‹ 19 ›

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A/n Pov‹
Jennie: We will leave now. Bye eomma bye appa!! I will come to meet you again.
J.m: You better come ok?? Take care both of you.
Taehyung: Take care you too bye bye!!
They both waved at Jennie's parents and sat in the car.
Taehyung: I will drop you home I have a meeting today.
Jennie: Oh OK. When will you be back??
Taehyung: At 7:00 or maybe I can be  a little late.
Jennie: Ok. Remember to eat lunch. Don't drink too much coffee I know how much you love coffee. It's not good okay??
Taehyung chuckled.
Taehyung: You sound like a protective mother rn. But Yes sir!! I will make sure to obey your order.
They both chuckled.
Taehyung: Jisoo and Rosé will be with me. Ryujin will stay with you so you don't feel bored.
Jennie: Hmm OK. But... Can't I go to work too??
Taehyung: Hmm Ok. But remember you won't leave my office as your my assistant.
Jennie: I know!! I just want to work. It's been days since you let me go there.
Taehyung: It's because you were sick Mrs.Jennie. Do you want to faint while working??
Jennie: Okay Okay!! Jinja why did I even become your assistant.
Taehyung: Do you regret that?? Even if you do it's no use :)
Jennie: *Scoff* As If I didn't know. Huhh just drive faster I need to change too.
Taehyung: Oh yeah you need to change. Hmm here we are so go and change quickly I Am waiting.
Jennie: Be right back in a few minutes.
She went out of the car and ran inside.

Few minutes later ‹

Jennie came wearing ‹

She quickly sat in the car while Taehyung was staring at her

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She quickly sat in the car while Taehyung was staring at her.
Jennie: Let's g- what?? What are you staring at.
Taehyung snapped back to reality and cleared his throat.
Taehyung: N-nothing. let's g-go.
Jennie raised an eyebrow. She shrugged it off and looked outside the window.

At office ‹
They both arrived at Kim enterprises and went straight to Taehyung's office. Taehyung started working on his laptop while Jennie sat on the couch checking his schedule.
Jennie: Oh you have two meetings. The first one is with Mr.He at 2 pm. The second one with Mr.Yang at 5 pm.
Taehyung: Mr.Yang?? Can you check where he is from??
Jennie: ...He is from China. His company is very successful and recently they released a bracelet. It's like a couple bracelet. It tells how the other person's feeling or even if one is in danger. Mr.Yang wanted to talk about the bracelet with you.
Taehyung: Wow. He is the most successful CEO in China!! I can't believe he wanted to have a meeting with me.
Jennie: Well sir your company is the most successful in Korea too.
Taehyung: Oh yeah. Anyways it's almost time for the meeting with Mr.He so let's go.
Jennie: Ok.
Taehyung went to the meeting room followed by Jennie. Everyone was already here waiting for Mr.He. They both sat down as well. Jennie was beside Taehyung.
Taehyung: When will he arrive Rosé??
Rosé: I called his just now. He said he is almost here.
Taehyung nodded. A few minutes later Mr.He arrived.
Mr.He: Good afternoon Mr.Kim. I am so sorry for being a little late.
Mr.Kim: It's alright. Have a seat.
They shook their hands and sat down. The meeting started and they talked about some business (A/n:forgive me I don't know anything :') )
Mr.He: So would you like this product Mr.Kim??
Taehyung: Hmm it's a nice product but not really according to what I wanted. Maybe next time Mr.He sorry.
Mr.He: Oh it's okay!! See you next time.
The meeting ended so Jennie and Taehyung came back to his office.
Taehyung: Can you make me a cup of coffee??
Jennie: *sigh* Okay.
She went to the kitchen. When she was making coffee suddenly..
??: Umm miss?? Can I know where Mr.Kim's office is??
She turned around and saw a middle aged women dressed in elegant clothes.
Jennie: O-oh yes. I am just going there you can come with me.
??: Thank you. Can I know your name?? I am Kim hae-in.
Jennie: I am Kim Jennie. Mr.Kim's new assistant.
Hae-in: Oh so you are Taehyung assistant. Let's go to his office we can talk while walking.
Jennie: Uh umm sure.
They both walked there.
Hae-in: You must wonder who I am right?? I am Taehyung Mother.
Jennie got shocked.
Jennie: Mrs.Kim?? Omg I am so sorry I didn't knew.
Hae-in: ah why are you saying sorry?? It's totally fine.
They both reached Taehyung office.
Jennie: Sir.. Someone came to meet you.
Taehyung: Who is i-  EOMMA!?
He got up and hugged his mom.
Mrs.Kim: Ah son I missed you so much.
Taehyung: When did you come!?
Mrs.Kim: Just 3 hours ago. And seriously you choosed a well mannered assistant. She is so kind.
Jennie: a-ah th-thank you so much.
She bowed.
Mrs.Kim: It's my pleasure dear.
Taehyung: I told you she is very suitable for this place.
Mrs.Kim: *chuckle* Yes yes. So i am staying with you in your house hmm??
Taehyung: Ofc Eomma. Ah can you make another coffee for Eomma??
Jennie: Sure.
Mrs.Kim: Ah wait dear. Tae I don't like coffee anymore. Orange juice will do.
Jennie: OK I will get that. Be right back.
She bowed and left.
Mrs.Kim: Hmm so it's not that you think she is really hard working. I mean she is hard working and kind. But you.. Tell me the truth do you like her??
Taehyung: Wh-what?? N-no I m-mean..
Mrs.Kim: You mean?? ≈
Taehyung: ah Eomma!! How can you tell so quickly like wow.
Mrs.Kim: *chuckle* Son I am your mom. I know everything. So when will you tell her??
Taehyung: I don't know yet. But I have a plan for tomorrow.
Mrs.Kim: Well then good luck.
Jennie came.
Jennie: Here is your juice mam.
Mrs.Kim: ah don't call me mam. Just call me Mom like this brat.
Taehyung: Eommaaa I am not a brat!!
Jennie: *chuckle* Okay Eomma.
Mrs.Kim: That's more like it. I always wished to have a daughter. So from today we are mother and daughter okay??
Jennie: Yes! *chuckle*
Mrs.Kim: Sit down dear.
Jennie sat down and they all talked about many topics from their introduction to Taehyung's childhood.
Jennie: Oh it's almost time for the next meeting.
Taehyung: Okay. Eomma you should go home now and rest okay?? This is my last meeting and we will be home after that.
Mrs.Kim: Okay son. Also your dad couldn't come now so he will come some days before Christmas. I will go home now take care.
Taehyung: Okay Take care.
She left.
Jennie: Let's go now we will be late sir.
Taehyung: Let's go.
They both went to the meeting. Taehyung bought the bracelet but he wanted to test it first.
Taehyung: I want to test this bracelet. I have no one to test this on so let's just use this on ourselves. One for you and other for me. Here.
Jennie: Oh. How will it be tested??
Taehyung: It's easy. When you are sick or feeling uncomfortable. The bracelet will give signals to me. When I feel uncomfortable you will get signals. And even if we are in danger.
Jennie: Oh okay. I will put it on.
They both put the bracelets on.


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