: If you want your fever to go away you gotta eat that. Now eat.
Tae Pouted making everyone laugh.
Jin: My brother is a literal baby. He won't eat till you feed him. When he gets sick he gets moody.
Jennie: Well then I guess I will feed you. Open your mouth.
Jennie bring the spoon near his face. He looked at her with a pout before opening his mouth. He made a grossed face after eating it.
Taehyung: Tastes like rotten apple.
Jennie: Yah.
Jennie fed him more and he ate it quietly. On the other hand everyone else was looking at them smiling.
Tae finished the soup.
Taehyung: Finally. Give me the pancake my mouth feels so bitter.
Jennie chuckled and gave him some pancakes and a glass of chocolate milk. He ate the pancakes.
Some time later everyone was done eating so Jennie collected the dishes and washed them. She came back to the lounge.
Jennie: Go take a rest in the room.
Taehyung: No≈
He whined like a kid making her smile.
Jennie: Why?? What does this big baby want to do then hmm??
She said sitting near him ruffling his hair.
Taehyung: I want to watch a movie with everyone.
Jennie: Hmm ok. Wait here I will call them... GUYSS!! DO YOU WANNA WATCH A MOVIE!?
Rosé: Yes for me and Jimin!!
Jisoo: Sure!!
Lisa: We all are coming wait!!
They replied and all of them came downstairs.
Jennie: Let's go. Actually you guys go Jisoo unnie and I will bring popcorn.
Ryujin: Ok.
Rosé: Let's go lazy boy.
Taehyung: I am not lazy you sloth!!
Rosé: Sloths are cute. Let's go now.
We all laughed at them. Jisoo unnie and I were in the kitchen making popcorn when my phone rang.
I picked up.
Jennie: Yeoboseyo??
??: How are you.. Nini..
Jennie froze. The voice.. The nickname.. That's.. Her mother..
Jennie: E-eomma!?
??: Ah you recognize me. I thought you wouldn't believe that it was me. How are you my Nini??
Jennie: E-eomma.. A-are you a-alive?? *sobs*
Jisoo looked at Jennie in shock as Jennie slid down the cabinets.
J.m: I am sorry Daughter.. I am sorry.. For faking our death.. We had our reasons.. Please forgive us..
J.m: Nini calm down.. We are in Seoul. We went to your apartment but got to know it was burnt and you shifted away. Where are you hmm??
Jennie: W-with j-jisoo *sniff* unnie..
J.m: Ok Ok. Can you give me your address??
Jennie: I-i can but..*sniff* I am o-on a vacation..
J.m: Oh really?? That's good. Don't worry we will wait till you come back. We miss you so much. Take care Nini I love you.
Jennie: O-ok T-take care. I love you too.
End of Call‹
‹As soon as the call ended Jennie looked at Jisoo with tears in her eyes.›
Jennie: THEY ARE ALIVE!! THEY FAKED THEIR DEATH!! *sobs* Why did they do that!? They made me cry for 2 fuvking years!! I hate them so much.. I.. hate them..
Jisoo: No Jen!! They must have their reasons!! They are your parents!! They would never ever want to make you cry.. Please.. Once we go back we will ask them hmm?? Get up everyone is waiting for us.
Jennie: They won't leave again right??
Jisoo: No.. They are here now. Let's go..
Jisoo unnie made me stand up and wiped my tears.
Jisoo: Please don't cry your unnie can't see you cry. I will cry too.
Jennie: No no I won't cry. Please don't cry I am sorry.
Jisoo: It's ok.
She hugged me and patted my back.
Jisoo: Let's go now.
I nodded and followed her with popcorn In my hand.

♡ ㅤ ✐ㅤ ⌲
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YOOOOOOO WOWWW. Why do you think they faked there death??? Comment your thoughts ;)
Bye <3 Anna

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