‹ 21 ›

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Jennie POV‹
I got ready in the dress he gave me. For some reason I feel really nervous.. What is he up to??

I went outside and saw the driver waiting for me

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I went outside and saw the driver waiting for me. I went to him as he opened the car door for me..
Jennie: Can you tell me where are we going??
Driver: Sorry man I am not allowed.
Jennie: Aish okay.
I sat in the car. He sat in as well and started driving.

Some time later he finally stopped in front of a beach.
Jennie: Are we here??
Driver: Yes. Mam please put this on and Sir will take you somewhere.
He said handing me a blindfold.
I sigh without saying anything and put it on. A few minutes later the car door opened...
Taehyung: Looking beautiful.. Let's go.
Jennie: Tae?? Ya where are we going??
Taehyung: You will know. Let's go now give me your hand.
I gave him my hand. He pulled me out of the car and started walking still holding it. My grip tightened on his hand because I was scared I might fall.
Taehyung: Don't worry you won't fall.
Jennie: Aren't we here yet??
Taehyung: *chuckle* No wonder you hate surprises.
Jennie: I told you before.
Taehyung: Okay okay. We are here. Open your eyes in the count of 3 2 1...
I opened my blindfold.. Suddenly my heart skipped many beats after seeing the scene in front of me..
There was a very beautiful set up. Taehyung was standing in front of me with a wide smile.
Jennie: Wh-what is this??
Taehyung: Hmm..
He held my hands.
Taehyung: I.. Don't know how to start this. But.. I wanted to tell you this today.. Because I just can't miss a chance. Jennie.. I want to tell you how much you have made my life easier.. I never thought I would become like this again. Once my heart was broken.. No one could fix it. But you.. There is just something unique in you.. Your friendly behavior.. Personality.. You never failed to impress me. Everything about you makes me feel something I probably haven't felt in so many years.. Days and night you were on my mind without me knowing. I never felt so comfortable to share my past with someone like I did with you. I know we have been through a lot. I know YOU have been through a lot. So i want to make your life happier.. Just like you made mine. So what I am trying to say is.. I.. Like you.. No. I love you.. Would you be my girlfriend.. Jennie Kim??
My eyes filled with tears. I couldn't believe my ears. Is he really.. Saying this to me?? Am I dreaming?? No.. This is reality.
Jennie: I..
I didn't continue and smashed my lips on his. My hands around his neck as he slowly held my waist pulling me closer. It was a passionate yet soft kiss. He was Smiling in between the kiss.. So was I. I didn't want this moment to end..
We pulled away when we ran out of breath.. Foreheads attached.. Looking deeply into each others eyes.
Jennie: I love you too.. Thank you.. For making me feel alive again. Please don't break my heart.. I doubt I-i wouldn't be able to live if I go through that again.
He shook his head many times.
Taehyung: Of course not baby.. Why would I do that?? I promise I will stay with you.. Forever.
We both smiled at each other. I suddenly blushed and looked away.
Taehyung: Jenjen is shy ≈ *chuckle*
He teased me and hugged me.
Jennie: When did you plan all this??
Taehyung: Umm.. 1 week ago??
Jennie: Idiot.
Taehyung: whyy??
Jennie: You made me so nervous. I almost couldn't breathe.
He chuckled and stroked my hair.
Taehyung: Sorry. But I already knew what you were feeling.. So it gave me more confidence.
Jennie: Wh- how!?
Taehyung: Look at your wrist.
I looked at my wrist... The bracelet.. Jennie: This.. Jinjaaa why didn't I get signals of how you felt??
Taehyung: Because I turned the option off?? ≈
Jennie: You-
I hit his chest playfully.
Taehyung: Oww. That's Hurts baby.
Jennie: Serves you right. I am hungry.
Taehyung: *chuckle* Okay. But first..
He took out a black box from his pocket.
Taehyung: For you.
He smiled sweetly. I took the box from him and opened it.
Jennie: A Necklace?? It's so pretty!!
Taehyung: You like it??
Jennie: I love it. Thank you.
Taehyung: Shall I put it on you??
Jennie: Sure here.
I handed him the necklace and turned around. I put my hair on one side as he puts the necklace on my neck.
Taehyung: There.
He backhugged me.
Taehyung: This is a sign that your mine okay??
Jennie: Hmm.. Let's go now.. I didn't even do breakfast.
Taehyung: Me too. Let's go to that restaurant. They have amazing food.
Jennie: Okay.
He pulled away and held my hand. We walked to the restaurant hand in hand.
While we were eating he kept saying silly pick up lines making me laugh.
Jennie: Hajimaa!! I am gonna die laughing. (stop)
Taehyung: Nope. We will die together.
Jennie: Okay then if I jump off a bridge would you jump too??
Taehyung: Of course. I can't imagine my life without you. I love you.
Jennie: I love you more.
Taehyung: At least call me baby.
Jennie: Umm No.
I teased him.
He pouted.
Jennie: Why are you pouting.. Baby??
He smiled widely making me laugh.
Jennie: Why are you such a baby. So cute.
Taehyung: Your more cute.. Are you done?? I want to take you somewhere.
Jennie: I am done. Now where are we going??
Taehyung: To hang out.
Jennie: But what about work??
Taehyung: You seriously care about work right now. Come on no work.
Jennie: Aish fineeee.
We both got up as he payed the bill. We came back to the car and sat in it. The driver wasn't there.
Jennie: Where is the driver??
Taehyung: He went home already. He is just a part timer not my official driver.
Jennie: Oh okay.
Taehyung: So let's go.
He smiled and started driving.
It's been 10 minutes he is still driving. Suddenly he put his hand on my thigh. I looked at him more like stared at him.
Taehyung: What?? You don't like that?? Okay then.
He was about to put his hand away when I placed it back on my thigh.
Jennie: Is it wrong to stare at my boyfriend??
He smiled.
Taehyung: My boyfriend..
He mumbled but I heard it. I smiled and place my hand on his.
Soon he stopped In front of an amusement park..
Jennie: Are we here!?
Taehyung: *chuckle* Yes baby we are here.
Jennie: OMG it's been so long since I came here.
Taehyung: Shall we go inside now??
I nodded excitedly. We got off the car and went inside. It feels so good being here after so long. But I hate roller coaster so he better not go there.

♡ ㅤ   ✐ㅤ      ⌲
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So how was it?? I hope it wasn't cringe. Anywayz double chapter for tomorrow  ;)
Bye<3 Anna

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