‹ 22 ›

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Jennie POV‹
We came inside the park and I am so excited.
Taehyung: Sooo where should we go first??
Jennie: I wanna go there!!
I clinged on his arm like a kid. He chuckled.
Taehyung: Let's go baby.
We went to the ride.

Time skip‹
It's been 1 hour and we are going on different rides. Now we were heading to the Ferris wheel.
We were almost there when suddenly a girl came to us...
??: OMG Tae!? It's been so long!!
I looked at Taehyung confused just to find him with a disgusted expression.
Taehyung: Yeah.. It's been so long.
He pulled me closer by my waist making me more Confused.
??: Ah oh who's that?? Hi I Am tae's Gir-
Taehyung: In your limits Mia. Ex-girlfriend.
Jennie: Tae.. Who is she??
Taehyung: No one babe. Just a mistake I made.
Mia: Wow. So your dating again.. I thought you still love me.
Taehyung: Really!? After you cheated on me really!? Just get out of our way and stop ruining our day!!
Mia: No!! It was a mistake Tae!! I regret it!! Can we please get back together??
Jennie: Tae calm down. Let's go home now.
Mia: Ta-
Jennie: Are you deaf!? Let's go baby.
I dragged him with me to the car. We sat in the car and he started driving. I don't know why but my blood is boiling right now. I looked over at Taehyung just to see his angry face. I sigh and held his hand.
Jennie: Calm down why are you so angry??
Taehyung: She makes my blood boil.She literally had the audacity to say those things after she cheated on me.. Most of all she ruined our mood and day.
Jennie: No our day isn't ruined. We had a lot of fun so forget it hmm?? Please??
Taehyung: *sigh* okay.
Jennie: Good.
The car became silent again. We finally reached home.
Jennie: Oh I forgot. Mrs.Kim is home right??
Taehyung: Oh yeah. BTW it's not Mrs.Kim it's Mom.
Jennie: Wha- wow you got full plans of marrying me.
Taehyung: Why?? You don't want to marry m-
I kissed him to shut him.
Jennie: Stop assuming things okay??
He smiled.
Taehyung: Okay sorry. Let's go inside now mom is waiting.
Jennie: Okay.
We went inside. When we went inside we saw Mrs.Kim sitting on the couch. She looked at us.
Mrs.Kim: Oh?? Is it what I think it is??
Taehyung: I guess so.
He looked at me and smiled. My cheeks turned red.
Mrs.Kim: OMG finally!! Come here my daughter!!
She came towards me opening her arms to hug me.
I chuckled and hugged her.
Taehyung: What about Me??
He pouted making his mom laugh.
Mrs.Kim: Come here.
He came and we group hugged. We broke the hug and Mrs.Kim kissed my forehead.
Mrs.Kim: From now on call me Mom okay??
Jennie: Okay!
Taehyung: I said the same in the ca-
I elbowed him.
Taehyung: Oww what was that for??
Jennie: Better shut your mouth.
I whispered in his ear.
Mrs.Kim: So did you both eat??
Jennie: Um actually no..
Mrs.Kim: Why??
Taehyung: That bitvh showed up out of nowhere.
Mrs.Kim: ...Mia!? What was she doing there!?
Taehyung: I don't know. Literally ruined our mood.
Jennie: Tae!! Please what did I say??
Taehyung: Aresseo aresseo.(OK OK)
Mrs.Kim: Let's not talk about her. So i will quickly make something and let's eat.
Jennie: Okay. I will just change into something comfortable.
Taehyung: Me too I will change.
Mrs.Kim: OK.
We went to our rooms and changed.

My pajamas›

My pajamas›

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We came and sat on the table

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We came and sat on the table. Taehyung sat beside me.
Jennie: You should sit next to your mom.
Taehyung: Who said that?? I will sit next to my girlfriend.
I blushed and looked away. He chuckled. His mom placed the food on the table and it looks so delicious.
Mrs.Kim: Start eating kids.
Tae&Jen: Thank youu ≈
We picked up our chopsticks and started eating.
Jennie: mmmm. Your kimchi is so good.
Taehyung: My mom is a great chef ≈
Mrs.Kim: *chuckle* Thank you thank you.
Taehyung: Oh. Jennie.. I think we forgot something... The village.
I looked at him and mentally face palmed myself.
Jennie: Oh shoot. What should we do now??
Mrs.Kim: What's going on??
Taehyung: Eomma there is this village we stayed at for 1 day. So a lady who's house we stayed at treated us like her own children. She asked us to spend some time with her before Christmas. We forgot..
Mrs.Kim: Oh?? Then how about we call them here to spend the Christmas?? Wouldn't that be better??
Taehyung and I looked at each other then at mom.
Jennie: That's a great idea!!
Taehyung: Yeah. But how will we call them here?? Their village is 2-3 hours away from Seoul.
Mrs.Kim: Hmm so how about you tell me the exact address. I will go there with driver and fetch her. Does that sound good??
Jennie: Okay but are you sure?? I mean.. Will you find the village easily??
Mrs.Kim: I am sure. Don't worry.
Taehyung: Okay then hoe about tomorrow?? Can you go there tomorrow?? I will call her and tell her that you are gonna fetch them.
Mrs.Kim: Call her first.
Taehyung: Okay.
He dialed her number and put it on speaker.
Isabella: Annyeonghasseyo Taehyungah!! How are you??
Taehyung: I am good mom. Umm mom we are really sorry we couldn't come to you. But I want to ask.. Is it okay if my mom fetch you and dad tomorrow?? We can spend Christmas in Seoul together.
Isabella: Aigoo it's okay Taehyungah. And don't do that actually we are here at Daego. One of my relatives have a wedding in there family. But don't worry we will keep in touch okay??
Taehyung: Ah it's okay. Take care. Enjoy the wedding okie?? Bye goodnight.
Isabella: Okay take care kiddo.
End of call ‹

Jennie: Well then that's solved.
Taehyung: Yeah haha.
Mrs.Kim: *chuckle* anyways.. Jen dear what about your parents?? Are you going to spend Christmas with them??
Jennie: Oh they are in Seoul though. We actually visited them before. I think I will spend it with them.
Mrs.Kim: Then I and Tae are gonna miss you. How about your parents come here for some time??
Jennie: *chuckle* I will ask them.
Taehyung: This Christmas is gonna be fun hehe.

♡ ㅤ ✐ㅤ ⌲
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Bad news: First exam on Wednesday :( but at least they won't take long. There is no gap in between. It's exam after exam. I will try my best to update. Also sorry for single chapter when I said double :( I promise I will update it tomorrow.
(600 reads!!!)
Bye <3 Anna

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