35. thin white lies

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november 13th, 2020


The ache I feel on the inside of my thighs is the first thing I'm met with when my body gets pulled from my slumber.

I sigh, my eyes fluttering open and there's sunshine streaming in through the singular window in Luke's bedroom. I bite down on my lip, afraid of how big my smile is when I register the feeling of his arms wrapped around me.

Breathy, soft snores tumble from his lips and his face is buried in my neck as he spoons me. His arms are heavy around me, but they keep me warmer than the duvet surrounding us. His bare chest steadily moves against my naked back as he breathes deeply amid his sleep. One of his hands is resting below my breasts, holding me and I feel my heart flutter at our current position.

I giggle to myself, remembering last night and feeling my face burn up completely. I want to stretch my legs but they're tangled with Luke's, so I settle for wiggling my toes. I yawn, squeezing my eyes shut and contentedly settling further into the boy behind me.

He groans and I blush. I can't fucking believe that I'm naked, in my professor's bed, sort of sore from what he did to me last night. I feel slightly embarrassed but it doesn't outweigh the giddiness swarming my stomach.

"You can't move like that," Luke huskily says, not bothering to clear his throat and rid himself of his morning voice. His tone makes me weak and my heart leaps as his arms tighten around me.

"What?" I ask, confused because I barely even shifted in his hold.

He sighs, placing a soft kiss in the crook of my neck, "Your ass is up against me Ezra and I think you're the most attractive woman I've ever met. Put two and two together," he grumbles, settling his chin on the top of my head instead.

I giggle, tauntingly wiggling my hips on purpose this time, "Oops."

"Behave," he growls against the shell of my ear and I involuntarily whimper because Luke Hemmings in the morning is something so foreign to me but I can't deny that I'm absolutely loving it so far.

I timidly turn around in his arms to face him. I'm met with the sight of his broad chest, littered with dark blonde hairs as his chain hangs from his neck. I adjust it so that the pendant is laying properly flat.

It doesn't say much, just a date. June 12th 2016. I frown, wanting so badly to ask what it means but I'm distracted by a kiss on my forehead.

"Are you okay?" he asks me softly, finally opening his wonderful blue eyes to stare down at me. Using one of his hands, he cups the side of my face and caresses the tender skin below my eye.

I grin, "Yes," I whisper, trailing my fingers across his sternum, "'S'cold though."

"Poor you," he teases, entangling his arms around me properly and tugging me into his warm embrace. He adjusts the duvet so that it's wrapped around me and tucked into my side to keep me cosy. I watch as he bites his lip in concentration, even going as far as fluffing the pillow I lay on slightly. "Sorry, I should have given you a shirt. Fuck, we just got distracted and I forgot."

I bite down on my lower lip, recalling how after I pulled him in for a kiss at the end of such a fucking intimate moment, we couldn't seem to stop. We were a complete and utter mess of laughter, giggling whilst kissing between the sheets and he kept whispering sweet nothings and compliments that I didn't even think to get dressed and leave.

I'm glad I didn't.

"It's okay," I whisper, feeling exceptionally close to him after last night.

He smirks as I push his curls out of his eyes, "How do you feel?" he asks me, tracing a finger or two along my thigh.

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