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A/n Pov‹

Taehyung and Jennie went home after the meeting ended. When they went inside they didn't see Mrs Kim.

Taehyung: Eomma?? Where are you??

Just then Mrs Kim came out of the room.

Mrs.Kim: I am here son. You both came home already??

Taehyung: Yeah the meeting ended so we came. Anyways did you eat??

Mrs.Kim: No. I made dinner let's eat.
Taehyung: Really? Thank you Eomma. Let's eat.

He went to the dinning table leaving Jennie behind. She scoffed.

Jennie: He really ignores me now. Wow why am I even offended?? Not like I was anything to him anyway. I am just his assistant. Let that go I will slee-

Mrs Kim: Jennie!! Come here eat with us!!

Jennie: Uh oh. Coming! At least his mom cares about me.

Jennie went to the dinning table as well. They all are eating dinner and the entire time Taehyung was talking to his mom. He didn't talk to Jennie making her annoyed.

Taehyung: I am glad you are her-

Jennie stabbed her steak with her fork gaining both Mrs.Kim and Taehyung attention.

Taehyung: What happened?

Jennie: I have suddenly lost my appetite. I will sleep now.

With that she angrily got up and walked to her room.

Taehyung: Wh- what's wrong with her??

Mrs Kim chuckled.

Mrs.Kim: Isn't it obvious?? You kept talking to me and ignored her presence. She is angry now.

Taehyung: D-did I make her angry??

Mrs.Kim nodded. Taehyung mentally face palmed himself.

Taehyung: What do I do now?

Mrs.Kim: Go to her room.

Taehyung: Alright.

He walked to her room and knocked on the door.

Jennie: Who is it?

Taehyung: It's me.

Jennie: Go away.

Taehyung: No. Open the door.

Jennie: You aren't deaf are you??

Taehyung gulped because she never talked to him like this.

Taehyung: C-can I come in??

Jennie opened the door aggressively.

Jennie: What's your problem? Go your mom is waiting for you!

She was about to close the door when Taehyung pushed it open walking inside.

Jennie: Wha-

Taehyung: Shhh. Are you angry??
Jennie scoffed.

Jennie: No. I am really happy. Thank you for ignoring me just beca-

She stopped when she realized what she was going to say.

Taehyung: I knew it. Why do you get angry because of my mom?

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