‹ 17 ›

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Taehyung's Pov‹

Taehyung: Alright everyone got their stuff?? Are we ready to go??
Everyone: Yeah we are ready!!
Taehyung: Ok then.
I started driving. If your thinking what's going on then let me explain. We are going home today. Yesterday I fell asleep so I couldn't take Jennie to the mountains. But that's fine. I surely will bring her somewhere with a lot of mountains next time. Anyways I focused on the road. Jennie,Ryujin and Hoseok are in my car while Jisoo Jin hyung, Rosé,Jimin are in Jin hyungs car.
The journey was quite long so everyone slept as it's still early in the morning.

Time skip ‹ 3 hours later

We finally entered Seoul and now we are driving towards my house. Everyone is still asleep. Suddenly Jennie started moving and opened her eyes.
Jennie: Are we here??
Taehyung: In Seoul. On our way home.
Jennie: Hmm. I will call mom to tell her we are in Seoul.
Taehyung: Hmm ok. Should I drive you to the place they are staying at??
Jennie: Would that be okay with you??
Taehyung: Yeah why not?? We will drop these two and our stuff at home and drive there. Ask her the address.
Jennie: Ok.
She picked her phone and dialed a number. She put it to her ear. After a few rings she picked up.
Jennie: Uhm Mom I am in Seoul now. Can you tell me your address??
Jennie: Ok. Wait for me hmm?? Take care.
She cut the call.
Taehyung: What did she say??
Jennie: She texted me the address... For some reason I feel so nervous.
Taehyung: Don't worry. It must be because you are meeting them after so long. Try to stay calm everything is fine.
Jennie: ...Thank you..
I looked at her. She was looking down playing with her fingers when she looked at me and smiled.
Taehyung: For what??
Jennie: For everything you did for me... You have always been a great friend to me. I.. Always wanted to have someone.. To comfort me when I am feeling down. I guess you made that possible.
I smiled at her words. I wish I could tell you how I wanted to be with you forever.
Taehyung: It's my pleasure. I am glad I made you happy.. Even a little bit.
Jennie: It's not a little bit. It's a lot. I guess I never showed you the affect you had on me.
Taehyung: No that's not it. Maybe I never knew that your life was way darker before. I can't say that I know how you feel. But I can say I can relate just a little bit with your life. I lost my parents. Found them again.. Even though if they weren't my real ones. But they were just like my parents. Always caring,loving... Just like Eomma appa.
I was so busy talking that I didn't notice when a tear fell from my eye. When Jennie noticed she wiped my tear with her thumb looking straight in my eyes.
Jennie: Don't cry!! I didn't want to make you emotional.
Taehyung: You didn't I am just too sensitive when I think about them. Don't worry you never made me sad. Hmm anyways we are here. Wake these sleepy heads.
Jennie: *chuckles* ok. EVERYONE WE ARE HERE!!
Ryujin and Hoseok flinched making both of us laugh.
Ryujin: Yahhhh what the actual god damn fuvk!? We aren't deaf!!
Hosoek: Jinjaaaa these idiots.
Jennie: Language miss Ryujin. Anyways get off and take the stuff too we have somewhere to go.
Ryujin: Ok. Byeeeee.
They both got off and took the luggage from the trunk.
Jennie: Now shall we go??
Taehyung: Ok. Tell me the address.
Jennie: Here.
She showed me the map and I drove to the address. It took us only 15 minutes to arrive. We got off the car,It was a small house. Jennie knocked on the door 3 times. Few minutes later the door opened...
Jennie: Eommaaa!!
She started crying and quickly hugged her mom.
J.m: Jennieah.. My daughter how have you been?? I missed you so much love.
Jennie: Why did you do that?? You made me so sad!! I hate you!!
J.m: *chuckles* Really?? Then should I go back??
Jennie: Hajimaaa!! (ToT), (stop)
J.m: Ok ok sorry. Lets go inside hmm?? And who is this young man?? Your boyfriend??
My eyes widened.
Jennie: N-no!! I-i mean.. He is my f-friend and boss.
Taehyung: Annyoenghasseyo. I am Kim Taehyung.
J.m: Oh I see. Such a kind young man. Come on in.
She welcomed me inside. She really gives me my mom's vibe. The same kind and calm attitude.
We both went inside. Jennie went straight to her dad and hugged him tightly.
Jennie: Appaaa!! I missed you so much!!
J.d: Oh my daughter I missed you too. How are you hmm?? Is my daughter well??
He suddenly looked at me. I quickly bowed 90 degrees.
Taehyung: G-good afternoon.. I-i am Kim Taehyung.
J.d: Who is this young man??
Jennie: Before you attack him. He is my friend and I work in his office. Now stop glaring at him. He might run away haha.
J.m: Aish stop it already why are you scaring this young man?? Come on kiddo let's sit down.
I gulped.
J.d: Wahhh he is handsome and he got scared wow. He really impressed me.
I got shook.
Taehyung: P-pardon??
Jennie laughed.
Jennie: He is like that don't mind him. He isn't scary he just tested you.
Taehyung: Y-you should've told me before.. I almost ran away.
J.d: Haha sorry sorry. Come on sit down.
We all sat down in the lounge. Gotta say this house is clean and in very a very good shape.
J.d: So Taehyung. How long are you two friends for??
Taehyung: Oh um almost a month.
J.m: ah. Which company do you own kiddo??
Jennie: Kim enterprises hehe.
Her parents got shocked.
J.d: wow really!? Your so successful!! No wonder you have an awesome personality.
Taehyung: ah thank you so much.
Jennie: What about me?? Didn't I change at all??
J.m: Ofc you did.. You got more naughty.
Jennie: Eommmaaaaaa.
She whined and we all laughed.
Taehyung: Why?? Are you jealous??
Jennie: No why would I be?? I got nothing to be jealous of.
She stick her tongue out.
Taehyung: wahh how can you change so quickly?? You got some sick duality.
Jennie: I know right??
She flipped her hair.
J.m: Ahh it feels so good to see my daughter happy again. Stay happy like this hmm??
Jennie: Okiee. Ah and mom.. Is this your own house??
J.d: Yeah. We bought it before coming here.
Jennie: and.. Why did you both fake your death??
J.d: We... Had to. If you remember the man.. He was still after us. Especially you. When we sent you to Seoul.. That man came our house and threatened us.. that if we don't fake our death he will kill you. We are sorry.
Jennie: ..Why are you sorry?? I know that you did this for the sake of me. I love you both so much please don't leave again.
Taehyung: If you don't mind.. May I ask if you know his name??
J.m: Oh yeah. Jaehyun.
Taehyung: Ok. If that man appears again.. Just tell me I know how to deal with him.
J.d: Thanks son. Can I call you son??
I smiled.
Taehyung: why not?? Your like my dad.
Jennie: *yawns* I am so tired.. I didn't even sleep properly. I woke up at 6 today.
J.m: Then take a rest. Also Son.. You can stay here for today if you want. We would love it if you ate dinner with us.
Taehyung: Sure why not.

♡ ㅤ ✐ㅤ ⌲
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So how was it?? My tests have finished. Still reviewing the chapters. Also Jaehyun isn't the idol Jaehyun. It's a random dude chill. LMAO.
Bye <3 Anna

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