‹ 14 ›

580 18 4

Taehyung Pov‹
I was now on my phone sitting in the lounge when I suddenly realized something. There are only 7 rooms. Jisoo 1 ' Jin hyung 2 ' Lisa JK 3 ' Rosé jimin 4 ' Hoseok 5 ' Ryujin 6.
Now what are me and Jennie supposed to do?? Ahh I need to ask her now.
I walked upstairs to the room she was in. I knocked 3 times on the door and waited for a response.
Jennie: Come in.
I went in.
Taehyung: Ah Jennie there is a problem.
Jennie: Oh. What is it??
Taehyung: Umm there is only 1 more room which is this one and... I don't have a room.
Jennie: Wahhh and your realizing this now after inviting them all over?? Now what??
Taehyung: I don't know. I guess I will just sleep in the lounge.
I said and scratched my neck.
Jennie: *sigh* it's not like wE diDn'T sLeEP tOgeThER BeFOre.
She sarcastically imitated me.
I scoffed.
Taehyung: That's true tho. But aside from that I don't think you will be able to sleep alone.
Jennie: why?? Never mind I will sleep with jisoo unnie.
Taehyung: It's your choice. I am going downstairs to sleep. You can stay here. Good night.
Jennie: What?? Don't you think it's too uncomfortable down there??
Taehyung: I can bare with it. Sleep well.
I said and came out. I sighed and went downstairs towards the lounge area. There was no blanket not even a pillow for me. I just had to sleep on the cushions of the couch.
Taehyung: I guess I am sleeping here tonight. Tsk reminds me of my old days in the orphanage. Huh what a sad life I had. But I shouldn't think about it. At least I am doing OK now. Goodnight everyone.
I lay down on the couch and closed my eyes..

A/n Pov‹
Taehyung fell asleep as he was already tired.. Only 30 minutes passed and it started raining. There were lightning bolts and loud thunder sounds all over the place. Taehyung started to move and slowly opened his eyes.
Taehyung: Ah Is it raining?? Wait.. Is that a thunderstorm?? Nooo I hate thunderstorms.

(Taehyung has a trauma from thunderstorms because when he lost his parents it was raining really bad that time)

He got up and went to drink water in the kitchen. He was holding the glass of water about to drink it when a loud Thud was heard.
Taehyung dropped the glass and it shattered into pieces. He started shivering and sat down on the floor covering his ears.

Jennie's Pov‹
I was sleeping peacefully when I woke up because of the thunderstorm. I looked at the time and it was 12:18 am. I sighed and got up heading towards the bathroom. I came outside the bathroom and dried my hands and was about to lay again when I heard glass breaking from downstairs.. I went out of the room and went downstairs.
Jennie: Tae?? Is that you??
I said as I walked towards the kitchen. Slowly peeking in I saw glass pieces on the ground and...
Jennie: Tae!? What happened!?
I ran to him squaring near him and caressed his hair.
Jennie: Tae.. Are you okay??
Taehyung slowly looked up at me. His eyes were all red and swollen as if he cried.
Jennie: Y-yah.. Did you cry??
He didn't say anything and suddenly hugged me tightly and started sobbing on my chest.
Taehyung: M-mom.. left me..
Jennie: It's Ok.. She is at a better place now.. Shhh.. Get up let's go hmm??
Taehyung: Y-you won't.. L-leave me right??
I stopped for a moment shocked at his question. I spoke..
Jennie: no I won't.. I will stay with you.. Forever. Now let's go sleep.
Memories flashed through my mind when I asked him the same question after having a nightmare.
He nodded and got up. I bring him to the lounge area.
Taehyung: I-i don't wanna s-sleep.. In th-the room.
Jennie: Hmm why??
Taehyung: I-it has w-windows.. And.. I-its r-raining.
Jennie: Ah It's ok. We can sleep here. Let me bring some blankets I will be back. Don't be scared hmm??
He slowly nodded. I went upstairs to my room and bring a blanket and pillows with me. I came downstairs and placed the pillows on the couch.
Jennie: Lay down I will fix the blanket.
He lay down. I placed the blanket on him and lay down as well fixing the blanket. I hugged Taehyung and he hid his face in my chest. He seriously looks like a baby right now. I smiled and caressed his hair placing a soft kiss on it. I closed my eyes and drifted off to my dreamland.

?? Pov ‹
?: I told you she is the one for him.
??: you were right.. I hope she keeps our son happy..
?: she will. How i wished I could tell him that his parents are looking after him 24/7.
??: hmm.

End of Taehyung Parents Pov‹

( Told ya.I revealed the first ??. tae's
Parents were the ones watching Jennie in the prologue.Why??You will know soon ;) )

Time skip ›› Morning ‹‹

Rosé Pov‹
I woke up feeling amazing for some reason. Jimin was still sleeping so I went to take a shower first. I came outside and wore my clothes. I woke up jimin.
Jimin: hmm.
Rosé: Wake up sleepy head.
Jimin: What time is it..
Rosé: 9 am. Get up now.
He groaned and got up.
Rosé: Take a shower I am going downstairs to see if anyone woke up.
Jimin: Ok..
I smiled and went downstairs. Walking in the lounge my eyes landed on someone and my eyes widened.
Rosé: Wha- why are they sleeping here!? Together!?
I smirked. Jisoo and Ryujin came as well. I gestured them to look at the couch and they looked there. They smirked as well.
Ryujin: Looks like someone is going to have a boyfriend soon.
Jisoo: Tsk. How can we know maybe they already are dating.
Rosé: Point. Let's not wake them and wait for the others.
They all waited for the others. Soon Lisa JK and Jimin came down. Only jin and Hoseok were left. After some time they both came as well. When everyone saw Taehyung and Jennie cuddling they smirked. Well why did we all smirk?? It's because we already had an idea Jennie loves Taehyung.
We slowly went near them.
Rosé: 3 2 1.. GOODMORNIG!!!
We all shouted at the same time scaring Jennie while Taehyung still didn't wake up.
Jennie: Yah!! What's your problem?? Can't you wake us up normally!?
Taehyung: mmmm.
Taehyung started moving.
Jennie looked at us one by one and face palmed herself when she had the idea of what was happening.
Jennie: Taehyungah wake up.
Taehyung: Mmm I wanna sleep more.
Jin: No time for that we need an explanation first.
Taehyung's eyes shot open and he looked at Jennie.
Jennie: What?? Aish.
She said and got up from the couch. Jennie: Don't misunderstand. he has a trauma from Thunderstorm Jin oppa probably knows. Last night there was a thunderstorm and he got scared. I was in my room when I heard a glass breaking. When I came downstairs he was sitting on the ground shivering near the broken glass in the kitchen.
Jin: I know. Aish I was sleeping sorry Tae. Are you ok??
Taehyung slowly nodded still feeling sleepy.
Jennie: Why are you so lazy today?? Wait lemme check something.
She placed her hand on his forehead.
Jennie: Yah you have a fever.
Jin: And it won't go away before at least 2 days. He always goes through this when he is traumatized. Jennie: Lay down for now. We will make breakfast. Let's go girls. I will take a quick bath first you go start till I come back.
Taehyung laid down and Jennie fixed his blanket. Seriously I think they got close in these few days. The way Jennie talks to him. The way he obeys everything she says. Jennie also is worried for him that he has a fever. Something is definitely fishy.
Jisoo unnie Lisa Ryujin and I went in the kitchen while Jennie went to freshen up.

♡ ㅤ ✐ㅤ ⌲
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Sorry if it's confusing. I will recheck and edit the entire story on this upcoming Sunday. Because I have tests in school before that,but don't worry I will update the story. :) BTW did you notice the cover?? I changed it to a 100% better one LMAO. Anyways..
Bye<3 Anna

Bye<3 Anna -----------------------------------------

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The cover hehe<3

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