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Jennie's Pov ‹
I just woke up and for some reason I have a headache. It was so bad that even getting up was a burden for me. But I had work as an add so I had to get up. Slowly getting up I went to the bathroom and took a bath.

I went outside of my room and saw Taehyung at the table

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I went outside of my room and saw Taehyung at the table.
Jennie: Good morning..
I said in a low voice and sat down in front of him.
Taehyung: You OK?
Jennie: Ah yeah I just have a headache.
Taehyung: Than you should rest I will cut the work for today.
Jennie: N-no it's fine.. I can work.
Taehyung: Stop saying your ok. You can't work with a headache. Working as an assistant needs a lot of energy. Which you are lacking because of your headache. So rest for today you can work tomorrow.
Jennie: o-ok thankyou..
Taehyung: No problem. Do you want pain killers? Hyuna Noona can you bring some pain killers?
Noona: Sure coming.
Jennie: Oh who's that?
Taehyung: Ah she is my cook. Actually she is a very good chef and also she takes care of me very well. I call her Noona.
Noona: Here Mam.
Jennie: Jinja why do all people call me man. Just call me Jennie Aish.
Taehyung chuckled.
Noona: Aresseo Jennie here take this. I will make you coffee it will help with the headache.
Jennie: Thank you.
She smiled and left.
Jennie: She is pretty. Is she married? Taehyung: She is engaged to my driver.
Jennie: oh wow.
Taehyung: Yeah anyways I will leave now. If you want anything just tell Noona. See you take care.
Jennie: OK have a good day.
I smiled at him sweetly. He stopped for a second and then smiled immediately and left.

Taehyung Pov ‹

Taehyung: Yeah anyways I will leave now. If you want anything just tell Noona. See you take care.
Jennie: OK have a good day.
She smiled at me sweetly. I froze for a second and my heart started beating faster. I quickly smiled back at her and left so she wouldn't notice. What is this? Did my heart go crazy? This is new feeling.. A feeling I never ever had...

A/n Pov ‹
Taehyung went to office and Jennie stayed at home. Her headache wasn't going away. She decided to rest but before she could enter her room she felt dizzy and fainted. The maids saw her and quickly ran to her. They bring her to the hospital and also called Taehyung.

On call‹
Taehyung: Yes Noona?
Noona: Tae Jennie fainted we just bring her to the hospital.
Taehyung: What!? I am coming Noona stay with her.
He ended the call.

Taehyung Pov‹
Noona called me when I was working. I picked it up and she told me that Jennie fainted. I quickly closed my laptop and went to the hospital.
Noona was there.
Taehyung: What happened to her!?
Noona: She fainted due to high fever it's nothing serious. The doctor gave her medicine and also they said she has been going through anxiety lately. You need to take care of her Tae.
Taehyung: *Sigh* ok I will see. Is she awake?
Noona: No she needs to rest the doctor said. Maybe you just go back and we will bring her back?
Taehyung: No I will stay. I took a leave today.
Noona just nodded. I sat down on the chairs. For some reason I felt so worried about her. I mean yeah I care about everyone but I don't know what happens to me when it comes to her. Is this... Love? No no.I don't know!! Ahhh let's call Jimin Hyung.
I dialed Jimin Hyung Number.
On call‹
Jimin: hey bro.
Taehyung: Hey hyung.
Jimin: What happened why do you sound so tired?
Taehyung: ah nothing.. Hyung can we meet? I need to talk about some to you.
Jimin: Sure. Should I come to the company?
Taehyung: Aniyo I am not there. Let's meet at the cafe we always go to.
Jimin: Alright see you.
I hummed and hung up.
Taehyung: Noona.. I will be back in an hour call me if anything happens OK? Bye.
Noona: Ok.
I left and drove to the Cafe. When I arrived Jimin hyung was already there. But also jin hyung. Didn't he go out of city ?
Taehyung: Jin hyung? I thought you were out of city?
Jin: Just came back. I was with Jimin when you called. What happened?
Taehyung: OK so.. Jimin hyung you know that Jennie Is my assistant now right?
Jin: What? Where is Sam?
Jimin: He resigned anyways yeah.
Taehyung: So she moved in last night. We had a little conversation we got along well. The thing is thus morning when she said Have a good day and smiled sweetly at me.. My heart went crazy.. I don't know it was weird. Then she didn't come to work because she had a headache. Noona called me later when I was in office that she fainted. I got so worried and went there immediately. Noona said she had high fever and anxiety. Now hyung can you explain why did I worry and my heart went crazy?
Jimin: HAHAHAHAHA YA are you crazy?! Your OBVIOUSLY in Love!!
Jin: Yeah!! He is right.
Taehyung: But.. I just met her 2 weeks ago..
Jimin: Aish Babo (idiot). I have been through this already. When I first met Rosé I couldn't take my eyes off of her. At first i was like.. No I am not in love. It's just she is pretty. But no.. I was wrong. We met in a store few days later. She was smiling widely and was with Ryujin. When she smiled I automatically smiled. Even my heart was beating like crazy. That was when I realized I was in love with her.
Taehyung: And how did you two start dating?
Jimin: well.. It was Ryujin birthday. Hoseok Hyung invited me beg I was his friend. Rosé came as Ryujin best friend. When we both saw each other..
Jimin Pov‹
I was walking around the party when I saw Her... She was here too.. Her eyes suddenly met mine.. It felt like everything around us was in slow motion.. Slowly her cheeks started to turn red.. She quickly broke the eye contact.. It was obvious she was blushing.. After the party I saw her... At the balcony. I decided to talk to her.
Jimin : Hey.
She got startled.
Rosé: A-ah h-hi.
She said shyly not looking at me.
I chuckled.
Jimin: Am I too ugly to look at?
Rosé: A-aniyoo.. Its just.. Nothing.
Jimin: really? Than am I handsome? She looked at me. She stared at me for a couple of minutes. Slowly her gaze started to lower and she looked at my lips.. I took that chance and slowly leaned towards her. I didn't expect her to do the same but to my guess.. She did.. Our lips were inches away when..
We got startled and looked at who it was.. Aish this Ryujin..
Ryujin: Yah! Can't you go somewhere else? This is my room and balcony!
Rosé: Sh-shut up!!
I looked at her as she just awkwardly looked at the view clearly blushing.. I smiled a little. I then looked at Ryujin with a serious face. She smirked and left after winking at me.. Tsk.
I looked at her again. She was just avoiding my gaze.. I smirked and went near her ear..
Jimin: Shall we continue?
I whispered making her eyes widened. She looked at me as I smirk.
Rosé: Ya-
I cut her by kissing her lips. Her eyes widened but soon she kissed me back making me smirk widely..
We kissed passionately as her hands went around my neck and I held her waist pulling her closer to deepen the kiss. After 5 minutes she tapped my shoulder signalling me that she ran out of breath. We pulled out and catch our breath as we look into each others eyes. She blushed.
Jimin: Why are you blushing hmm?
I teased her.
Rosé: Sh-shut up! Idiot..
Jimin: Well this idiot wants you to be his girlfriend.. What do you say miss shy?
She looked at me.
Rosé: Are you.. Serious? I swear if your playing with me-
Jimin: Shh. I am serious. I didn't saw you for the first time today you know.. I have seen you many times before. But our fate wants us to be together.
Rosé: I..i l-like you.. Park J-jimin..
I was in pure shock.. Does she know me?? I mean I am the ceo of Park enterprises..
Jimin: D-do you know me??
Rosé: Y-yes.. I.. First saw you with Hoseok oppa.. When I came to Meet Ryujin.. You were In Hoseok Oppas car and just when I arrived you both drove off.. But I saw you.. And f-fell for you..
I smiled.
Jimin: Let's date..
She smiled at me and nodded.
Jimin: But.. Whats your name??
She chuckled.
Rosé: Park Chaeyoung.. But everyone knows me as Rosé.
Jimin: Hmm ok.. Let's go now or Ryujin might think something happened..
I smirked as she looked at me with a frown on her face.
Rosé: BYUNTAE!! (Pervert)
She said as she slaps my arm continusely.
Jimin: Ow ow sorry!! Ow.
We both chuckled and went out holding hands. As soon as we went outside everyone started clapping..
Hoseok: Yah aren't I your brother!?
Ryujin: Yeah yeah I know. But he is my favorite friend of yours.
Jimin: Ahem ahem.. Thanks.
Hoseok: Yooo bro my brother grew up well.
Jimin: Tsk.
End of Flashback‹
Taehyung: wow I felt like in a drama.
Jin: well his life is pretty good you can say.
Jimin: Bro if you want something In life than you have to make a move first.
Taehyung: How am I supposed to do so. She might think I made her the assistant on plan.
Jimin: No she won't. Other than that Rosé can take care of her. You know If she admits that she has a crush on you she will tell us immediately.
Taehyung: Well yes. *sigh* ok fine.But For now I will try to make her fall for me. But.. I won't force her if she doean like me. I don't wanna seem like a beast trying to get her even she doesn't want it.
Jin: That's right. Anyways I wanna ask something... Does that Jisoo girl still work in the company?
I looked at Jimin as he looked at me and we both smirked.
Taehyung: *cough* yeah she does.. Why?
Jin: oh.. Nothing just asking..
Taehyung: As If we don't know. You like her don't you≈?
Jin: I uh I don't know. I just kinda liked her when I saw her at the company.
Jimin and I laughed.
Taehyung: Jinja hung that's fine. Why don't you ask her out?
Jin: She just met me once. Will she be OK with it?
Taehyung: Who will not hyung? Your too handsome to resist.
Jin: Tsk. I will try. Anyways shall we order something?
Taehyung: No hyung I need to go back. I will just get the coffee and head out now. Bye hyungs.
I bid them a bye. I ordered a coffee and left after paying. I drove back to the hospital and noona was still there.
Taehyung: Noona is she awake?
Noona: N-
Doctor: The patient just woke up. You can take her home now. Also I forgot to tell you. She might have some night mares at night so stay close to her so she feels safe. Other than that don't give her stress and no work for at least a week.
Taehyung: OK thank you doctor.
Noona: Tae don't you have a business trip a week later? What about that?
Taehyung: Noona I will cancel it. I don't think I can go alone and also I can't leave her like this. Anyways let's take her home now.
She nodded. I went inside the room and saw Jennie sitting while playing with her fingers. She noticed my presence and looked up.
Jennie: Taehyung? I thought you went to work?
Taehyung: Noona told me you fainted so I came. How are you now?
Jennie: I am OK. I just have a fever.
Taehyung: Alright then. We can go home now so let's go. Also you have a leave for a week.
Jennie: what? No. I need to w-
Taehyung: Jen.. No. Also I canceled the trip to L.A. About me meeting my parents they already are coming back to Korea next week. I received moms call last night.
Jennie: Ah I see. Let's go now I don't like hospital rooms it gives me creepy vibes.
Taehyung: aresseo Kaja. (OK let's go)
She got up from her bed but couldn't stand properly so I held her arm. She looked at me.
Taehyung: It's alright you will fall.
She didn't say anything and wore her slippers. We came to the parking lot after buying the medicine. We both sat in my car and Noona was with my driver. He actually drives part time for me only at night because I don't like to drive at night. I started driving. The ride was pretty silent and I noticed that Jennie fell asleep. I smiled and continued driving.

Heyo another big chapter.. Well I was bored LMAO😩✨❤️. Anyways the story is getting interesting ain't it ;)
Bye <3 Anna
♡ ㅤ ✐ㅤ ⌲
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