‹ 18 ›

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A/n Pov‹
Taehyung is eating dinner with Jennie and her parents. Her dad suddenly spoke.
J.d: So are you Single son??
Taehyung: huh?? O-oh y-yeah.
J.m: Then do you have a crush??
Jennie almost spat the water out of her mouth.
Taehyung: uhm yeah. But she doesn't know. And I think she likes me too.
He secretly glanced at Jennie who was shocked at his answer. He smirked.
J.d: Oh that's great!! What's her name??
Taehyung was about to speak when Jenni stood up.
Jennie: I-i lost my appetite. I will sleep now good night.
She went to her room.
J.m: What happened to her??
Taehyung: Don't worry she is just jealous.
He smirked.
J.d: From you??
Taehyung shook his head.
Taehyung: She is the one.. I like her and she likes m-me..
Jennie's Parents started squealing.
J.m: Omo Omo!! Did she think you like someone else and went to sleep??
Taehyung nodded with his boxy smile.
J.d: Oh son you made me so happy!!! I wish you both a bright and lovely future.
Taehyung: Thank you but dad... I want to tell her... I will bring her to the amusement park. She likes it a lot. Maybe if I get a chance I can confess??
J.m: That's actually a great idea!! You know your dad and I met in an amusement park too haha!!
J.d: Yeah. I was so scared of the roller coaster but my friends made me ride it. And your mom was there. She was singing while I was screaming. She laughed so hard when she saw me. In that park we became friends and just 2 months later we started dating. But we didn't want to get married too quickly so we waited for 6 months and I finally proposed her on a beach. We got married 1 month later. Just 3 months of our wedding we found out that baby Jennie was coming. We actually wanted a baby boy but when Jennie was born.. We forgot that we ever wanted a boy. Jennie is a blessing to us so please take good care of her.. She is very fragile.. We hope you won't ever break her heart.
Taehyung: I promise. I wouldn't ever do that. Even if we bicker and it's not my fault I will apologize. She is very special. When I knew about her dark past.. I really pitied her.. Not for humanity but because I fell for her. If I will tell her this she might think I just pitied her for humanity. I just hope she doesn't misunderstand my feelings.
J.m: Don't worry. She is not that type of person. She trusts the people she loves more then herself. If you ever feel like you need our help. We are always here for you both. Jennie actually told me about your parents.. I am so sorry that you had to go through that. You can consider us as your parents even though you were adopted.
Taehyung: I do consider you as my parents. Actually the lady we stayed with in the village Also told us to call her mom. It's like i lost 2 parents and found many more. *chuckle* hmm Anyways I am a little tired too. Goodnight then!!
J.d&m: Goodnight!!

Meanwhile ‹ Jennie Pov
I came to my room as they started talking about Taehyung so called "crush". *scoffs* who the hell is that!? YOUR only MINE Kim Taehyung ONLY MINE!! I ruffled my hair in frustration.
*sigh* whatever I will sleep. But I ain't forgetting it!!
I close my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Next Morning ‹
The sun hit my eyes directly causing me to wake up.
Jennie: Ah shibal!! (fuvk) Why the hell this sun-- argh!! I wanna sleeeppp.
I groaned and checked the time.. 10:36!? Did I sleep too much!? What the actual god Damn fuvk!?
I quickly got up from my bed but to my luck I hit my foot on something and fell.
Jennie: WHY YOU SH--
When I look at what it was I frowned.
Jennie: A dog?? What is this puppy doing here??
I sat straight and pat him. He closed his eyes. It's so cute.
Jennie: Your so cute buddy. But where did you come from??
Dog: * Bark *
Jennie: *chuckle* sorry I can't understand.
I got up and held the puppy. I noticed my balcony door was open.
Jennie: So that's where you came from. Don't worry I will keep you. Let's name you hmm kuma?? Yeah Kuma!! Do you like your name kuma??
Kuma: *barks* *wags tail*
Jennie: You like it!! Great. Hmm so Kuma stay on the bed I will just take a bath. Let me get some clothes from mom first.
I went out of the room and saw mom In the kitchen. She looked at me.
J.m: Oh you woke up. Good morning.
Jennie: Good morning. Mom can I have some clothes??
J.m: Oh yeah. I actually have some of your clothes as I didn't want to through them. Wait..
She went to her room and came out few minutes later.
J.m: Here I found your cute pajamas. Wear this. You will go home anyways. Go take a shower I will wake up Taehyung and make breakfast.
Jennie: Ok!!
I came back to my room and looked at kuma. He fell asleep on the bed.
Jennie: aww. You must be tired. Sleep well.
I place my clothes on the bed and went to take a shower. After I came back I wore my clothes and dried my hair. I put my hair in two braids.
Jennie: Done- oh. Kuma you woke up. Let's go out and have breakfast.
Kuma jumped off the bed anf followed Jennie. They both went out and Jennie's mom noticed kuma.
J.m: Aww who is that Lil buddy??
Jennie: Oh this is Kuma. She came in from the balcony as I left it open. I will keep her hehe.
J.m: That's nice you should keep her. Anyways come sit down I will give this buddy something too.
Kuma barked wagging his tail.
J.m gave him a piece of ham and Kuma ate it. Just a few minutes later Taehyung came.
Taehyung: Good morni-- ohh hey buddy what's your name??
Kuma went to him and wagged his tail.
Jennie: Kuma.
Taehyung: What a nice name Kuma. Where did she come from??
Jennie: My balcony hehe.
Taehyung: So you adopted her???
Jennie: Yes. She is so cute and innocent. Anyways come and sit down. Mom made breakfast.
Taehyung sat in front of Jennie.

♡ ㅤ ✐ㅤ ⌲
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Hello how are y'all Chingus?? Should I make a double chapter next?? You should comment.There are barely any comments :( accept niniprettu she comments on every update :D
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Bye <3 Anna

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