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Jennie Pov‹
I made milk tea for both of us and went to his office. I knocked 3 times on his door.
Taehyung: Come in.
I went inside.
Jennie: Here is your milk tea.
Taehyung: Oh thanks.
Jennie: Your welcome. So how much work is left??
Taehyung: Oh just 2 more files than I am done. Why??
Jennie: Umm our friends are gonna come today for hang out.. Does that sound okay??
Tae looked at me and smiled.
Taehyung: Yeah why not.. Did you tell Rosé about.. Us??
Jennie: Uh Yeah.
Taehyung: That's good then. What about the others?? Shall we tell them later??
Jennie: Yeah that would be fine. Anyways do you have any work for me??
Taehyung: Don't think so. You bored??
I nodded.
Taehyung: hmm.. You can just do something on your phone.. I will be done in a few minutes.
Jennie: Okay.
I picked up my phone and started watching YouTube.

Time skip‹
It's been 20 minutes and Taehyung is still doing those files. I am getting tired of watching these videos so I decided to take a nap on the couch. I got up and lay down on the couch closing my eyes drifting off to my dreamland.

Taehyung Pov‹
I am doing my last file when I noticed Jennie on the couch. She was sleeping. I smiled at how cute she looks. Focusing back on the file I finally completed it. I got up and went towards her. I sat down near her and started admiring her beautiful face. I kissed her forehead and picked her up in bridal style. She snuggled close to my neck making me smile. I went out with her still in my arms. Everyone was looking at us but who cares?? I walked to the parking lot to my car and placed her on the passenger seat. I put her seatbelt on and closed the door walking to the driving seat. I started driving...

Time skip‹
We finally reached home and she is still sleeping peacefully. I again picked her up in my arms and went inside. Mom was sitting on the couch watching TV. I called her.
Taehyung: Eomma..
I whispered not wanting to wake her up. Mom looked at me.
Mrs.Kim: O-oh wait let me open her room door.
She quickly went upstairs and opened her room door. I followed her and went to her room placing Jennie on the bed,I covered her with the duvet. I looked at her for the last time and pecked her forehead before leaving the room.
I went to my room, freshened up and wore comfortable clothes. I came downstairs and mom was cooking lunch.
Mrs.Kim: Oh Tae. Why did she fall asleep??
Taehyung: I was busy with some files she didn't have work so she was bored. I told her to play with her phone but after 20 minutes she slept. So i took her home without waking her up.
Mrs.Kim: Alright son. You must be hungry here.
She said placing pasta in front of me.
Taehyung: Thank you≈
I started eating...

Jennie Pov‹
I woke up and found myself in my room. I got confused as I remember sleeping In his office. Did he take me home?? Let's go downstairs.
I went downstairs and saw him eating pasta while his mom was washing dishes.
Jennie: Tae??
I called him. He looked at me and spoke.
Taehyung: O-oh you woke up??
Jennie: Yeah.. You took me home??
Taehyung: Hmm why??
Jennie: Nothing you should've woke me up..
Taehyung: No that's fine come eat lunch.
I went and sat beside him. His mom placed pasta in front of me as well.
Mrs.Kim: Eat well dear.
Jennie: Thank you≈ oh mom.. Rosé and our friends are coming here later.
Mrs.Kim: Oh okay. That's good you guys have fun as I will not be here. I am going to a relative. So i will leave now. Don't create a mess okay?? Bye.
Jennie: Oh okay. Have fun!!
She smiled at me and went upstairs to get ready.
My phone rang..
Jennie: Yes Rosie??
Rosé: We all are coming in 30 minutes.. Does that sound good??
Jennie: Oh yeah. We are waiting. Bye.
I hung up.

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