‹ 16 ›

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Jennie's Pov‹
It's been a hour since the call and we are watching the movie quietly. I didn't act like something happened earlier. The movie was finally coming to an end and I was feeling very sleepy even tho we just woke up 3 hours ago. The movie ended so I turned the lights on.
Jisoo: Ahh my body literally started aching for sitting in that position for so long.
Lisa: Yeah. Anyways guys me and jungkook need to go back now. We are leaving for Daego later we want to reunite with our families.
Jk: Yeah our train is in 5 hours and we have to reach Seoul first. So we will be off now take care enjoy your vacation. It was nice making new friends. Bye bye!
Taehyung: OK. Thanks for coming I will invite you for the next time we have a friends day out or friends vacation. Take care you both. And how many leaves are you taking Lisa??
Lisa: Oh yeah totally forgot about that. It would be nice if I could get 4 leaves.
Taehyung: ok. Bye bye now go or you will miss your train. See you!
JK'Lisa: See you Everyone!
They both left. Well jisoo unnie Rosé Ryujin and I knew that she will go to Daego so we already bid our byes to her.
Jennie: Umm can I ask something Tae??
Taehyung: Yeah what is it??
Jennie: When are we going back?? I mean.. I have a reason I can't stay for longer.
Taehyung: Oh if that's the case then we can leave tomorrow early morning. Does that sound good??
Jennie: Yes thank you!
Taehyung: Your welcome.
Rosé: But what's the reason Jen??
Jennie: Huh? I uh.. M-my.. Parents a-aren't dead. Earlier.. Mom called me. Everyone: WHAT!?
Jennie: Yeah. She said they had reasons to fake their death. Idk what she has to say but.. I believe they did that for our safety. That's why I wanna hear it from her own mouth.
Taehyung: Safety?? From who??
Jennie: I don't know. But a man always stalked us even when I was in Busan living with them. One day the man even tried breaking in. Later we found out that he was an alcoholic and thinks dad killed his wife. So he wanted to kill him or.. Even all of us. Mom sent me to seoul so I would be safe. When I heard they died I thought that man killed them.
Jin: Was he mad or something?? How could he say that your dad killed his wife?? That damn alcoholic kimchi.
Jisoo: What's an alcoholic Kimchi?? Sometimes you use damn strange words.
I laughed at them.
Jennie: Don't start fighting now. Anyways I am tired for some reason. I will sleep for some time. Unnie wake me after a hour. Bye.
Jisoo: Ok.
I came out of the basement and went straight to my room. I really don't know whats going on with me but I am finally feeling happy now. My head hurts so I will sleep for some time.

Time skip ‹
Taehyung Pov ‹
It's been 30 minutes since the movie ended and here I am in Jin hyungs room resting. My fever got a lot better after eating the soup she made. Even tho it was bitter I am glad she made it for me because she cares for me. I smiled at my thoughts when Jin hyung came.
Jin: Why is my brother smiling like an idiot??
Taehyung: It's because of her.
Jin: Ah I see. When will you confess hmm??
Taehyung: I don't know. I am waiting for the right time. I want to see if she has even a slight bit of feelings for me.
Jin: Then congratulations she likes you.
Taehyung: What??
Jin: it is what it is. Jisoo told me. When they were cooking breakfast they asked her if she likes you. She said maybe. And also why didn't you tell us that you both literally kissed!?
Taehyung: D-did she tell that too!? And.. SHE LIKES ME!?
Jin: Yes!! She do and yes she told jisoo that you both accidently kissed.
Taehyung: We both tripped and fell. We didn't kiss tho but a damn baby goat pushed my head.
Jin: You should be grateful you know.
Taehyung: Yeah yeah. Then hyung.. How should I ask her out??
Jin: It's easy. Take her to places she likes. Jisoo said Jennie likes amusement parks a lot. But don't forget she is scared of roller coasters unlike you.
Taehyung: Even though roller coaster is the best ride,I won't go on there, just for her.
Jin: Yeah you better not. And after the amusement park take her to a restaurant she likes or even a random restaurant with her favorite food. That's it. Also.. What's the matter with her parents??
Taehyung: Oh um.. She said her parents died when she was in Seoul. She didn't go back to Busan because she was scared she wouldn't be able to forget them. But it turns out they didn't die.
Jin: That's odd. Why would they fake being dead?? Is what Jennie said true?? Were they really in danger??
Taehyung: I am confused too. I think we should take a look at this case. If that alcoholic is still after them.. They wouldn't be safe.
Jin: Hmm yeah. Wait I have an idea.. What if we give our other house which we don't use to her parents?? There are also guards there. They would be safe. What do you think??
Taehyung: Your idea is good but we don't know if they will agree. I will ask Jennie when we go back.
Jin: Sure. Alright so when Jennie Wakes up go to the mountains with her. Jisoo and I are going now. Have fun bye.
He said and walked out. I sighed and put my head back on the pillow. There is just too much going on in my and her life that I can't even tell her that I like her.
♡ ㅤ ✐ㅤ ⌲
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-----------------------------------------I Am so Sorry for not updating I was just a little busy. I am going to review all chapters now.
Also we are so close to 500 reads😢💜
Bye Anna <3

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