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Taehyung Pov‹
We reached home but Jennie is still sleeping.. Should I wake her up? Never mind i will pick her.
I went to her side and opened the car door.I carried her in bridal style. She is so light does she even eat? Aish.
I bring her inside as the maids opened the door. I went to her room and placed her on the bed. I covered her with the duvet.. She looks so Beautiful..
I sat down beside Her admiring her beautiful face.. Her pretty eyes.. Small nose.. Plum lips.. That probably taste so good.. I wonder when you will be mine Jennie Kim..
I smiled and kissed her forehead before leaving.
When I came outside Noona was smiling at me in a creepy way..
Taehyung: wh-what? Why are you looking at me like that?
Noona: My Boy right here is in love ayyy.
Taehyung: noonaaaa come on she doesn't even know yet.
Noona: Then when do you plan to tell her?
Taehyung: *sigh* I don't know.. I am afraid she doesn't like me back.
Noona: She probably does! How can you be so sure? Confess to her first.
Taehyung: And how am I supposed to do that?
Noona: So first of all give all the maids holidays for at least 2 weeks. Being alone can help too. I will be with my mom at her house anyways. Taehyung: And after that..
Noona: After that you can make a move you know what I am saying right? And if she shows the same moves as you. Then ask her If she likes you..
Taehyung: seems good.. Then alright. I will tell the maids first.. Thanks you Noona!
I said smiling at her. She is the only worker in my house that I show my soft side to.
I went to all the maids and told them about The holidays. They all thanked me and went to there room. After some time everyone left and only noona was left. Noona said she will leave tomorrow because it might seem suspicious to Jennie about everyone leaving all of a sudden.
I was sitting on the dinning table waiting for my dinner that Noona was cooking when Jennie came out.. She was pouting cutely and rubbing her left eye. I quietly chuckled at her cuteness.
Taehyung: Your up.
Jennie: Oh hmm yeah.
She said still pouting.
Taehyung: Why are you pouting like that?
Jennie: Huh? Ah nothing I was just feeling sweaty because the fever went down.
Taehyung: Ah I see. Feeling better?
Jennie: Hmm.... Did I sleep in the car?
Taehyung: Ah oh y-yeah. I took you inside.
She looked at me awkwardly.
Jennie: You sh-should have woke me up.. I am heavy right?
Taehyung: aniyo. You are light as a feather. Do you even eat?
Jennie: a-ah I d-do.
I smiled. Noona came with dinner in her hands.
Noona: ah your awake Jennie.
She said and put a hand on Jennie's forehead.
Noona: The fever seems to be fine. You will be ok by tomorrow. Take the meds on time OK?
She nodded smiling at Noona. Her smile made my heart flutter. How can someone be so pretty..
Noona: oh and Jennieah I am leaving tomorrow for some holidays. Take care OK?
Jennie: Ah ok. Enjoy your holidays. Also where are the other maids?
Taehyung: I-i gave them holidays too. They have been working too much lately so.. They needed a break.
I said not looking at her. Noona already left.
Jennie: oh.. Taehyung.. C-can I work tomorrow?
I looked at her with serious eyes.
Taehyung: No.
Jennie: Bu-
Taehyung: Jennie if I say no then no. The doctors said you need to rest for a week.
Jennie: I will be boreddd.
She said pouting.. Is this girl crazy? She will kill me seriously.
Taehyung: Still pouting I won't get into that innocent plan of yours.
She didn't stop pouting and started eating.
I chuckled quietly.. Kyeopta (cute)
We finished eating. It was already 8 pm so I decided to sleep.
Taehyung: let's sleep now.
Jennie: OK goodnight.
Taehyung: Good night.
I said and went to my room. I was sleepy so I slept pretty quickly.

Jennie Pov‹
I was in my room trying to sleep but I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing here and there but I just was sleepy at all. I decided to use my mobile.

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