30. swollen and injured

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november 5th, 2020


As Luke and I approach his car, our hands intertwined and giggles falling from my lips, I am elated.

I'm tipsy, after two cocktails, a glass of wine and a pint, whereas Luke is sober after only two drinks all night.

His arm is hung over my shoulders to keep me against his side, where I'm warm and content. My arm is slung around his waist and I can't help but feel like one half of a fucking couple and the thought makes my stomach flip.

"But that's the point!" I giggle, using hand gestures with my free hand to accentuate my debate, "If Jack loved Laurie as much as she loved him, he'd have piped up earlier! Plus, he clearly didn't give a shit about Sarah if he was faking it the whole time."

"He wasn't faking it," Luke points out his argument, "He loved Sarah, but he loved Laurie more."

I roll my eyes with a grin, enjoying how passionate our conversation has become, all over a romance novel.

We finally reach his car and I go to open the passenger side door. Before I can, Luke's hand pushes flat against the window to keep it shut. He spins me around effortlessly with his hand that was draped over my shoulder, pressing me flush against the car door.

I bite my lower lip, looking up at him from where he towers over me and he has the prettiest smirk on his lips. His blue eyes are shining and his hair is basically begging to be touched.

Luke steps closer and there's no space for air between our bodies and I'm completely okay with that. All I can do is smile, widely, as he reaches for my jaw. He cups it in his large hand, stroking my chin with his thumb. His jaw is half slack and he's gazing at me with an emotion I can't quite decipher but I almost faint when he drags my bottom lip from between my teeth with the pad of his thumb.

He breathes out, gently tipping his forehead to lean against my own. He bumps my nose with his and our breath mixes and I'm tingling everywhere because his touch is so powerful. He kisses me, once, soft and quick. I tilt my head upwards, wanting more.

Luke groans quietly, "You're fuckin' lucky I'm a gentleman," he sighs, trailing his hand to the back of my head, entangling his fingers in my hair and manoeuvring my head so that I'm angled for him perfectly, "Because if I wasn't, maybe I'd have my way with you right here, up against my car door."

I gulp, my thighs clenching tightly together and my heart is beating erratically. I finally make use of my hands, gripping his biceps and clutching his sweater, reaching up on my toes.

"Let me kiss you," I whisper against his lips, watching his lidded eyes examine my entire face and I burn up under his stare.

"'M'waiting," Luke mumbles.

Before he can properly get the words out, I'm kissing him with every ounce of passion I have within me. His hand that's been resting on the car door falls to my waist and he wraps his arm around me to curl my body against his. I involuntarily moan against his lips which prompts him to bite down on my bottom one. I gasp, tightening my grip on his arm with one hand, the other instinctively travelling north to his flawless head of curls.

His hand in my hair relaxes and he cradles my head gently as he slips his tongue against mine. I can taste the wine from earlier and under any other circumstance I'd despise the taste but the way it tastes on him makes me weak.

Luke takes me by surprise when both of his hands blindly slip to my thighs, where they grab and hoist me up against the car. My legs tangle around his hips and I smile against his kiss. He suckles my lower lip, licking over it expertly and tilting his head to the side to kiss me deeper. I feel brave when I give the curls at the nape of his neck a sharp tug, and the feeling in my chest blossoms further when he utters a raspy groan which flows past my lips.

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