THE ‹ 30 › END

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‹ Wedding Day ›

Jennie's Pov‹

Rosé: Jennie!! Jennie wake up sis it's your wedding today!!
I shot my eyes open.
Jennie: What time is it!?
Rosé: 1:32 pm!! We have to go to the salon too get up!!
Jennie: Alright I will be quick.
I quickly went towards the bathroom to take a shower.
Yes it's my wedding today.. With non other than Kim Taehyung, the love of my life. But as usual I am lazy so I couldn't wake up early.
I finished taking a shower and came out.
Jennie: Let's go.
Rosé: Come on.

We went to the salon to get my facial and nails done.

I am at the salon getting my nails done when my phone rang. I picked it up and it's Tae.
Jennie: *chuckle* Rosie.. Talk to your cousin he doesn't know how to wait.
Rosé: *chuckle* Just talk to him. He must be excited.
Jennie: Hmm. Okay.
I picked up.

Jennie: Yes??
Taehyung: What do you mean Yes?? Aren't you gonna say good morning to me??
Jennie: My morning has already started. And also "it's good afternoon".
Taehyung: Yahh. At least talk to me properly. I miss you so much.
I could feel him pouting.
Jennie: Aigoo. I am gonna be yours forever today. Can't you wait a little hmm??
Taehyung: I don't know. I just wanna see you.
Jennie: Na-ah. Not before the wedding silly. Don't worry baby you will see me in a few hours. Please wait hmm??
Taehyung: I- aresseo. Just for you. Take care hmm?? I can't wait to see you in the wedding gown. *chuckle* Bye.
Jennie: Bye≈
End of call‹

Rosé: He can't wait haha.
Jennie: *chuckle* yeah.
The lady doing my nails spoke.
Lady: I see your getting married today.
Jennie: Ah yes.
Lady: He must love you so much that he can't wait. *chuckle*
Jennie: Ah we.. Love each other a lot. He just can't wait to see me in the wedding gown.
Lady: You are lucky to have such a loving boyfriend. And he is lucky to have such kind and pretty girlfriend like you. You both won't ever forget this night. When I got married. I was actually arranged. But some time later we both started loving each other. And now he is the most loving husband I could ask for.
Jennie: Love is surely mysterious. we don't know when we fall in love with someone. Taehyung is actually my boss *chuckle* we both don't know when we fell for each other. He gave me the position for his secretary. We used to hang out a lot as friends but it's not that we were only friends. It was something else. His mom and dad are really nice to me. I just can't believe how my life has changed so much.
Lady: Your story is really full of mysteries. *chuckle* Here it's done.
Jennie: Thank you. I will make sure to come here again.
Lady: Sure. Congratulations for your wedding. Have a nice day.
Jennie: You too. Bye!!
I left. Rosé already came to the car. I quickly sat in the car and she started driving.
Rosé: Now we are going home. Your parents arrived there already. I will drop you and then go back home.
Jennie: Okay.
We arrived at home. I got off the car and Rosé went back to her house.
I came inside and saw mom holding my dress.
Jennie: Eomma!!
J.m: Oh my daughter is here finally. Sweetheart get ready now.
Jennie: Okay.
I took the dress from her and went to my room.
I was so nervous that my hands were shaking. Well of course even if your marrying the person you love.. You still feel nervous. I sighed and put my dress on which was so hard to put on.
Jennie: Eomma. Come here.
Mom came in.
J.m: Omo my daughter looks so beautiful.
Jennie: *nervous chuckle* can you zip the dress??
J.m: Okay.
She zipped the dress and turned me around.
J.m: Are you that nervous that your shaking?? Honey don't be nervous hmm??
Jennie: I-I don't know why I am so nervous..
J.m: Don't worry everyone is nervous on their wedding. Now let me call the stylist. Excuse me!! You can come now.
A lady came in. Oh?? Isn't that the same lady??
Jennie: A-ah mom you should've told me that she was my stylist. I just went to her salon. *chuckle*
Lady: *chuckle* it's nice to see that I am your stylist. You look beautiful dear. Come on let's get your make up and hair done.
I nodded and sat on the chair in front of my dressing table. She started doing my make up. After she was done she made my hair as well.

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