21. white lace*

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october 15th, 2020


"I know, baby, but I don't think you wanna know the things I want to do to you," I say, struggling to word my sentence correctly, in a way that won't scare her off or make her feel anything less than comfortable.

Ezra instantaneously blushes, a dark rose hue washing over her plump cheeks. She sips her tea and I place my mug down beside the kettle, behind me. I lean against the fridge, opposite to where she stands beside the small island.

She clears her throat, setting her mug down and looking at it as if it's the most complex thing on Earth. I watch intently as she bites the corner of her lip, her dimple caving as she tries to mask a smile. I internally groan. The things she does to me, and I don't think she even realises.

There's still a nagging thought in the back of my mind, screaming at me that this is so wrong, and I shouldn't be saying anything of this nature to a student. But then, why does it feel so right?

"I liked your outfit tonight," Ezra mumbles shyly, shifting her gaze to me.

I half smile, "You did?"

"Mmhmm," she hums, and I step forward a little.

"What did you like about it?" I ask curiously, wanting to know exactly how she felt when she first looked at me tonight.

Ezra uses her palms to assist her in getting up on the kitchen island to sit there, legs dangling as she thinks. Rather than looking at me, she's looking forward, facing the large windows that adorn the main wall. I can't help but notice the sound of rain hitting the panes of glass.

"Well," she begins quietly, still not looking at me, "I like this jacket. Actually, I love this jacket," she finally looks at me and I take another step in her direction, "And um..." she gulps, eyeing me up and down, "I like your trousers, and the way you can make something so simple look so good. And well, I love when you leave your hair all fluffy and curly instead of gelling or combing it."

I smile, shuffling even closer to her. I lick my lips, glancing down at her bare thighs and sighing at the sheer sight. I meet her gaze again, cautiously moving to stand in front of her legs, which are pressed together as she swings them back and forth.

Suddenly, she freezes. I look at her, she's almost eye level with me now. I use my hands, gently, to grip her knees and spread her legs a little for me. She exhales, head falling to the side just a tad as her dress rises up the tiniest bit. I step between her thighs, dropping my hold on her skin to try and control myself.

She's so soft, so smooth and I fucking cannot breathe.

My palms lay flat against the countertop beside her bum. I make sure to keep a substantial distance from that part of her wonderful little body.

"Ezra," I murmur, grabbing her attention, "I'd really like to kiss you now," I tell her truthfully.

I revel in the way her lips part and her eyebrows rise up. Then, a smile curves on her lips and I don't even think she realises what she's doing when she fumbles with the sides of my tank top to pull me into her.

"Then kiss me," she whispers, so sure of herself.

I chuckle, biting my lip to refrain from saying anything filthy that might be on the tip of my tongue. I lift a hand up from the counter, using my fingertip to trace up the inside of her thigh, being sure to keep my eyes on her face. Her eyes flutter closed and she sighs, frustrated. I look down at where my finger glides along her flesh, moving it north and along the material of her dress. I watch as my finger drags over the satin, up to where it gathers slightly under her breasts.

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