‹ 23 ›

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Taehyung Pov‹
We were done eating our dinner so we went back to our rooms. I tried sleeping but I just can't. I really want to cuddle with her right now. Arghh what do I do?? I will go to her room..
I slowly opened my rooms door and peeked outside. I fully opened it and walked outside to her room. I lightly knocked 3 times. A few seconds later she opened the door.
Jennie: Oh?? What happened??
Taehyung: Umm.. Can I.. Sleep with you..??
Jennie chuckled.
Jennie: Why do you hesitate to say that?? Come on in.
I smiled widely and walked in.
Jennie: so mister.. Why can't you sleep in your room??
Taehyung: Because.. I want to cuddle with you??
Jennie: *chuckle* Aresseo let's sleep I am sleepy.
Taehyung: Okay.
We lay down on the bed.
Jennie: But won't mom notice your not in your room??
Taehyung: Nope. Even if she does she wouldn't say anything, she knows we are together now.
Jennie: Hmm okay.
I hugged him and place my head on his chest. He placed his hands on my waist pulling me more closer.
Taehyung: Goodnight.
Jennie: Goodnight.

***Next day***

Taehyung Pov‹
I opened my eyes as the alarm rang. I turned it off and looked at Jennie who was still sleeping peacefully on my chest. I smile at how cute she looked. I came up with an idea. I started kissing her all over her face and lastly a peck on her lips. She opened her eyes and giggled cutely.
Jennie: Good morning baby≈
Taehyung: Morning.. Did you sleep well??
Jennie: Hmm. How can I not sleep well in the embrace of my boyfie??
I chuckled.
Taehyung: Well that's right. So where is my morning kiss??
Jennie: oh?? You already got that≈
She teased me making me pout.
Taehyung: Babyyyyyyyy≈≈
I whined like a five year old making her laugh.
Jennie: aresseo aresseo.
She leaned in and pecked my lips. She was about to back away but I held her head and kissed her. We kissed passionately for a few minutes when suddenly...
Mrs.Kim: *cough* *cough* can I come in lovebirds??
She chuckled as we quickly broke the kiss..
Taehyung: o-oh.. Y-you woke up??
Mrs.Kim: Yeah.. Aigoo don't be afraid of me kids that's a normal thing for a couple to do.
I looked at Jennie and she was blushing also looking at me..
Mrs.Kim: Anyways. So get ready for work I will make breakfast.
Taehyung: Okay.
She left.
As soon and mom left Jennie hit my arm.
Taehyung: Oww what was that for??
Jennie: Can't you control yourself?? I told you mom would come.
Taehyung: It doesn't matter. She said that with her own mouth.
Jennie: Aish jinja. Leave it go get ready in your room.
Taehyung: Okay eomma≈
Jennie: Yah!!
I ran to my room laughing.

Jennie Pov‹
He ran away laughing making me chuckle. He is so precious..
I shrugged my thoughts off and went to take a shower.

I put on light make up and picked my up my things before leaving the room

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I put on light make up and picked my up my things before leaving the room. I was heading down stairs when I noticed that The was struggling with his Tie in his room. I chuckle and head towards his room.
I cleared my throat gaining his attention.
Jennie: Need some help??
He pouted and nodded. I went near him and started fixing his tie. I could feel his strong gaze on me making me red.
Jennie: w-why are you staring at me??
Taehyung: You look beautiful..
I completed fixing his tie and looked at him.
Jennie: Thank you. You look handsome as always too.
He chuckled.
Taehyung: Shall we go downstairs now??
I nodded while smiling. He pecked my forehead and intertwined our hands before we walked downstairs. As soon as we went downstairs we could smell the amazing food that his mom was cooking. We walked to the dining room and sat down. Mom came and placed our breakfast In front of us.
Jen&Tae: Thank you≈
Mrs.Kim: Eat well.
She said and sat down as well. We started eating our food..

Time skip‹

We already came to work while mom decided to stay at home today. I told Tae his schedule which was totally free. There were no meetings today so he decided to check some files.
Taehyung: I am gonna check some files, you can go to your friends for now. I will call you if I need anything.
He said and smiled warmly.
Jennie: Ok thank you ≈ see you.
I smiled at him and went outside to Rosé's cabin. I knocked..
Rosé: Oh Jen!! Come in. How are you??
Jennie: *chuckle* I am good what about you??
Rosé: I am good too.. Umm you look happy today.. What's the matter jenjen ≈?
Jennie: o-oh really?? Umm.. I guess I am more happy nowadays.
Rosé: Hmm something is fishy.. Tell me what happened!!
Jennie: N-nothing happend..
Rosé: Clearly lying.. Tell me please please..
Jennie: Aresseo aresseo. Umm I and.. T-tae.. are dating..
Rosé: Wha- REALLY!? OMO--
Jennie: Yah calm down stop yelling.
Rosé: Okay but since when?!
Jennie: Umm since yesterday..
I said and looked down being shy.
Rosé: I am so happy for you!! *chuckle* Jen is shy≈
Jennie: Y-Yah!! S-stop it!!
Rosé: *chuckle* okay sorry. So am I the first one to Know??
Jennie: Oh. After Taehyung's mom yes-
She cut me off.
Rosé: Aunt?? When did she come??
Jennie: You don't know?? She came the day before yesterday. She even came here.
Rosé: So.. Did she say anything.. About you two??
Jennie: No Not at all. She was happy.
Rosé: I expected that from her. *chuckle* you know when Tae was 17.. Aunt used to say.. "Son what do you think.. You will find your love by yourself.. Or you will want me to find her??" And he answered.. "Eomma.. If I find my true love.. I will marry her.. But if someone breaks my heart.. I think I wouldn't be able to love someone again.. Do you think I will fall in love again if that happened??" She replied. "Tae.. Getting heart broken makes you stronger.. So if that happens.. Next time you won't love someone until you really think she is the one for you.." So i think you know that Tae had been heartbroken before right?? Then you must know that you are very special for him. I hope you would bring our old goofy Tae back..
Jennie: I.. I promise to you.. I will bring your old Tae back.. He loves me and I love him. I would never ever break his heart. And that bitvh.. When I and Tae went to the amusement park yesterday she came out of nowhere. Tae was so angry but I calmed him and said leave her let's go home. I don't know if I wasn't there what he would have done with her.
Rosé: Areum!? WTF was she saying?? Did she do something!?
Jennie: No no absolutely not. I wouldn't let her touch what's mine anyway. *chuckle*
Rosé: *chuckle* that's more like it. Anyways should we hang out later??
Jennie: Sure!! How about you all come to our house with your boyfriends today??
Rosé: Great idea!! I will tell everyone later and call yo-
My phone rang.
Jennie: Oh it's Tae.. Just a second.
Jennie: Yes??
Taehyung: Where are you??
Jennie: In Rosé's cabin.. Why??
Taehyung: Umm.. Can you make me coffee??
Jennie: How many times did I say don't drink too much Coffee?? I will bring milk Tea no coffee.
Taehyung: I- *sigh* okay mam as you say.
Jennie: *chuckle* okay then I will bring it in a few minutes.
I hung up.
Rosé: *chuckle* only you can do that.
Jennie: *chuckle* it's not good for him so yeah. Anyways I will go now.. See you.
Rosé: See ya.

I don't know how I wrote this when I have an exam tomorrow :')
Bye <3 Anna

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