23. happy halloween, sir

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october 31st, 2021


It's Halloween, and I'm drunk.

Very drunk actually, but it feels good. I feel good, dressed up in an all white outfit with a fluffy halo on my head.

Lola and I decided to go with a cliché; dressing up as devil and angel. Apparently I'm the angel of us two, but I didn't complain when the majority vote between my friends and I revealed that information. Lola argued teasingly that no angel sleeps over at her professor's house, and at that I had to blush.

Lola wanted me to wear a skimpy white dress of hers, but I declined. I want to be comfortable tonight and happy with my outfit choice. Lola wears a sexy red dress, that flows swiftly to her lower thighs with splits up each side. Black heels are laced on her feet and she has devil horns on her head, and iconic red lipstick on her lips.

We're roaming through the streets of central London and I'm mesmerised by the seasonal atmosphere. The stores lining the streets are all decked out with pumpkins or autumn themed wreaths. Arm in arm with Ollie, I bask in the wild feeling of all the drunk people littering the streets. Everyone is singing, I think something by Oasis, and everyone is happy.

I'm exceptionally happy, considering I received an A on my comparative English essay about Ted and Jenny, from the book I wrote about. Luke was very impressed, he even drew a smiley face beside my grade.

Now though, Milo has his arm wrapped around Lola's shoulders in front of us and I beam when she smiles up at him. It's rare to see Lola so soft, but it's obvious that Milo brings that out of her.

Leo is on my other side, using hand gestures to explain how cool this next bar looked online.

We have already been to two pubs, and I've had more than a handful of cocktails. I'm sure our third destination won't be any different.

It's crazy to see how much people use alcohol to celebrate festivities like Halloween. I'm actually really enjoying my night so far, more so than usual. I take an interest in each and every costume I see, and I've already received many compliments on my own outfit tonight. Some from polite girls around my age, some from less polite guys older than me.

"Here it is!" Leo cheers, gesturing to the pub he has spoken so highly of, despite never being here.

Even from the outside it looks busy. There's chill music playing inside and through the glass doors and windows I can see smiles on practically everybody's faces. I smile a little, but I can't put my finger on something that feels familiar. The door, the location... I feel like I've been here before.

Milo leads the way inside, holding the door open for each of us. It's crazy busy, but luckily we find a small table with a few chairs scattered around it. Most people are standing up anyways, mingling with other tables and people they haven't met before tonight.

Lola and Ollie head up to the bar to order all of our drinks and I get comfortable in my seat, which is beside Milo's.

"This place is crazy!" my dark haired buddy calls, over the music.

"Have we been here before?" I stumble over my words a bit, realising how pissed I am. My drunken mind can't seem to put a name to this place.

Leo frowns, "I don't think so, Ez," he replies, before looking at something behind me, "Ah! Our drinks."

Lola's struggling to carry four bottles of beer, and a cider for me. Ollie carries the glasses, which are half full with ice. He sets them down on the table as Lola passes out the alcohol. We all cheer a thanks and I'm quick in pouring my fruity drink into my glass. It spills a little and I giggle mindlessly.

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