45. under the christmas lights

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december 8th, 2020


"Well, how was it?" Luke asks me, a sense of urgency scratching at his tone as he opens his door.

I smile up at the blonde beauty. His eyes are glistening with wonder and his stubble neatly adorns his jaw and chin in a manner that makes me want to touch it.

Today, I am finished with my Christmas exams. English was my final one, psychological sociology was yesterday and digital and graphic design was on December 2nd. This also means that I'm now on Christmas break and that alone fills me to the brim with a sense of relief. Because I'm on break, it means that Luke is too. Lola's exams carry out til the 13th, as well as Ollie's. Leo and Milo are both suffering through up until the 17th, thanks to their business management course. Granted they have a few days worth of breaks in between, it just so happens that they are two of the unlucky ones whose last exam is quite late.

Considering all of us students were stuffed into an exam hall and Luke wasn't allowed to supervise his own class, it's clear how eager he is to know how I found the test.

"It was... good," I reply eventually, stepping inside of his flat and relishing in the warmth that settles over me. He shuts the door and I turn around again, facing him as he chews on his bottom lip. "Really good, actually. Did you put Robert Frost on it because you know I love him?" I joke, setting my handbag on one of the chairs by the kitchen island.

Luke chuckles, "Of course not. You may be my favourite student, but my exams aren't in favour of you."

I just giggle, turning around and watching intently as he takes two steps towards me. He wraps his arms around my waist, grinning contagiously down at me as he pulls me in to his chest. My hands fall to his abdomen like they commonly tend to do and the soft cotton of his black fitted long-sleeve welcomes my palms delightfully.

I haven't seen him in almost a week, simply because I've been studying and lectures have been put on hold during exams obviously. I'm just now realising how accustomed I've grown to his company and his touch and it takes everything in me not to just smash my lips against his right this second.

He sighs, pretty blissfully if you ask me, "I'm proud of you, at least they're over now." Luke kisses me once, way too quickly and I pout my lips in need. He only chuckles, "C'mon, I have to show you something."

Luke dismisses my pouting face, grabbing both of my hands in his own and walking backwards to his living room. I can't stop grinning, an ache beginning to dig at my cheeks but I don't care. He looks so handsome, especially in those loose grey joggers, and I just want to curl up with him and make out with him for as long as he lets me.

Of course, I follow him and I practically feel myself brighten up at the sight of his Christmas tree. Well, it's completely naked, bare of all decorations which I catch sight of strewn about his living room. The full, green tree is nestled into the corner beside his TV, almost begging to be all prettied up. My studio is obviously too small for a real Christmas tree, so I've had to settle for a miniature decoration and a few flimsy fairy lights.

"I want you to decorate the tree with me," Luke whispers from over my shoulder, winding his arms around my waist and stepping up against me so that the broad expanse of his torso meets my back.

If I wasn't already aware of how confident he seems around me, I would say that he sounds nervous.

"Really?" I hum, trying to conceal my excitement and my hands find the back of his which caress my waist. He starts kissing my neck, prompting me to roll my head to the side in pleasure. My eyes flutter shut as I revel in the feel of his pillowy lips on my skin.

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