‹ 9 ›

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Taehyung Pov ‹
Noona left and now we are eating breakfast. I am done eating so I got up from the chair and bring my plates to the kitchen and washed them. Jennie came after me and washed her plates too.There was an awkward silence so I decided to break it.
Taehyung: So.. Should we hang out? I mean what can we do at home..
Jennie: s-sure but where are we going?
Taehyung: mmm I know. Let's go I will tell you later.
Jennie: Bu-
Taehyung: Don't you trust me?
She went quiet and nodded. I smiled and held her hand dragging her out of the kitchen.
Taehyung: I think I need a break from work as my head keeps aching from the stress at the company.So we are going on a drive. Pack your stuff we don't have much time.
Jennie: All of a sudden!?
Taehyung: Why? It's not a sudden. I thought of it before. Now go go go.
I said pushing her to her room as she lazily walked there. I chuckled at her behavior... I didn't realize when I became so close to her that I felt very comfortable with her company.
Smiling at my thoughts I went to my room as well and packed my stuff. I also packed food and other stuff like torches. I put all of it in the car and came back in. She came outside with a Backpack in her hands.
Jennie: Would this be enough mister Kim Taehyung?
I chuckled at the name she called me.
Taehyung: Yes Miss Jennie Kim.
Jennie: Tsk. Let's go I guess?
Taehyung: Let's go.Give me the bag I will put it in the car. Go sit in the front.
She nodded and sat in the front of the car. I placed our bags on the backseat.
I sat in the driving seat.
Taehyung: Alright so you have your sunglasses?
Jennie: Yeah why?
Taehyung: Nothing just making sure that nothing is missing. So let the ride began!
She chuckled as I laughed after what I said. The ride was full of laughters as we never stopped talking.
Jennie: Ahh it feels good to be on a vacation after so many days.
Taehyung: And you still wanted to work today.
Jennie: I didn't want to stay at home. That's why.
Taehyung: Alright then. The drive is pretty long you can sleep if you want.
Jennie: hmm no I am OK. I will chat with my friends.
Taehyung: They won't reply.
Jennie: what?
I looked at her and winked. Her eyes widened.
Jennie: Yah! Tell me!
Taehyung: Nope.
Jennie: Aish ahhh. Nevermind I will sleep.
I chuckled as she closed her eyes to sleep. To be honest I want to tell her that I love her.. But.. How do I do that? Should I do something at the farm? I don't know...

Time skip ‹

It's been almost 3 hour and I am still driving. I am tired but it takes a lot more time to get there. Suddenly the car started slowing down. I thought it was normal but then it stopped on its own.. The petrol.. Shit! Aish why didn't I check. We are literally in a forest!!
Jennie woke up...
Jennie: Why did you stop? Where are we??
Taehyung: Ahm ahh the p-petrol-
Taehyung: I am Sorry OK! I didn't check it before. There must be a nearby village somewhere let's ask for help there. But stay with me don't go anywhere else.
Jennie: Do you know where it can be?
Taehyung: Not really.. Actually yeah I remember I saw a village here last time. Let's walk there.. Grab your bag.
I said and grabbed the torches that I brought and wore my back pack.Jennie came with her bag.
Jennie: What are the Torches for?
Taehyung: In case it gets dark. Let's go.
She was following me but was very slow so I held her hand. She looked at me with a "what is that for" look.
Taehyung: Your way too slow. Walk faster.
She scoffed and we walked faster. Soon we saw a village that was a bit far from our car.
We both sighed of relief and went there. We walked in there only to see no one. Suddenly someone came from our back startling us.
??: Oh kids what are you doing here? We looked back and saw a women in her 40s.
Taehyung: Annyeonghasseyo. Ah ahjumma our car ran out of fuel while passing by here. Is there any way you could help us?
??: Yes yes I can help you. But it might take a day. My husband is a mechanic but he is out of town. He will be back tomorrow. BTW I am Isabella.
Taehyung: I am Taehyung and this is Jennie. Uhm can we stay here for the night until your husband comes back?
Isabella: Yes That's totally fine with me. But are you two dating?
Jennie's and my eyes widened and we looked at each other.
Jennie: a-aniyo.
Taehyung: n-no we are friends..
Isabella: Oh my mistake. But you two will look good as a couple in my opinion. Let that go. Come with me I will take you to my house.
Jennie: Thank you.
We followed her to her house and when we reached she opened the door for us.
Isabella: Ah also unfortunately there is only one extra room. Will you manage it?
Taehyung: uh Y-yeah.
Jennie looked at me with a questioning look. I gave her a sign to wait and she nodded.
Isabella: Alright so here is the room. It's small but Ofc this is a village so only small rooms are made. Anyways. You both can change I will make something for both of you.
Taehyung: Ok thank you.
She left.
Jennie: Now tell me will you sleep on the ground??
Taehyung: Who said that? We will sleep like this.
I said and places pillows in the middle of the bed.
Jennie: Seriously!? Ah whatever. Look away I need to change.
I turned around.
Jennie: Your not looking right?
Taehyung: Jinja do I look like a pervert??
Jennie: I mean kinda.
Taehyung: Fine then I can see you through the glass of this cupboard.
I smirked as I lied to prank her.
I laughed.
Taehyung: sorry haha.Are you done?
Jennie: Just a sec.. Done.
I turned around.
Jennie dress ›

Jennie dress ›

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(PS. Without the short part in front)

She was looking absolutely gorgeous in that dress..
Jennie: Yah. Yah Kim Taehyung Aish. TAEHYUNG!!
I came back to my senses.
Taehyung: Y-yeah yeah.
Jennie: Are you in your senses? I am going outside you can change now.
Taehyung: Ah Ok.
She went outside. I sighed and changed my clothes as well.
Taehyungs look »

I went outside and saw Jennie helping Isabella in setting the table

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I went outside and saw Jennie helping Isabella in setting the table.

♡ ㅤ ✐ㅤ ⌲
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So how was it? Hehe another thing this Tuesday I am uploading triple chapters! It's because I can't update on Monday Wednesday and Thursday cuz I have to attend a wedding.
Bye bye<3 Anna

Special thanks to » niniprettu for supporting this story and becoming my best friend :) ♥

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