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Jennie's Pov‹
Taehyung: Look over there someone just arrived..
He said looking at the entrance.. I looked at the entrance just to get shocked..
Jennie: i-is that...
Taehyung back hugged me.
Taehyung: hmm that's right.. It's your friend.. Your childhood friend.
Jennie: How did you contact her!?
Taehyung: *chuckle* so you know I invited her hmm?? I have my ways baby. Won't you greet her??
He said letting go of me.
Jennie: D-does she remember me??
Taehyung: Of course she does. Now go already.
He slightly pushed me. I was about to run towards her but halted on my steps. I turned back smiling widely and smashed my lips on his. I quickly broke the kiss and said.
Jennie: Thank you so much.. I love you.
Taehyung: I love you too. It's my pleasure baby.
I smiled at him for the last time before walking towards her.

Jennie: Yuna!!
She turned around and quickly hugged me. Hugging her back my eyes got teary.
Yuna: Yah where were you all these years huh!? You said you would stay in contact and here you are standing in front of me after not even talking once in 7 years. I hate you so much.
Jennie: I am sorry. I am really sorry. Please forgive me cupcake.
Yuna: It's okay. At last you are my only bestie from childhood. And I finally found you.
She broke the hug.
Yuna: I missed you so much.
She started crying.
Jennie: Yah.. Stop crying.. You will ruin your make up. *chuckle* come on I controlled myself now control yourself too. Aigoo your still a baby.
I hugged her this time.
Yuna: I-i had such a hard time
wi-without you.. There was n-no one to comfort me.
Jennie: Aresseo aresseo. Stop crying or I won't talk to you.
She quickly broke the hug and wiped her tears.
Yuna: Aniyaaa.
I chuckled.
Jennie: Let's go to that table hmm?? Come on.
We went back to the table. If your wondering who is Yuna than let me explain. When I was in kindergarten Yuna and I met. We went to the same elementary, middle and high school. But before we could graduate her father told her she should study abroad. She wanted to deny but I told her not to. I promised her that I would talk to her everyday so she agreed. After she went abroad I lost contact with her as my phone broke. I lost her phone number. Now here we are after 7 years meeting again. In every ups and downs of life we would go to the river close to our school together. We would take everything out.. Every problem. Yuna and I were like sisters to each other. Although she is younger than me, we were in the same class because I went to school one year late than Yuna. And that's how our story started.

We came back at our table.
Rosé: Oh.. Who is this Jen??
Jennie: This is Yuna. My childhood friend. Jisoo unnie knows right??
Jisoo: Of course. How can I not when you talked about her day and night. It's nice to meet you Yuna.
Yuna: Me too. At they all your friends Nini??
Jennie: Ah yes. And.. That's Taehyung.. Did he already tell you who he is??
Yuna: Nah. He just said that he knows you.
Taehyung: Hehe.
Jennie: Awah Jinja. Let me make it clear. This is Kim Taehyung. The owner of Kim enterprises and.. My future husband.
I winked at him and he smirked.
Chaesoo: oooo ≈
Yuna: Wha- really!? Your getting married!?
Jennie: Not now but soon Yes.
Yuna: Awahh.. I guess I really am still a baby.
She pouted making me laugh.
Jennie: Aigoo don't worry. You will find your Mr.right as well. *chuckle*
Yuna: Aresseo. Oh and what Is this party for Taehyung oppa??
Taehyung: Oppa!? Yah I am only 2 years older than you or something.
Jennie: Just call him Taehyung. *chuckle*
Yuna: *chuckle* okay then. Taehyung-shi. What is this party for??
Taehyung: Y-you will know.
Jennie: What do you mean?? Isn't this a business party??
Taehyung: o-oh yeah yeah. I just w-wanted her to find out by herself.
Jennie: Tae.. Are you hiding something?? Your acting wired today.
Rosé: Totally agree.
Taehyung: What?? What would I hide from you baby?? It's nothing just don't worry. *awkward chuckle*
Jennie: Alright.. If you say so.
Taehyung: Umm I think it's time to start the party. I am the organizer so I will go now. Have fun.
He walked away to the stage. He got on the stage holding a mic.
Taehyung: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I think it's about the time we start our party. Most of you probably don't know what this party is about.
I got confused once again.
Taehyung: So let's make it clear. This isn't just a normal party or a.. Business party.
Taehyung: Today.. I am going to do something that is.. Probably going to change my life forever. This one moment will decide the rest of my life. So.. Before I actually say something let's see the last guests we have tonight...
The lights went towards the entrance.. Once again everyone was looking at the entrance including me... Suddenly 2 middle aged couples dressed elegantly came in.. Those couples were non other than.. His mom with a man who is probably his dad and my parents.. Once again I was shocked. I looked over to the stage and saw Taehyung smiling at me warmly melting my heart.

Our parents directly went to the table in front of us in the other side. I looked over to them and raised an eyebrow. Mom looked at me and just smiled.

Taehyung: So everyone these two couple's are non other than my parents and.. My girlfriend's parents. Now why are they here?? *chuckle*
The light dropped on me catching me off guard.
Taehyung: I think this is the day.. I tell you what I truly think about you.. Would you like to come in the center baby??
I shyly went in front of the stage.
Taehyung: Jennie-ah.. Do you know how much I love you.. I have probably said this a hundred times already but.. I want to tell you.. I really really love you from the bottom of my heart.. The day I saw you.. I knew you were different. You never tried to be free with me.. Always kinda scared. But when I gave you the post of my personal secretary... You finally started to open up to me. I guess you finally realized I am not as scary as you thought I was *chuckle* We slowly became best friends.. And just in a span of time.. I didn't knew when I fell for you. I guess that's how love is. You don't know how and when you fall in love with someone. We spent a lot of time together as friends.. But In that time we both realized our feelings for each other. Some time later I just couldn't take it anymore so I decided I would confess to you. And I did.. We both finally started dating.. It's been 3 months probably.. I know it's not too long but.. I guess my heart can't understand. So today...
He slowly came near me and gave me his hand. I gave him my hand. He took me on the stage.
He suddenly kneeled down making me shocked.
Taehyung: Today!! I, Kim Taehyung, the son of Kim jungwoo and Kim Hae-in.. Ask you, Jennie Kim..
He took out a black box and opened it.. It had a beautiful diamond ring inside.
Taehyung: Will you marry me??
By the time he said that I was already shedding tears of happiness. The crowd started cheering.
Everyone: Say yes!! Say yes!!
I took a glance at mother.. She smiled and nodded at me. I looked at Taehyung who was kneeling in front of me with eyes full of hope.
Jennie: I will.!!
I shouted. Everyone started clapping and cheering loudly. He smiled widely and put the ring on my finger. He got and smashed his lips on mine. I put my hands around his neck as he held my waist pulling me closer.
Everyone: Awww they are so cute!!
Rosé: *chuckle* now that's the Kim Taehyung I know.
Yuna: I can't believe I witnessed this with my own eyes. I am so happy I can attend her marriage.
Everyone's chitchatting could be heard as their table was close to the stage.
After a few minutes of kissing passionately we finally broke the kiss and attached our foreheads. He wiped my tears with his thumb. His eyes were sparkling with happiness and love.
Jennie: You seriously organized this party for this hmm?? It's not like I would've said no to you if you did this simply.
Taehyung: *chuckle* I know my baby wouldn't have done that no matter how I proposed her,so I made it like this. It will be memorable for all of us forever.
Jennie: *chuckle* I love you so much.
Taehyung: I love you too.

♡ ㅤ   ✐ㅤ      ⌲
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AWWWWWW. I AM LITERALLY IN LOVE WITH THIS CHAPTER HAHAHA. It's cute uwu. Next chapter is last hehe. BTW Yuna isn't from itzy don't misunderstand haha.
Bye <3 Anna

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