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A/N Pov‹

Jennie and jisoo went home while Lisa went to the cafe near the building.

Jisoo: Our boss is so Handsome Jennie.

Jennie: Yeah.

Jisoo: I heard he has a brother. He visits the company sometimes. Must be as handsome as him.

Jennie: Hmm that's right. But let's focus on work for now. We don't wanna seem like some sluts.

Jisoo: Yeah right. Or we might be bullied by their so called fan girls.

Jennie: I know right. They must be popular not only for the company but their looks. Ah forget it.

Jennie suddenly felt like someone called her. But when she looked around there was no one except Jisoo.

Jisoo: You OK?

Jennie: Ah yeah. It's just.. I felt like someone called me. It's so weird I feel so many weird things these days Like being watched. And I even recieved some type of letter from an unknown person.

Jisoo: What? That's creepy.

Jennie: True but the letter is weird not creepy.

Jisoo: What does it say?

Jennie: Just that.. I should wait and be patient for my reward. That God is testing me and.. It's for my good only.

Jisoo: That's.. Strange. It seems like someone who knew what you have been through and wanted to comfort you.

Jennie: That's what is strange. I didn't talk about my life with anyone except you and Lisa. Even the letter came just a day before the fire.

Jisoo: Let's just leave it. Should we stay at home today or.. maybe hangout?

Jennie: Hmm let's go shopping I need clothes remember.

Jisoo: Ah yeah so lets go. I need some more clothes too. Also you are changing your style right?

Jennie: Well yeah. Your style is pretty.

They both chuckled and drove to the mall.

When they arrived jisoo took Jennie to the basic shop she always goes to. Jennie picked a good amount of dresses and paid for them.

Jisoo: Ah so what about other things? Shoes and stuff.

Jennie: Umm I will buy one pair of shoes and some accessories.

Jisoo: Ok let's go.

They both went to another shop and Jennie bought a pair of heel shoes and earrings,locket and two rings. Jisoo also bought some jewelry and they came home.

At home‹

Jisoo: Ah that was fun but I am tired now.

Jennie: Yeahh but at least I am stocked up for a while.

Jisoo: Yeah for sure. We will wear the same one tomorrow got it?

Jennie: Yes mam! *chuckles*

Jisoo: Aish this kid let's go rest now.

Jennie: Unnie.. I just remembered something.. Tomorrow is weekend.

Jisoo: Aish okay let's go.

Jisoo and Jennie went to take a shower and rested for a while. Jennie fell asleep. Jisoo was still awake on her phone.

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