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A/n Pov‹

Next day‹

Jennie was working on a novel when Taehyung came to her.

Taehyung : Miss Jennie the client is here you need to come too.

Jennie: Ok sir.

Jennie followed Taehyung. She was looking at his back.

Jennie thoughts‹

He has broad shoulders Geez. He looks ho- Aish no what am I thinking?? Ahh leave it. But why do I need to attend the meeting.

Back to A/n Pov‹

Jennie and Taehyung entered the meeting room and saw The Client sitting at the table.

??: Oh hello, Mr Kim.. and..

Jennie: Jennie Kim.

Mr. Kim: Hey Mr John. Glad you came here.

Mr.John: Well how could I deny when.. a pretty lady asked me.

He said looking at Jennie and licking his lips in a disgusting way. Jennie frowned and looked away.
Taehyung noticed it too so he cleared his throat.

Taehyung: Hmm so let's talk about today's topic for what I called you.

They started talking but Mr John was staring at Jennie making her uncomfortable.

Taehyung: So do you ag- Mr John I thought I was talking to you.

He glared at Mr.John because he was staring at Jennie the entire time making her uncomfortable.

Mr.John: Oh Mr Kim sorry how could I focus when a pretty lady like her is sitting in front of m-

Taehyung stood up slamming the table making Both Jennie and MrJohn flinch.

Taehyung: You are here for work. NOT STARING AT MY WORKERS EVEN IF THEY ARE PRETTY!! You know what? Fuck this deal. Get lost.

Mr.John: What? Mr Kim are you going to make me leave for a slutty worke-

Jennie: Shut your mouth, you fucking peace of shit! God, I wonder how many girls he made uncomfortable just by staring at them.

Jennie yelled making Taehyung shocked but he smirked on her braveness.

Taehyung: Should I call the security or?

Mr. John: Fine I am leaving! But you will regret this Mr Kim.

Taehyung: Yeah yeah whatever.

He left. Taehyung now looked at Jennie who was sitting on the chair with her head down.

Jennie: S-sorry-

Taehyung: For what? You did nothing wrong.

Jennie: I just.. no one ever called me a s-slut so.. I got angry.

Taehyung: I understand. It's totally fine no one wants to work with that jerk anyway. Lets go now. And I just wanna ask. Will you agree to write a novel for the company?

Jennie: Well.. y-yes. But I am worried I might disappoint you.

Taehyung: No, you should try before saying that. So the novel I was looking forward to was.. (novel idea)

Jennie: Okay sir I will try my best. Is there a required time I need to finish before..?

Taehyung: No not really but next month there is a competition of novel writing. We will present it there. I don't aim to win but just for you to build self confidence for future writing.

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